风景的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、黄山芙蓉峰、秀色最集中。Huangshan Furong Peak, the most concentrated beauty.2、打鱼的不离水边,打柴的不离山边。Fishing does not leave the water, firewood does not leave the moun
英语句子摘抄,经典句子,1、总是在安静的时候想太多,然后莫名奇妙不开心。Always think too much in quiet time, and then inexplicably, wonderfully unhappy.2、用意识来养活伤痛,让漂泊着的灵魂,感到垂死的幸福。Feed the pain with
关于劳动的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、劳动的后面跟着幸福。Happiness follows labour.2、常用的钥匙一定是发亮的。The commonly used keys must be bright.3、有一份耕耘才有一份收获。A harvest comes from a hard work.4、一勤天下无难事,功夫不负
保护地球谚语英文,谚语大全,1、地球是我家,绿化靠大家。The earth is my home, greening depends on everyone.2、快快行动起来,保护自然生态!Quick action to protect the natural ecology!3、善待地球就是善待自己。To be kind t
保护环境谚语英语,谚语大全,1、保护生态环境,就是爱护自已。Protecting the ecological environment means protecting oneself.2、大路随你走,别踩在我头。Follow you down the road. Don't step on my head.3、绿色消
保护环境的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、绿色消费,消费绿色。Green consumption, green consumption.2、天空是小鸟家,河流是鱼儿的家,地球是我们的家。The sky is the home of birds, the river is the home of fish, and the earth i
保护环境谚语大全英语,谚语大全,1、地球是我们,从后代手中借来的。The earth is ours, borrowed from future generations.2、用我们的爱心,迎来校园的一片绿。With our love, usher in a green campus.3、习惯决定成绩,细节决定命运。Habit de
保护环境英语谚语,谚语大全,1、小草青青,脚步轻轻。The grass is green and the steps are gentle.2、环保,还宝,让我们的世界更好!Environmental protection, Huanbao, make our world better!3、学校是我家,美化靠大家。School
爱家乡的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、家乡虽有百匹马,却徒步赶路。Although there are hundreds of horses in my hometown, I am on foot.2、听口音便知何地人,看服装便知何乡人。Listen to the accent, you will know who is from
关于爱情的英文谚语大全,谚语大全,1、爱情不是索取,而是给予。Love is not taking, but giving.2、爱情是无邪的,神圣的。Love is innocent and sacred.3、人并不是因为美丽而可爱,而是因为可爱才美丽。People are beautiful not because they ar
英文爱情谚语精选,谚语大全,1、爱情是美德的试金石。Love is the touchstone of virtue.2、情绵绵,爱无边。Love is endless.3、风吹起如花的流年,而你成为最美的点缀。The wind blows like flowering years, and you become the mo
爱情英文谚语大全,谚语大全,1、爱情中的欢乐和痛苦是交替出现的。Joy and pain in love alternate.2、爱是自然界的第二个太阳。Love is the second sun in nature.3、勇气如爱情,需要希望来滋养。Courage, like love, needs hope to nour
英文爱情谚语大全,谚语大全,1、爱情无需言作媒,全在心领神会。Love need not be matched by words, but by heart.2、一只鸡蛋可以画无数次,一场爱情能吗。An egg can be painted countless times, can a love be?3、恋爱是结婚的过程;结
英语情侣爱情谚语大全,谚语大全,1、没有阳光花儿不香,没有爱情生活不甜。No sunshine, no flowers, no love, no sweet life.2、聪明的爱人珍惜的是爱人的爱,而不是爱人的礼物。A wise lover cherishes the love of his lover, not the gif
经典英文爱情谚语,谚语大全,1、爱情要求信任,信任要求坚定。Love requires trust, and trust requires firmness.2、人并不是美丽才可爱,而是因为可爱才美丽。People are not beautiful but beautiful because they are lovely.
英文谚语大全爱情,谚语大全,1、爱情的萌芽是智慧的结束。The germination of love is the end of wisdom.2、一旦爱情得到了满足,他人魅力也就荡然无存了。Once love is satisfied, other people's charm will disappear.3、爱
英文谚语大全爱情,谚语大全,1、爱情的萌芽是智慧的结束。The germination of love is the end of wisdom.2、一旦爱情得到了满足,他人魅力也就荡然无存了。Once love is satisfied, other people's charm will disappear.3、爱
关于爱的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、曾经相遇,总胜过从未碰头。It's better to meet once than never.2、会选的选儿郎,不会选的选家当。The chooser who will choose, the chooser who will not choose.3、我是幸福的,因为我爱,因为我有
爱情英语谚语,谚语大全,1、情绵绵,爱无边。Love is endless.2、标了价的爱情是虚假的。Priced love is false.3、道德中最大的秘密是爱。The greatest secret of morality is love.4、恶人因为怕而顺从,善人因为爱而服从。The wicked obey f
爱情的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、爱上的猴子也觉标致,看中的狗熊也漂亮。The monkeys in love are also beautiful, and the bears in sight are beautiful.2、一旦爱情得到了满足,他人魅力也就荡然无存了。Once love is satisfied, othe