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  3. grass专题
  • [句子]宣传标语英语

    宣传标语英语,环保标语,1、请您爱护绿色,绿是生命之源。Please protect the green, green is the source of life.2、地球清洁一点,我们生活舒适一点。The earth is cleaner, we live a little more comfortable.3、芳草依依

  • [句子]宣传标语英文

    宣传标语英文,环保标语,1、爱护绿化,就是保护自己。To protect the green is to protect ourselves.2、累积点滴改进,迈向完美品质。Accumulate bit by bit improvement, toward perfect quality.3、娇娇小草,请足下留情。Jiao

  • [句子]有关环保的英文标语

    有关环保的英文标语,环保标语,1、用爱心呵护每一片绿色。Take care of every green with love.2、依靠科技进步促进环境保护。Relying on scientific and technological progress to promote environmental protection.3、

  • [句子]有关环保的宣传标语英文

    有关环保的宣传标语英文,环保标语,1、保护生态环境,就是爱护自已。To protect the ecological environment is to take care of ourselves.2、地球妈妈需要你我的细心呵护。Mother earth needs you, my care.3、同建绿色校园,共享鸟语花香。Wit

  • [句子]绿色环保英文标语

    绿色环保英文标语,环保标语,1、绿草荫荫,润了我心。The shadow of the grass has moistening my heart.2、生产绿色产品,节约地球资源。Production of green products, saving the earth's resources.3、保护生态环境,就是

  • [句子]绿色环保英语标语

    绿色环保英语标语,环保标语,1、青青绿草地,悠悠关我心。My heart long green grass.2、绿化环境,净化心灵。Greening the environment and purifying the mind.3、郁郁葱葱,创新州。Lush and innovative states.4、尊天重地、敬天爱人。

  • [句子]环保标语英语

    环保标语英语,环保标语,1、快快行动起来,保护自然生态!Act quickly and protect the natural ecology!2、垃圾箱:请你近距离投篮。Rubbish bin: please shoot at close range.3、绿色社会,动手筑造。To build green society.

  • [句子]关于环保的标语英文

    关于环保的标语英文,环保标语,1、草木绿,花儿笑,空气清新环境好。Grass green, flowers laugh, fresh air, good environment.2、我们是幼苗,我们都需要呵护。We are seedlings, we all need to take care of.3、节约能源,人人有责!Sa

  • [句子]环保标语英语版

    环保标语英语版,环保标语,1、污染环境千夫指,保护环境万人颂。"Pollution environment", "thousands of people to protect the environment" song.2、用好你的手,垃圾无处溜。Use your hands, gar

  • [句子]环保的标语用英文说六年级

    环保的标语用英文说六年级,环保标语,1、请您爱护绿色,绿是生命之源。Please protect the green, green is the source of life.2、保护环境人人有责。Protect the environment.3、花草是我的朋友,请多一份爱护!Flowers and plants are my fr

  • [句子]环保绿色标语英文

    环保绿色标语英文,环保标语,1、青青绿草地,悠悠关我心。My heart long green grass.2、小草微微笑,请你绕一绕。The grass smiles slightly. Please round it.3、绿化环境,净化心灵。Greening the environment and purifying th

  • [句子]环保英文标语

    环保英文标语,环保标语,1、环境好,生活就好。A good environment makes a good life.2、绿色校园,绿色生活。Green campus, green life.3、保护环境,从你我开始。Protect the environment, start with you and me.4、绿色消

  • [句子]环保英语标语

    环保英语标语,环保标语,1、芳草依依,大家怜惜。The grass is clinging, and everyone feels pity for it.2、校园是我家,美丽靠大家。The campus is my house, and the beauty depends on everyone.3、保护环境就是保护生

  • [句子]环保类英文标语

    环保类英文标语,环保标语,1、把绿色还给地球。Return the green to the earth.2、环抱中华情,绿色神州行。Surrounded by Chinese love, green shenzhou.3、让我们和小树共同成长。Let's grow up with the little trees.

  • [句子]公共标语广告语英文

    公共标语广告语英文,广告标语,1、请讲礼貌用语。Please use polite language.2、好好学习,天天向上。Study hard and make progress every day。3、不在走廊乱跑乱跳。Don't run in the hallway about.4、慎独。明理。谦逊。Shendu

  • [句子]标语的英语

    标语的英语,综合标语,1、滴水如油,贵在节约。Water is like oil.2、地球是我家,绿化靠大家。The earth is my home.3、自强不息,厚德载物。Unremitting self-improvement, social commitment.4、结果不好,就是不好。The result is

  • [名言]比尔盖茨名言中英文

    比尔盖茨名言中英文,英语名言,1、最有希望的成功者,并不是才华最出众的人,而是那些最善于利用每一时机发掘开拓的人。The most promising winners are not the most talented people, but those who are most adept at using every opp

  • [句子]保护树木的英语句子

    保护树木的英语句子,经典句子,1、请保护一草一木。Please protect every tree and bush.2、请让我们的腰杆永远挺直!Please let us rise up forever!3、冬春草木干,防止火烧山。Winter grass dry, prevent fire.4、小草多可爱,请你别伤害。Th

  • [名言]保护环境英语名言警句

    保护环境英语名言警句,英语名言,1、我们的地球,需要每个人的保护。Our earth needs everyone's protection.2、弯下腰,捡一捡,举手之劳,做个有心人。Stooped to pick up a pick, Jushouzhilao, do people.3、森林是氧气的制造工厂。The fo

  • [句子]保护环境的英语名句

    保护环境的英语名句,经典句子,1、小花小草传芳香,请你把路绕一绕。The fragrance of small grass fragrance, please turn around the road around.2、环境保护是我国一项基本国策。Environmental protection is a basic natio
