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  • [句子]做事先做人的英文谚语

    做事先做人的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、言者无罪,闻者足戒。The speaker is innocent, the hearer is admonished.2、穷则独善其身,达则兼善天下。Poverty is good for itself, while attainment is good for the world.3、批评别

  • [句子]人际关系英语谚语

    人际关系英语谚语,谚语大全,1、与朋友交,言而有信。Make friends and be trustworthy.2、广交不如择友,投师不如访友。It's better to choose friends than to make friends.3、称能称轻重,话能量人心。Weighing can weigh li

  • [句子]英语的谚语鼓励

    英语的谚语鼓励,谚语大全,1、天下无难事,惟坚忍二字,为成功之要诀。Nothing is difficult in the world, but perseverance is the key to success.2、生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。Anger is punishing oneself for what o

  • [句子]英语鼓励谚语

    英语鼓励谚语,谚语大全,1、比别人多一点志气,你就会多一份出息。If you have a little more ambition than others, you will have a better future.2、成功并非重要的事,重要的是努力。Success is not a matter of importa

  • [句子]鼓励别人的谚语英语

    鼓励别人的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、生命不是要超越别人,而是要超越自己。Life is not to surpass others, but to surpass ourselves.2、人生就像骑单车,想保持平衡就得往前走。Life is like riding a bicycle. If you want to keep ba

  • [句子]英文鼓励谚语

    英文鼓励谚语,谚语大全,1、没有口水与汗水,就没有成功的泪水。Without saliva and sweat, there would be no tears of success.2、聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。Intelligence comes from diligence, and genius comes fr

  • [句子]鼓励的英语谚语

    鼓励的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、成功并非重要的事,重要的是努力。Success is not a matter of importance, but of effort.2、在获得成功之前,每个人都有自负的权利。Everyone has the right to conceit before he succeeds.3、本来无

  • [句子]鼓励孩子的英语谚语

    鼓励孩子的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、人非圣贤,孰能无过。A man is not a sage, but he can do nothing wrong.2、谨慎和勤奋带来好运。Care and diligence bring good luck.3、竖起脊梁作事,放开眼光读书。Stand up your backbone and

  • [句子]孝的英文谚语

    孝的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、劳苦莫教爹娘受,忧愁莫教爹娘耽。Don't teach your parents to suffer from hard work, and don't teach them to delay when you are sad.2、好饭先尽爹娘用,好衣先尽爹娘穿。A good m

  • [句子]孝道的英语谚语

    孝道的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、孝子之至,莫大乎尊亲。Filial piety is more important than respect for one's relatives.2、父母之所爱亦爱之,父母之所敬亦敬之。Parents love and respect what they love.3、谁言寸草心,报

  • [句子]孝顺的英语谚语

    孝顺的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、父母之恩,水不能溺,火不能灭。The grace of parents, water can not drown, fire can not extinguish.2、父母在,不远游,游必有方。Parents in, not far away, you must have a good way

  • [句子]小孩英文谚语

    小孩英文谚语,谚语大全,1、身不怕动,脑不怕用。The body is not afraid to move, the brain is not afraid to use.2、顺着鸡毛找鸡,顺着蒜皮找蒜。Look for chicken along feathers, garlic along skins.3、有一兴必有

  • [句子]洗澡英文谚语

    洗澡英文谚语,谚语大全,1、剃头常洗澡,身体自然好。Shaving often takes a bath and is naturally in good health.2、常洗澡,身体好;常运动,骨头硬。Often bathe, good health; often exercise, hard bones.3、饱不洗澡

  • [句子]万能的英文谚语

    万能的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、知识就是力量。Knowledge is power.2、贪小便宜吃大亏。Greed for small gains and take big losses.3、没有不带刺的玫瑰。There are no roses without thorns.4、三个和尚没水喝。Three monks had

  • [句子]英语谚语托福

    英语谚语托福,谚语大全,1、活到老,学到老。It is never too late to learn.2、习惯成自然。Habits become natural.3、一回生,二回熟。Once born, twice cooked.4、酒后吐真言。Speak the truth after drinking.5、人心各不同

  • [句子]关于兔子谚语英语

    关于兔子谚语英语,谚语大全,1、兔子满山跑,仍旧归老巢。Rabbits run all over the mountains, still returning to their old nests.2、兔子跳起来好打,山鹰飞起来好打。Rabbits jump to fight, eagles fly to fight.3、兔子

  • [句子]英语体育运动谚语

    英语体育运动谚语,谚语大全,1、懒散易生病,勤劳可健身。Slow is easy to get sick, hard work can keep fit.2、练练力出,缩缩病出。早起做早操,一天精神好。Exercise strength, shrink sickness. Get up early and do morning

  • [句子]关于暑假英语谚语

    关于暑假英语谚语,谚语大全,1、眼不见,心不烦。Out of sight, out of mind.2、远水救不了近火。Far water cannot save near fire.3、要想活得痛快,身上不能背债。If you want to live happily, you can't get into debt

  • [句子]暑假谚语英语

    暑假谚语英语,谚语大全,1、孩子是自己的好。Children are good for themselves.2、博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲。Knowledge makes one humble, ignorance makes one proud.3、健康胜过财富。Health is better than wealth

  • [句子]英语谚语熟能生巧

    英语谚语熟能生巧,谚语大全,1、好舵手能使八面风。A good helmsman can make a difference.2、牛大自有破牛法。Cattle have their own way of breaking cattle.3、一样事儿百样做。Do everything in one way.4、大力士不一定是摔跤
