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  • [句子]经典的英文句子

    经典的英文句子,经典句子,1、生命与希望随行。Life and hope.2、苍天不负有心人。Heaven pays off.3、你比我做得好多了。You did a lot better than me.4、没有必要感到灰心。There is no need to feel discouraged.5、来吧,像个男子汉!C

  • [句子]经典的爱情英文句子

    经典的爱情英文句子,爱情的句子,1、爱情是生活最好的提神剂。Love is the greatest refreshment in life.2、爱并不复杂,复杂的是人。Love is not complex, the complex is a human.3、陷入情网的人是无法理智的。Falling in love is not

  • [句子]关于心情的英文句子

    关于心情的英文句子,经典句子,1、你的别离不停的刺痛自己。Your parting does not stop the pain.2、最好不相爱,便可不相弃。Had better not fall in love, then can not abandon.3、爱我你说,搁在心里多坎坷。Love me you say, put

  • [名言]关于勇气的英语名言

    关于勇气的英语名言,英语名言,1、勇气是在磨炼中生长的。Courage is the growth in the mill.2、勇气是处于逆境时的光芒。Courage is the light in the adversity.3、必须有勇气正视无情的真理。Must have courage to face the cruel

  • [名言]关于微笑的英语名言

    关于微笑的英语名言,英语名言,1、美是力量,微笑是它的剑。Beauty is power, a smile is its sword.2、微笑乃是具有多重意义的语言。Smile is the multiple significance of language.3、真正值钱的是不花一文钱的微笑。Truly valuable is

  • [名言]关于和平的英语名言

    关于和平的英语名言,英语名言,1、用文学促进和平。Using literature to promote peace.2、**是为了和平。War is for the sake of peace.3、有**才能带来和平。A war to bring peace.4、你选择和平,还是**。You choose peace or w

  • [名言]查理卓别林名言英语

    查理卓别林名言英语,英语名言,1、信仰是力量的源泉。Faith is a source of strength.2、有限温存,无限伤感。Limited tenderness, infinite sadness.3、我们要机器,可是我们更要爱。We want the machine, but we should love more

  • [语录]查理卓别林名言英语

    查理卓别林名言英语,英语名言,1、信仰是力量的源泉。Faith is a source of strength.2、有限温存,无限伤感。Limited tenderness, infinite sadness.3、我们要机器,可是我们更要爱。We want the machine, but we should love more

  • [句子]非主流唯美英文句子

    非主流唯美英文句子,唯美的句子,1、假如希望落空,带来的就会是失望。If hopes will bring disappointment.2、当心被侵蚀,当感情腐烂,活着可笑。Beware of being eroded, while feeling rotten, ridiculous alive.3、分开就分开,没有你也许我会

  • [句子]电影中经典英语句子

    电影中经典英语句子,经典句子,1、怯弱的另一个名字叫沉默。Another name for a cowardly silence.2、谁给我糖果吃我就喜欢谁。Who give me candy to eat I like who.3、你今天好吗?愈来愈好了。Are you okay today? Getting better.4

  • [句子]电影中的经典英语句子

    电影中的经典英语句子,经典句子,1、心中有戏,目中无人。Play mind, defiant.2、似醉非关酒,闻香不是花。Not like drunk wine, not a flower.3、人,得自个儿成全自个儿。Man, got to be himself.4、我是假霸王,你是真虞姬。I'm a fake overl

  • [句子]表白的英文句子

    表白的英文句子,表白的句子,1、我的猫很皮,可不可以帮我管它…I am the cat skin, can help me to manage it...2、我爱你的心是直到世界末日也不变。I love your heart is also unchanged until the end of the world

  • [句子]表白的句子给暗恋的人英文

    表白的句子给暗恋的人英文,表白的句子,1、你就是我最困难时的那位永远支持我的人!You are the one who always supported me when I was in trouble!2、不需言语,让我用行动告诉你,什么叫爱。Don't need words, let me tell you with act

  • [句子]表白英文句子

    表白英文句子,表白的句子,1、就把你深深藏在我心中。You hide in my heart deeply.2、幸福!只存在你我相聚时刻…Happiness! There is only you and I together time...3、和你在一起只是我不想给任何人机会。With you just I d

  • [句子]比较伤感的英文句子

    比较伤感的英文句子,伤感的句子,1、短暂的瞬间,漫长的永远。The brief moment, long forever.2、寂寞,是从爱上你之后开始。I began to fall in love with you after.3、悲伤因为你,快乐却不是你。Sad because of you, you are not happ

  • [句子]比较伤感的英文句子

    比较伤感的英文句子,伤感的句子,1、短暂的瞬间,漫长的永远。The brief moment, long forever.2、寂寞,是从爱上你之后开始。I began to fall in love with you after.3、悲伤因为你,快乐却不是你。Sad because of you, you are not happ

  • [句子]爱情唯美句子英文

    爱情唯美句子英文,爱情的句子,1、你是我的梦中情人。You are my dream lover.2、有爱的心的永远年轻。A heart of love is always young.3、爱人,你就会被人爱。Lover, you will be loved.4、爱,意味着永不说后悔。Love means never havin

  • [句子]阿甘正传经典句子

    阿甘正传经典句子,经典句子,1、我想回家。I want to go home。2、求你离开我。Please leave me.3、我和珍妮形影不离。Jeanne and I together.4、我是信守承诺的人。I am a man of my promise.5、这些年我一塌糊涂。These years I in a co

  • [名言]白求恩英语名言

    白求恩英语名言,英语名言,1、一个医生或护士是不应该在伤员面前昂首而过的。A doctor or nurse should not be in front of the wounded and the head.2、我们必须运用技术去增进亿万人的幸福,而不是用技术去增进少数人的财富。We have to use techno

  • [名言]霸气的名言警句英语

    霸气的名言警句英语,英语名言,1、世上无难事,只怕有心人。Nothing in the world is difficult if you put your heart into it.2、真正的勇敢,都包含谦虚。The real brave, contain modest.3、没有土壤,播种也是徒劳。It is lost La
