保护环境的名言英文,英语名言,1、人类只有一个地球,我们要保护环境。There is only one earth, we should protect the environment.2、地球是我们的母亲,保护地球就是保护母亲。The earth is our mother, protect the earth is to p
保护环境的英文名言,英语名言,1、爱护、绿化环境是我们共同的目标!Love, green environment is our common goal!2、让我们的身边充满绿色,让我们的心情飞扬!Let our side full of green, let our mood!3、百年校园,静净尽显。Centennial Cam
保护环境英语短语,经典语录,1、保护环境,就是爱惜生命。To protect the environment is to cherish life.2、环境保护是一项基本国策。Environmental protection is a basic national policy.3、地球妈妈需要你我的细心呵护。Mother e
保护环境的英文句子,经典句子,1、编织爱心,保护环境。Love, protect the environment.2、茵茵绿草地,脚下请留情。Lush green grass, please watch your step.3、青山清我目、流水静我耳。The green hills clear my eyes, and the
保护环境的宣传语英文,经典语录,1、爱无限,绿无边。Love is boundless, green is boundless.2、请保护一草一木。Please protect every tree and bush.3、爱护花草人人有则。Take care of flowers.4、莫踏青草,勿采红花。Don't tre
保护环境的英文标语,经典语录,1、不要践踏草坪。Don't trample on the lawn.2、不随地乱扔垃圾。No littering.3、就爱护花草树木吧!Take care of flowers and trees!4、环境好,生活就好。The environment is good, life is go
保护环境英文宣传语,经典语录,1、请勿摘花。Do not pick flowers.2、把绿色带进世纪。Bring the green into the century.3、环保从点滴做起!Environmental protection from the start bit by bit!4、家园由我来保护。Home to p
保护环境的英语标语,经典语录,1、保护蓝天碧水。Protect the blue sky.2、重归香格里拉。Return to Shangri-La.3、我是环保一员。I am a member of environmental protection.4、把绿色还给地球。Give the green back to earth.
爱护环境的英语名言,英语名言,1、碧水蓝天,笑容自然!Blue sky, natural smile!2、心中有情,脚下留情。The hearts of love, at the foot of mercy.3、保护树木是第一。Protection of trees is the first.4、家园由我来保护。Home by
英文的好词好句,好词好句,1、勇敢和必胜的信念常使战斗得以胜利结束。Courage and faith often makes the end of victory in battle.2、真正的快乐是内在的,它只有在人类的心灵里才能发现。True happiness is within, it can only be fo
正能量英文句子,正能量的句子,1、别小看任何人,越不起眼的人。往往会做些让人想不到的事。Do not look down on anyone, the more humble people. Often do things that people can not think of.2、乌云后面依然是灿烂的晴天。Behind th
英语格言励志长句,英语格言,1、在以后的学习中,刻苦学习,拼搏进取。In the later study, study hard, enterprising.2、人的价值蕴藏在人的才能之中。The value of a man is in the person's ability.3、环境永远不会十全十美,消极的人受环
英语保护环境的名言,英语名言,1、地球的梦想,给自己穿上一件漂亮的“绿衫”。Earth's dream, get yourself a beautiful "green unlined upper garment".2、动物是我们朋友,保护动物就是保护我们自己。Animals
英语环保格言,英语格言,1、植树造林,功在千秋。Afforestation and centuries.2、留住草的美,体现你的美。Keep the beauty of the grass, embodies the beauty of you.3、用好你的手,垃圾无处溜。Use your hands well, garb
关于环境的英语名言,英语名言,1、同一措施不能适合所有的环境。The same measures cannot be suitable for all environments.2、想要改变环境,先得适应环境。Want to change the environment, to adapt to the environment.
关于环境的英语名言,英语名言,1、同一措施不能适合所有的环境。The same measures cannot be suitable for all environments.2、想要改变环境,先得适应环境。Want to change the environment, to adapt to the environment.
关于保护大自然的英语名言,英语名言,1、保护环境,就是爱惜生命。Protect the environment, is to cherish life.2、那里有绿色,哪里就有生命。There are green, where there is life.3、提高环境意识,保护美好家园。Raise the environmental
保护环境英语名言,英语名言,1、环境保护从我身边做起。Environmental protection starts from me.2、静以修身,俭以养德。Static with cultivate one's morality, waste to virtue.3、保护环境就是保护我们自己。Protecting t
保护环境的英语名言名句,英语名言,1、地球是我家,共同保护她。The earth is my home, together to protect her.2、节约用水,请从身边做起。Save water, please start from the side.3、参与绿色行动,保护美丽家园。Participate in the gr
保护地球的名言英语,英语名言,1、拯救地球,一起动手。Save the earth together.2、少抽一支烟,多栽一棵树。To have a smoke less and planted a tree.3、人人为环保,环保为人人。Every man for environmental protection, enviro