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  • [句子]英语拟人句

    英语拟人句,拟人句,1、飞来飞去的蝴蝶就像仙女跳舞那样迷人。Flying butterflies are as charming as fairies dancing.2、小虫子急忙地往前爬到树荫下乘凉。The insect rushed forward into the shade of the tree to en

  • [句子]感恩的英语谚语

    感恩的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、千万经典,孝义为先。Tens of millions of classics, filial piety first.2、养儿防老,积谷防饥。Raise children to provide against old age.3、一父养十子,十子养一父。One father has ten so

  • [句子]讲父母的爱的英语谚语

    讲父母的爱的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、要知父母恩,怀里抱儿孙。We should know the kindness of our parents and hold our children and grandchildren in our arms.2、父母德高;子女良教。Parents are virtuous; childre

  • [短信]六年级毕业祝福语英语

    六年级毕业祝福语英语,经典短信,1、孩子,可要记住,哭泣的时候,妈妈就在那里等着你。Child, remember that when you cry, your mother is there waiting for you.2、我们的目光会永远伴着你成长,伴着你收获人生的幸福!Our eyes will always grow

  • [短信]宝宝生日英文祝福语

    宝宝生日英文祝福语,生日短信,1、你们是花蕾,你们是雄鹰,明天的世界,一定因你们更灿烂。You are the buds, you are the eagles, tomorrow's world must be more brilliant because of you.2、希望你做爸妈喜欢的孩子,做老师喜欢的孩子,做

  • [名言]狄更斯的名言英文

    狄更斯的名言英文,英语名言,1、一只眼睛里闪烁着爱的光芒,而另一只眼睛却燃烧着自私的慾火。One eye twinkled with love, while the other was burning selfish desire.2、说实话是我恪守的金科玉律,不管便宜还是吃亏,我都要这样做,可惜的是我常常吃了亏。To tel

  • [短信]六一的英文祝福语

    六一的英文祝福语,儿童节短信,1、祝愿朋友都向孩子一样,无忧无虑,快乐无忧!I wish my friends will be as carefree and happy as their children.2、愿你像孩童般开心,像孩童般幸福!May you be as happy as a child and as happy

  • [短信]英文祝福语孩子

    英文祝福语孩子,经典短信,1、机会只对进取有为的人开放,庸人永远无法光顾。Opportunities can only be open to enterprising and promising people, and mediocre people will never be able to patronize them.

  • [名言]关于母爱的名言英语

    关于母爱的名言英语,英语名言,1、母爱不仅仅是指母亲对孩子的爱,也包含孩子对母亲的爱。Maternal love is not only the mother's love for the child, but also the child's love for the mother.2、军人的妻子,是孩子的妈妈

  • [句子]英语培训学校英文标语

    英语培训学校英文标语,学校标语,1、学好英语,走遍世界!Learn English well, travel around the world!2、学英语,去留洋。要学好,我帮忙。To learn English, to study abroad. To learn, I help.3、与英语同在,与梦想同飞。Be with En

  • [名言]英语教学名言

    英语教学名言,英语名言,1、教书育人,功德无量。Teaching, major.2、教学相长,成功快乐。So, success and happiness.3、每一个学生都是好学生。Every student is a good student.4、教师的人格是教育的基石。The teacher's persona

  • [格言]教师格言英文

    教师格言英文,英语格言,1、教书育人,功德无量。Teaching, major.2、身为世范,为人师表。As a world fan, a teacher by worthy example.3、教学相长,成功快乐。So, success and happiness.4、事在人为,境由心造。Period, made by

  • [名言]关于教育的名言英语

    关于教育的名言英语,英语名言,1、不用辱骂来惩治孩子。Don't insult to punish children.2、帮助孩子修改他的作业。Help modify his homework.3、宽容别人等于祝福自己。Forgiving others is equal to bless themselves.4、鼓励孩

  • [名言]关于家庭的名言英语

    关于家庭的名言英语,英语名言,1、家庭是社会的细胞。Family is the cell of the society.2、静以养身,俭以养性。Quiet to raise, waste to raises a gender.3、家有不义之财,则伤本。Home has wealth, the injury.4、欢乐的笑声是家中的

  • [名言]关于家庭的名言英语

    关于家庭的名言英语,英语名言,1、家庭是社会的细胞。Family is the cell of the society.2、静以养身,俭以养性。Quiet to raise, waste to raises a gender.3、家有不义之财,则伤本。Home has wealth, the injury.4、欢乐的笑声是家中的

  • [名言]关于家庭的名人名言英语

    关于家庭的名人名言英语,英语名言,1、亲人不睦家必败。Another home losing relatives.2、清官难断家务事。Official to break housework.3、家庭是文明的核心。Family is the core of civilization.4、没有母亲,何谓家庭?No mother, wha

  • [名言]关于家的英语名言

    关于家的英语名言,英语名言,1、兄爱而友,弟敬而顺。Brother love, friends, brother respect and agreeable.2、成家之道,日俭与勤。Way to start a family, waste and often.3、感恩他人,就是善待自己。Gratitude to others,

  • [名言]关于孩子的英文名言

    关于孩子的英文名言,英语名言,1、没有伞的孩子必须努力奔跑。No umbrella children must try to run.2、没有人,可以一辈子做个孩子。No one, can make a child for a lifetime.3、好家庭的孩子多数天真得离谱的。Good family children most

  • [名言]关于父母的英语名言

    关于父母的英语名言,英语名言,1、凡为父母的,莫不爱其子。For parents, love his son.2、慢人亲者,不敬其亲者也。Slow people QinZhe, disrespect its QinZhe also.3、母亲的爱是永远不会枯竭的。A mother's love is never dried

  • [句子]电影中经典英语句子

    电影中经典英语句子,经典句子,1、怯弱的另一个名字叫沉默。Another name for a cowardly silence.2、谁给我糖果吃我就喜欢谁。Who give me candy to eat I like who.3、你今天好吗?愈来愈好了。Are you okay today? Getting better.4
