关于知识的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、知识是人们在任何一条道路上的旅伴。Knowledge is the companion of people on any road.2、学在苦中求,艺在勤中练。Learn in pain, and practice in diligence.3、知识的根是苦的,它的果子是甜的。The root
知识英文座右铭,座右铭,1、学问是心灵的慧眼。Learning is the eye of the mind.2、学识太广反而憨头憨脑。Too much knowledge, but too little brain.3、知识是心灵的活动。Knowledge is the activity of the mind.4、少量
知识英文座右铭,座右铭,1、学问是心灵的慧眼。Learning is the eye of the mind.2、学识太广反而憨头憨脑。Too much knowledge, but too little brain.3、知识是心灵的活动。Knowledge is the activity of the mind.4、少量
英语写作名言谚语,谚语大全,1、常说口里顺,常做手不笨。It is often said that a smooth mouth is not a clumsy hand.2、锲而不舍,金石可镂。Perseverance, stone can be carved.3、从善如登,从恶如崩。Good is like climbin
有关学业的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、边学边问,方有学问。Learn as you learn, learn as you learn.2、勤能补拙是良训,一分辛劳一分才。Diligence is a good training, one minute of hard work, one minute of talent.3、泉水挑
鼓励孩子英语谚语,谚语大全,1、天无边,智无限。Heaven is boundless, wisdom is boundless.2、活到老,学到老。It is never too late to learn.3、不怕读书难,就怕心不专。If you are not afraid of difficulties in read
万能英语谚语,谚语大全,1、不经灾祸不知福。No disaster, no happiness.2、健康胜过财富。Health is better than wealth.3、先来后到。First come, first served.4、不管追求什么目标,都应坚持不懈。No matter what goal you pu
关于贪婪的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、人心不足蛇吞象,贪心不足吃月亮。People's heart is not enough to swallow elephants and greed is not enough to eat the moon.2、勿贪意外财,不饮过量酒。Don't be greedy for
行动英文谚语,谚语大全,1、言辞是行动的影子。Words are the shadow of actions.2、与其挂在嘴上,不如落实在行动上。Rather than talk about it, it is better to act on it.3、不要做说话的巨人、行动的矮子。Don't be a talk
行动更实际英语谚语,谚语大全,1、订目标,做计划,大量的行动。Set goals, plan, and do a lot of action.2、有力的理由造成有力的行动。Strong reasons lead to strong action.3、君子看自己的行踪,孔雀看自己的花翎。A gentleman looks at h
书籍谚语英文,谚语大全,1、书籍是全世界的营养品。Books are the nutrients of the world.2、海洋深处鱼儿大。书海深处学问多。Fish grow deep in the ocean. There is much learning in the depths of the sea of bo
有关书籍的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、和书籍生活在一起,永远不会叹气。Living with books never sighs.2、积钱不如教子,闲坐不如读书。It is better to save money than to teach children, and to sit idly than to read.3、积累知识
有关书的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、补漏趁天晴,读书趁年轻。Make up leaks while it is sunny, and read while it is young.2、好记性不如烂笔头。A good memory is better than a bad pen.3、书到用时方恨少。When books are u
有关书的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难。When books are used, they hate less, but they are not difficult to understand.2、敏而好学,不耻下问。Be sensitive and eager to learn, and not a
书英语谚语,谚语大全,1、读书须用心,一字值千金。Reading is worth a thousand dollars.2、书犹药也,善读之可以医愚。Books are good medicine, but good reading can cure fools.3、漏趁天晴,读书趁年轻。Leak while it i
五年级上册英语书的谚语,谚语大全,1、读书在某种意义上来说是养心。Reading is, in a sense, nourishing the mind.2、策马前途须努力,莫学龙钟虚叹息。The future of horse riding requires efforts. Mo Xuelong sighed emptily.3
关于读书的英文谚语大全,谚语大全,1、读书不知义,等于啃树皮。Reading without meaning is gnawing bark.2、不向前不知路远,不学习不明真理。No way forward, no way forward, no way to learn, no way to know the truth.3、话中
读书的英语谚语简短,谚语大全,1、读书之乐何处寻,数点梅花天地心。Where to find the pleasure of reading, count the heaven and earth of plum blossoms.2、非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。No ambition without indifferenc
读书英语谚语,谚语大全,1、清晨不起误一天,少年不学误一生。One day is not to be missed in the morning, and one life is not to be missed in the youth.2、玉不琢不成器,人不学不知义。Jade can't be carved i
读书的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、只有勤学苦练。才能心灵手巧。Only study hard and practice hard. Only with ingenuity and ingenuity.2、玉不啄,不成器;人不学,不知道。Jade does not peck, it does not make a vessel;