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  • [短信]英语常用祝福语

    英语常用祝福语,经典短信,1、秋天到了,一切都变的好有人情味,带着了炎炎的夏日,留下了清凉的秋季。Autumn has arrived, everything has become good human flavor, with a hot summer, leaving a cool autumn.2、春天来了,又一个美好

  • [句子]超短英语句子

    超短英语句子,经典句子,1、也许今天的平淡无奇,是明天最美好的回忆。Perhaps today's bland is the best memory of tomorrow.2、懂你的人,放心你,放心你的人,一定懂你。Understand you, rest assured that you, rest assur

  • [短信]英语升学祝福语

    英语升学祝福语,经典短信,1、知识好比摇钱树,人才犹如聚宝盆。Knowledge is like shaking Qian Shu. Talent is like a treasure bowl.2、**尚为成功,同志仍需努力。The revolution is still successful, and comrades

  • [短信]升学祝福语英文

    升学祝福语英文,经典短信,1、苦经学海不知苦,勤上书山自恪勤。美,是智慧,是静谧。祝你聪明!愿你上进!Bitter learning sea does not know hardships, diligently Shang Shan diligently diligently. Beauty is wisdom and t

  • [句子]环保企业口号英文

    环保企业口号英文,口号大全,1、省一下能源,造福千万年。Save energy and benefit for millions of years.2、拯救环境,从细节做起。Save the environment and start from the details.3、人人为环保、环保为人人。Everyone is env

  • [句子]创意英文口号大全

    创意英文口号大全,口号大全,1、严实活新,勤奋进取。It is hard to live new, diligent and enterprising.2、追根究底,消除不良因素。Get to the bottom and eliminate the bad factors.3、不求破记录,只要肯拼搏。Do not seek

  • [句子]世界地球日宣传口号英语

    世界地球日宣传口号英语,口号大全,1、地球我的家,环保靠大家。The earth my home, the environmental protection depends on everyone.2、树立节水意识,反对浪费水源。We should set up a sense of water saving and oppose

  • [句子]关于环保的英语口号大全

    关于环保的英语口号大全,口号大全,1、环保利民,节约先行。Environmental protection benefits the people and saves the first.2、欣赏荒野、回归自然。Enjoy the wilderness and return to nature.3、保护自然界,关爱家园。Protec

  • [句子]描写四季的英语句子

    描写四季的英语句子,好词好句,1、天空象是一只大鸟的丰满的翅膀,全是白色羽毛般的浮云。The sky is like the plump wings of a big bird, full of floating clouds like white feathers.2、满月像个黄黄的灯笼,从东方天边挑起在天空。The full

  • [句子]关于环境的英语句子

    关于环境的英语句子,经典句子,1、小草儿也傲立起头,冒出针尖似的小脑袋,在春雨的润泽下,透着心爱的绿,重生的绿。The grass is only beginning, out of the needle like a small head, in the rain moist, a lovely green, green.2、

  • [句子]关于环境的句子英语

    关于环境的句子英语,经典句子,1、秋末的黄昏来得总是很快,还没等山野上被日光蒸发起的水气消散。太阳就落进了西山。At dusk is always very quickly, before the hills by solar evaporation of moisture dissipation. The sun fell i

  • [名言]英文名人名言带翻译

    英文名人名言带翻译,英语名言,1、曲径通幽处,禅房花木深。——常建The winding path leads to the secluded place, and the Zen house is full of flowers and trees.2、理想,能给天下不幸者以欢乐。—&mda

  • [名言]有关环境的英语名言

    有关环境的英语名言,英语名言,1、垃圾入河随水流,漂浮水面会很久。Garbage will float for a long time as it flows into the river.2、从我做起,保护环境,建设美好家园。Start from me, protect the environment and build a

  • [句子]中英文标语

    中英文标语,环保标语,1、环境好,生活就好。The environment is good, life is good.2、绿色校园,绿色生活。Green campus, green life.3、当你不要我时,请把我送回家。Please send me home when you don't want me.4

  • [句子]中英文环保标语

    中英文环保标语,环保标语,1、树木拥有绿色,地球才有脉搏。Trees have green, and the earth has pulse.2、保护水环境,节约水资源。Protect water environment and save water resources.3、环境保护是一项基本国策。Environmental

  • [句子]英语绿色环保标语

    英语绿色环保标语,环保标语,1、小草青青,脚下留情。The grass is green, the foot.2、别在绿色消失时,我们才去后悔。Don't disappear in green, we have to regret.3、问坛哪得绿如许,为有大家来爱护!Asked which was the altar

  • [句子]英语标语

    英语标语,环保标语,1、保护环境系各人,美化校园靠大家。Protect the environment, everyone, to beautify the campus by everyone.2、快快行动起来,保护自然生态。Act quickly and protect the natural ecology.3、

  • [句子]英语学校标语

    英语学校标语,学校标语,1、不要推,不要挤,关心别人爱自己。Don't push, do not squeeze, care for others love yourself.2、克服不良行为,养成文明习惯。Overcome bad behavior, develop civilized habits.3、校园是我

  • [句子]英语宣传标语

    英语宣传标语,环保标语,1、少一个脚印,多一个生命。One footprint, one more life.2、痰吐在地,辱写在心。Sputum spit in the ground, humiliation written in the heart.3、保护环境,就是爱惜生命。To protect the enviro

  • [句子]英文标语

    英文标语,环保标语,1、爱护绿化,就是保护自己。To protect the green is to protect ourselves.2、丢掉的是品质,捡起的是美德。What is lost is quality, and what is picked is virtue.3、你在我心中最美,请不要将我摧毁。You
