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  • [说说]自己生日的英文句子说说心情

    自己生日的英文句子说说心情,说说心情短语,1、18岁的你,请你努力!18 year old you, please try!2、要长大,要乖,不负众望,祝自己生日快乐。To grow up, to be good, live up to expectations, I wish you a happy birthday.3、十七岁的花季,就

  • [说说]写给自己的生日说说英文

    写给自己的生日说说英文,经典说说,1、愿我安好,即使后来我与我无关。Wish me well, even if I have nothing to do with me later.2、18岁,充满挑战,充满机遇。18, full of challenges and opportunities.3、愿青春不离别,愿童真无岁月!May

  • [说说]写给自己的生日说说英文

    写给自己的生日说说英文,经典说说,1、愿我安好,即使后来我与我无关。Wish me well, even if I have nothing to do with me later.2、18岁,充满挑战,充满机遇。18, full of challenges and opportunities.3、愿青春不离别,愿童真无岁月!May

  • [说说]祝自己生日快乐说说英语

    祝自己生日快乐说说英语,经典说说,1、十七岁的过去,十八岁的开头,需要更加努力来前进。The past of seventeen, the beginning of eighteen, needs to work harder to move forward.2、愿我所愿,终能实现。May my wish come true.3、当

  • [说说]写给自己生日英文说说

    写给自己生日英文说说,经典说说,1、我已经准备好,小蛋糕呈上来吧。I'm ready. Let's present the cake.2、做自己想做的事,爱自己想爱的人,一步一步实现自己的价值,生日快乐!Do what you want to do, love the person you want to love

  • [句子]新年英语句子

    新年英语句子,经典句子,1、空气里弥漫着过年的香甜气,愈来愈浓,让人们在这种香甜气氛下开开心心地过年吧。The air is filled with the sweet smell of Chinese New Year. It's more and more thick. Let's have a hap

  • [句子]中英文励志句子

    中英文励志句子,励志的句子,1、没有哪件事,不动手就可以实现。Nothing can be achieved without doing it.2、靠自己劳动所得,这钱拿得踏实。This money can be earned depending on the earnings of one's own work.3、

  • [句子]和阅读有关的英语谚语

    和阅读有关的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、立身以立学为先,立学以读书为本。Setting up one's own study is the first, and studying is the foundation.2、少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。Young men do not work hard, but old men do

  • [句子]阅读很重要的英语谚语

    阅读很重要的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、读书破万卷,下笔如有神。Reading ten thousand volumes, writing like God.2、书卷多情似故人,晨昏忧乐每相亲。Books are affectionate like old friends, happy in the morning and eveni

  • [句子]希望的英语谚语

    希望的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、幸福的人由希望援助。Happy people are aided by hope.2、人类的精髓,是心愿和希望。The essence of human beings is wishes and hopes.3、没有希望,就没有努力。No hope, no effort.4、希望是坚强的勇气,是

  • [句子]篮球座右铭英文

    篮球座右铭英文,座右铭,1、只有我才能使自己停下来。Only I can stop myself.2、篮球我天才,我来我精彩。Basketball is my genius, I come to my wonderful.3、拼搏奋进,永远进步。Strive hard and make progress forever.4

  • [句子]好心情的英语谚语

    好心情的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、快乐不在于事情,而在于我们自己。Happiness lies not in things, but in ourselves.2、快快活活活了命,气气恼恼恼成病。Happy to live, angry to get sick.3、眼不见,心不烦。Out of sight, out of min

  • [句子]好心情的英语谚语

    好心情的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、快乐不在于事情,而在于我们自己。Happiness lies not in things, but in ourselves.2、快快活活活了命,气气恼恼恼成病。Happy to live, angry to get sick.3、眼不见,心不烦。Out of sight, out of min

  • [句子]幸福的英文谚语

    幸福的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、幸福存在于一个人真正的工作中。Happiness lies in one's real work.2、幸福常常伴随痛苦。Happiness is often accompanied by pain.3、迷恋眼前安乐的人,永远也得不到长远的幸福。Those who are infatuat

  • [句子]幸福的英文谚语

    幸福的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、幸福存在于一个人真正的工作中。Happiness lies in one's real work.2、幸福常常伴随痛苦。Happiness is often accompanied by pain.3、迷恋眼前安乐的人,永远也得不到长远的幸福。Those who are infatuat

  • [句子]有关幸福的英语谚语

    有关幸福的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、汗水流在地头,幸福来到家里。Sweat on the ground, happiness came home.2、幸福的生活存在于心绪的宁静之中。Happy life exists in peace of mind.3、幸福,不会像凤凰一样自己飞来。Happiness does not fly

  • [句子]关于幸福的英文谚语

    关于幸福的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、不下苦功夫,哪有幸福来。Without hard work, there is no happiness.2、生在福中要知福,眼界开阔真幸福。When you are born with happiness, you should know it and have a broad horizon

  • [句子]关于幸福的英语谚语

    关于幸福的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、勇敢,事会成功;勤劳,幸福必来。Brave, everything will succeed; hard work, happiness will come.2、把幸福让给别人,等于得到了双倍的幸福。To give happiness to others is equal to double h

  • [句子]有关于新年的英文谚语

    有关于新年的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、一夜连双岁,三更分两年。Two years in a row overnight, three years in two years.2、祝你今后获得更大成就。Wish you greater success in the future.3、吃了腊八饭,就把年来办。Having eaten La

  • [句子]新年英语谚语

    新年英语谚语,谚语大全,1、愿您在新的一年充满快乐。May you have a happy New Year.2、天增岁月人增寿,春满人间福满门。Tian Zengye enlarges people's life, and Chun Man fills the world with happiness.3、愿快
