学校宣传标语英语翻译,学校标语,1、欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。You can enjoy a grander sight by climbing to a greater height。2、明天的幸福靠今天,今天的平安靠安全。Tomorrow's happiness depends on today, and today
学校宣传标语英汉通用的英语句子,学校标语,1、读书志在成材,为学心存家国。Reading is good, learning is home.2、安全警句千条万条,安全注意第一条。Safety aphorism thousands of bars, safety first note.3、书卷之香飘校园,文明之魂留心中。The book X
学校宣传标语英汉通用,学校标语,1、多一份绿色,少一份遗憾。More green, less regret.2、志强智达,言行行果。It's for fruit Zhiqiang, words and deeds.3、不积小流无以成江海,不积跬步无以至千里。A small stream to into a river, a
英语环保标语句子,环保标语,1、请脚下留情,别伤害一棵小草。Please hold feet, don't hurt a grass.2、喝洁净的水,呼吸新鲜的空气,这需要您每时每刻爱护环境。Drink clean water and breathe fresh air, which requires you to t
英语环保标语大全,环保标语,1、参与绿色行动,保护美丽家园。Take part in green action to protect beautiful home.2、绿化环境,净化心灵。Greening the environment and purifying the mind.3、编织爱心,保护环境。Weaving lo
英文环保标语,环保标语,1、追求绿色时尚,拥抱绿色生活。The pursuit of green fashion, embrace green life.2、风清水绿天蓝,我们美丽的家。The wind, the water, the green, the sky, our beautiful home.3、保护环境山河美
英语环保标语,环保标语,1、留住草的美,体现你的美。Keep the grass beautiful, reflect your beauty.2、提高环保水平,就是提高生活质量。Improving environmental protection is to improve the quality of life.3、保
英文环保宣传标语,环保标语,1、地球清洁一点,我们生活舒适一点。The earth is cleaner, we live a little more comfortable.2、迎绿色资源,送废气污染。Welcome green resources and send out waste gas pollution.3、保护环
校园环保英语标语,环保标语,1、学校是我家,环保靠大家。School is my home, environmental protection depends on everyone.2、同在蓝天下,齐做补天人。Under the blue sky, the sky people do together.3、爱护环境,造福人类
校园安全标语中英文,安全标语,1、校园安全,人人有责。Campus security responsibility.2、安全关系你我他,校园安全靠大家。Security concerns you, me, him, campus security depends on everyone.3、与平安作伴,与幸福共存。Company
校园安全标语英文版,安全标语,1、校园是我家,平安靠大家。Campus is my home, peace depends on everyone.2、安全伴我行,生活甜如蜜。Safety accompany me, life is sweet as honey.3、玩转要以安全为题,追速要以生命为价。Play with the
有关环保的英语标语,环保标语,1、多种一棵树,世界上就多一片绿色。A variety of a tree, the world will be more green.2、垃圾箱:请你近距离投篮。Rubbish bin: please shoot at close range.3、心动不如行动,去怨不如去干。The heart i
有关环保的英文标语,环保标语,1、用爱心呵护每一片绿色。Take care of every green with love.2、依靠科技进步促进环境保护。Relying on scientific and technological progress to promote environmental protection.3、
有关环保的宣传标语英文,环保标语,1、保护生态环境,就是爱护自已。To protect the ecological environment is to take care of ourselves.2、地球妈妈需要你我的细心呵护。Mother earth needs you, my care.3、同建绿色校园,共享鸟语花香。Wit
绿色环保英文标语,环保标语,1、绿草荫荫,润了我心。The shadow of the grass has moistening my heart.2、生产绿色产品,节约地球资源。Production of green products, saving the earth's resources.3、保护生态环境,就是
关于环保的英文标语,环保标语,1、让地球远离污染,让绿色走进家园。Keep the earth away from pollution and let green come into our homes.2、塑料包装用一天,白色污染害几世。Plastic packaging for one day, white pollutio
关于环保的英语标语,环保标语,1、请别乱坎树林,让空气更加清新。Please don't mess in the woods to make the air fresher.2、水资源是有限的,生命之河是无限的。Water resources are limited, and the river of life is i
环保标语英文翻译,环保标语,1、伸出你的双手,呵护美好校园。Stretch out your hands, take care of the beautiful campus.2、踏破青毡可惜,多行数步何妨。Over the green felt pity, many lines why not step.3、破坏了环境,人类
环保英文标语,环保标语,1、环境好,生活就好。A good environment makes a good life.2、绿色校园,绿色生活。Green campus, green life.3、保护环境,从你我开始。Protect the environment, start with you and me.4、绿色消
保护地球的宣传语英语,经典语录,1、保护环境光荣,污染环境可耻。The protection of the environment, pollution of the environment shameful.2、万人齐参与,共建绿色生命树。Million people to participate in the construc