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  • [名言]爱国名言英文版

    爱国名言英文版,英语名言,1、为中华之崛起而读书。Reading for the rise of the Chinese.2、热爱自己的祖国是理所当然的事。His love for his country is a matter of course.3、如果胃囊空空,谁也难以成为爱国志士。If the stomach is

  • [名言]100个短句英语名言

    100个短句英语名言,英语名言,1、成功源于不懈的努力。Success comes from unremitting efforts.2、一天过完,不会再来。One day, has not been able again to come.3、心有多大,舞台就有多大。How much heart, the stage has mu

  • [名言]20句常用的名人名言英语

    20句常用的名人名言英语,英语名言,1、我荒废了时间,时间便把我荒废了。——莎士比亚I wasted time, time will waste me.2、浪费时间叫虚度,剥用时间叫生活。——扬格Waste of time wasted, peel with time is called

  • [格言]有关微笑的英语格言

    有关微笑的英语格言,英语格言,1、笑是人类的特权。Laughter is the privilege of human.2、我用微笑,继续骄傲。I with a smile, continue to pride.3、我的笑容价值百万美金。I smile worth millions of dollars.4、美是力量,微笑是它的

  • [句子]100个英语励志句子

    100个英语励志句子,励志的句子,1、事常与人违,事总在人为。Things often contrary to people, things always in the.2、刑天舞干戚,猛志固常在。Energy-saving, Meng Chi solid in.3、恨别人,痛苦的却是自己。Hate other people, th

  • [句子]100个经典英语句子

    100个经典英语句子,经典句子,1、只要有信心,人永远不会挫败。As long as there is confidence that people will never be defeated.2、学会宽容,要有一颗宽容的爱心!Learn tolerance, should have a tolerance of love!3、

  • [句子]100个经典英文句子

    100个经典英文句子,经典句子,1、不要等待机会,而要创造机会。Don't wait for opportunities, but to create opportunities.2、喜悦出于巧合,眼泪何必固执。Joy out of coincidence, tears why stubborn.3、同是在地狱里,可是层次

  • [格言]英语谚语励志

    英语谚语励志,英语格言,1、人老心不老,身穷志不穷。Old heart not old, poor but proud.2、举手不打无娘子,开口不骂赔礼人。Raised his hand and not dozen no lady, opening not scold a gift.3、三天不念口生,三年不做手生。Don&

  • [格言]英文格言警句大全

    英文格言警句大全,英语格言,1、青春的幻想既狂热又可爱。The illusion of youth craze and lovely.2、把你的脸迎向阳光,那就不会有阴影。Turn your face to the sunshine, that there will be no shadow.3、人一旦失去目标,人生就会失去希

  • [格言]英语格言大全带翻译

    英语格言大全带翻译,英语格言,1、没有所谓失败,除非你不再尝试。There is no failure, unless you stop trying.2、生命是珍贵之物,死是最大的罪恶。Life is a precious thing in the world, death is the greatest sin.3、人生没有

  • [格言]英语格言带翻译

    英语格言带翻译,英语格言,1、爱情曾经也浮现,只是你看不见。Love has also emerged, but you can't see.2、青春是块原料,迟早要制作成形。Youth is a piece of raw materials, production forming sooner or later.3

  • [格言]英语爱情格言警句

    英语爱情格言警句,英语格言,1、爱情,是爱情,推动着世界的发展。Love, is love, promote the development of the world.2、人不能绝灭爱情,亦不可迷恋爱情。People can't extinction love, also not obsessed with love.

  • [格言]英文的爱情格言

    英文的爱情格言,英语格言,1、爱情的野心使人倍受痛苦。Ambition makes people much pain of love.2、既然想爱,就别怕薄,别怕被辜负。Since want to love, don't be afraid of thin, don't be afraid of being

  • [格言]英文爱情格言

    英文爱情格言,英语格言,1、最厉害的病毒,是爱和谎言。The most severe virus is love and lies.2、耳朵塞满孤独,我听不见幸福。Ears stuffed with lonely, I can't hear happiness.3、铅笔画的画再美,也都是灰色的。Pencil dra

  • [格言]英文爱情谚语

    英文爱情谚语,英语格言,1、小别胜新婚。Their hearts grow smaller.2、情人眼里出西施。Beauty lies in lover's eyes.3、有情人终成眷属。Be well, jack shall have Jill.4、英雄才能配美人。None but the brave deser

  • [格言]英文爱情的格言

    英文爱情的格言,英语格言,1、只怕爱的太早,不能和你终老。Is love too early, I can't die with you.2、失去的爱情,总是令人怀念的。Lost love, always nostalgic.3、想回到过去,试着让故事继续。Want to go back to the past, t

  • [格言]英语人生励志格言

    英语人生励志格言,英语格言,1、夫妇一条心,泥土变黄金。Couples are Marshall, earth solid gold.2、赏识导致成功,抱怨导致失败。Recognition result in success, complain that lead to failure.3、实实在在做人,勤勤恳恳做事。Real

  • [格言]英语励志格言名句

    英语励志格言名句,英语格言,1、做事不怕难,自无难人事。Do not afraid of difficult, since there is no difficult personnel.2、成功的奥秘在于目标的坚定。The secret of success is the target firm.3、人的坚强意志是不可战胜的

  • [格言]英语关于励志的格言

    英语关于励志的格言,英语格言,1、艰苦能磨练人的意志。Hard can hone the will of people.2、我要坚持到底,绝不放弃!I want to hold on to the end, never give up!3、一招解决问题,直指要害所在。A recruit to resolve the proble

  • [格言]英文格言励志

    英文格言励志,英语格言,1、没有失败,只有暂时的不成功。There is no failure, only temporarily is not successful.2、喜欢就该珍惜,珍惜就别放弃。Like the treasure, cherish don't give up.3、天才就是无止境刻苦勤奋的能力。
