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  3. lonely专题
  • [句子]比较经典的英语句子

    比较经典的英语句子,经典句子,1、其实爱美的人,只是与自己谈恋爱罢了。In fact, the beauty of the people, just fall in love with yourself.2、我终生的等候,换不来你刹那的凝眸。I am waiting for life, not for the moment yo

  • [句子]悲伤的英文句子

    悲伤的英文句子,伤感的句子,1、听说孤独的人才喜欢假装忙碌。It is said that lonely people like to pretend to be busy.2、满地心碎不及她一滴眼泪。Her heart is not a tear.3、我拿青春赌明天,谁又能给我永远。I bet on youth tomorr

  • [句子]悲伤的英语句子

    悲伤的英语句子,伤感的句子,1、打完这句话,我准备离开你了。After these words, I'm leaving you.2、故事到最后,还是失去的比较多。The story to the end, or lost more.3、我怀旧,因为我看不到你和未来。I nostalgia, because I can

  • [语录]百年孤独经典语录英文

    百年孤独经典语录英文,经典语录,1、一个人不是在该死的时候死,而是在能死的时候死。A man dies not when he is dead, but when he dies.2、只要没有死人埋在地下,你就不属于这个地方。As long as no dead people are buried in the ground, y

  • [语录]安东尼经典语录英文

    安东尼经典语录英文,经典语录,1、人生路那么长,每个时刻都有人与自己邂逅同行离开。感激他们丰富了生命,然后就这样子,慢慢的成长了吧。Life is such a long road, every moment someone met with their peers left. Thank them for their live

  • [说说]爱情英文说说带翻译

    爱情英文说说带翻译,经典说说,1、如真的爱我,就不要有太多抱怨。If you really love me, don't complain too much.2、你的吻还在我的唇上发烫,从此我的日子变得如此美丽。Your kiss still burns on my lips, everyday of mine is s

  • [句子]爱情英文句子唯美简短

    爱情英文句子唯美简短,爱情的句子,1、爱你一辈子。Love you for all my life.2、某些人,某些事,我不是不懂,只是不想说出来。Some people, some things, I do not understand, just do not want to say.3、不要轻易说爱,许下的承诺就是欠下的债!D

  • [签名]qq个性签名英文恋爱

    qq个性签名英文恋爱,QQ个性签名,1、爱情就像月亮,不增则减。Love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases.2、要幸福的昏倒了!To be happy faint!3、真挚恋爱过的心永不忘却。The heart that once truly loves

  • [签名]最新英文伤感个性签名

    最新英文伤感个性签名,伤感个性签名,1、谎言,不过是掩饰暂时的一切。Lies, but to cover up the temporary all.2、我爱的人、不是我的爱人。I love the people, not my lover.3、退一步安然,进一步黯然。Step back safely, without further.

  • [句子]心情英语句子80句

    心情英语句子80句,经典句子,1、有的时候、睡觉也是一种享受。Sometimes, sleep is also a kind of enjoyment.2、失去的不再回来,回来的不再完美。Lost no longer come back, come back no longer perfect.3、最爱你的人是我,你怎么舍得我难

  • [语录]英语心情语录大全

    英语心情语录大全,心情语录,1、年少轻狂,幸福时光。Young frivolous, happy time.2、生活不是话剧它比话剧残酷的多。Life is not a drama, it is more cruel than a drama.3、不要伤我的心,因为里面住的是你。Don't break my heart

  • [签名]微博女生昵称英文励志

    微博女生昵称英文励志,女生个性签名,1、空景 Sadnes╰つ2、惹人爱 Triste3、空白Koreyoshi4、To love. 去爱5、-领悟 Lifetruth‖6、Forget the past゜念旧7、失忆 amnesia8、Timeless。落尘9、Care [在乎]10、Unfair(偏心)11、Extreme°

  • [签名]唯美qq英文签名带翻译

    唯美qq英文签名带翻译,QQ个性签名,1、在下一个路口,思念某一种温度。At the next intersection, miss a certain temperature.2、偷偷的看着你,偷偷的隐藏着自己。Secretly looking at you, secretly hide yourself.3、每次看到你上线,就特别开

  • [签名]女生qq个性签名英文版

    女生qq个性签名英文版,女生个性签名,1、来我城堡,当我的王。Come to my castle, when my king.2、老师经常教我们,做错事,没理由!Teachers often teach us, do wrong, no reason!3、孤独终老,无泪就好。Lonely, no tears.4、明知是场戏,还要陪你演下

  • [签名]难过的个性签名英语说

    难过的个性签名英语说,伤感个性签名,1、是梦总会碎,是心总会累。Is always broken dream, is always tired heart.2、你随便的说说,我却认真的难过。You casually say, but I seriously sad.3、爱你是种煎熬,心痛的我想逃。Love you is a torme

  • [签名]qq个性签名情侣英文

    qq个性签名情侣英文,情侣个性签名,虽然你不在我身边,但我们仍在故事里。Though you're not by my side, but we're still in the story.即使我不在你身边,你也仍是我的主角。Even if I am not in your side, you are still my

  • [签名]qq飞车情侣名字英文

    qq飞车情侣名字英文,情侣个性签名,1、Ⅰ Somnus ▉ Ⅱ Somnus丶2、Bufromし▉Buabandonedし3、Corner, lonely ▉ street, lonely4、ple love ★ ▉at simple5、ginning ▉ he Results6、No,Sir 。 ▉ yEs,Madam 。7、J

  • [签名]qq英语签名大全

    qq英语签名大全,QQ个性签名,1、别等我闭上了眼,那时候你不再是我的谁。Don't wait for me to close my eyes, then you are no longer my who.2、不管爱与被爱,最终的结果都是失去了一个朋友。Regardless of love and being loved,

  • [签名]qq网名英语伤感

    qq网名英语伤感,伤感个性签名,1、Very cold. 很冷漠2、﹌角落 corner°3、Eternally 永恒4、▼心痛 heartache°5、如此动人 Corina6、惹人爱 Triste7、/冷淡丨desolate。8、淡定Composure゜9、orvR 音符。10、话不投机 还谈你mlgb;11、

  • [说说]qq说说大全爱情英文

    qq说说大全爱情英文,经典说说,1、爱情就像月亮,不增则减。Love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases.2、当我沮丧时你拉拔我。You pull me out when I'm down.3、不要让太多昨天占据你的今天。Don't l
