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  • [句子]有关天气的英语谚语

    有关天气的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、乱云天顶绞,风雨来不小。Chaotic clouds hang on top of the sky, and storms are coming.2、一日黄沙,三日雨。One day yellow sand, three days rain.3、谷雨前,小满迟,立夏种花正当时。Before th

  • [句子]自然谚语大全英语

    自然谚语大全英语,谚语大全,1、天上拉海纤,下雨不过三。It rains no more than three days.2、先雷后刮风,有雨也不凶。Thunderstorm followed by wind, rain is not fierce.3、南风多雾露,北风多寒霜。The south wind is foggy a

  • [句子]24节气有关的英语谚语

    24节气有关的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、过了白露节,夜寒日里热。After Bailu Festival, it's hot in cold nights.2、头秋旱,减一半,处暑雨,贵如金。The first autumn drought, halved, in the summer rain, as expensive a

  • [句子]英文谚语带动物的

    英文谚语带动物的,谚语大全,1、鹁鸪叫两声,有雨不肯晴。Two calls from the partridge, whether it rains or not.2、泥鳅静,天气晴。Loach quiet, sunny weather.3、小燕来,抽蒜薹;大雁来,拔棉柴。Xiaoyan, garlic bolts; gees

  • [句子]英语常用跟动物有关的谚语

    英语常用跟动物有关的谚语,谚语大全,1、扑地烟,雨连天。Smoke, rain.2、蜻蜓飞得低,快快备雨衣。Dragonflies fly low. Get ready for raincoats.3、蜜蜂迟归雨来风吹。Bees return late to rain and wind.4、蚯蚓爬上路,雨水乱如麻。Earthworms

  • [句子]动物谚语英文

    动物谚语英文,谚语大全,1、蚂蚁搬家蛇过道,燕子低飞雨来到。The ant moved down the snake aisle and the swallow came down in the low rain.2、河里鱼跃雨,雨中蝉鸣晴。Fish leap in the river and cicadas sing i

  • [句子]动物谚语英语句子

    动物谚语英语句子,谚语大全,1、久晴雀吵雨,久雨雀吵晴。Long sunshine sparrows make noise in the rain, long rain sparrows make noise in the sunshine.2、蚂蚁成群,明天不晴。Ants in flocks will not be sunn

  • [句子]动物类英语俗语谚语

    动物类英语俗语谚语,谚语大全,1、蜜蜂迟归,雨来风吹。Bees come home late, rain comes and wind blows.2、蚯蚓路上爬,雨水乱如麻。The earthworms climb on the road, and the rain is in disorder.3、长虫过道,下雨之兆,蛤蟆哇

  • [句子]关于英文动物的谚语大全

    关于英文动物的谚语大全,谚语大全,1、早晚烟扑地,苍天有雨意。Sooner or later, the sky is rainy.2、久晴雀吵雨,久雨雀吵晴。Long sunshine sparrows make noise in the rain, long rain sparrows make noise in the suns

  • [句子]关于动物的谚语英文短文

    关于动物的谚语英文短文,谚语大全,1、久雨闻鸟鸣,不久即转晴。After a long time of rain, the birds were singing, and soon it cleared up.2、燕子低飞蛇过道,鸡晚宿窝蛤蟆叫。Swallow low flying snake aisle, chicken nigh

  • [句子]英文谚语和动物有关

    英文谚语和动物有关,谚语大全,1、鸟往船上落,雨天要经过。Birds fall on the boat. Rainy days pass by.2、蚯蚓封洞,有大雨。Earthworms seal caves and there is heavy rain.3、蚂蝗浮面天将雨、蚂蝗沉底天晴好。It will rain when

  • [句子]天气动物谚语大全英语谚语

    天气动物谚语大全英语谚语,谚语大全,1、猪衔草,寒潮到。Pig grass, cold wave.2、家鸡晒翅膀,到不了后晌。The chickens can't burn their wings until later.3、蜘蛛结网准送晴,蜘蛛收网准阴。The spider knots the net to send sun

  • [句子]关于动物的谚语英文版

    关于动物的谚语英文版,谚语大全,1、喜鹊搭窝高,当年雨水涝。Magpies nest high, the rainwater that year.2、蛤蟆叫咚咚,家家浸谷种。Toad calls and clams soak grain at home.3、狗洗脸,猫吃草,不到三天雨来到。Dogs wash their faces

  • [句子]英语中关于动物的谚语

    英语中关于动物的谚语,谚语大全,1、喜鹊搭窝高,当年雨水涝。Magpies nest high, the rainwater that year.2、麻雀囤食要落雪。Sparrows need snow for food.3、蝼蛄唱歌,天气晴和。It's sunny and sunny when crickets sing

  • [句子]有关动物的英文谚语

    有关动物的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、鸭子潜水快,天气将变坏。Ducks dive fast and the weather will get worse.2、小猪跑,大猪睡。Piggy runs, big pig sleeps.3、鸡晒翅天将雨。It will rain when chickens are sun-dried.4、

  • [句子]与动物有关的英语谚语

    与动物有关的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、蜜蜂采花忙,短期有雨降。Bees are busy collecting flowers and raining in the short run.2、蜻蜓低飞江湖边,必定大雨雷闪电。Dragonflies fly low along rivers and lakes, and there mu

  • [句子]英语有关动物的谚语

    英语有关动物的谚语,谚语大全,1、一粒老鼠屎,坏了一锅粥。A piece of rat excrement spoiled a pot of porridge.2、重阳不打伞,胡豆麦子光杆杆。Chongyang does not carry an umbrella. Houttuyn and wheat are bare pol

  • [句子]有关动物的英语谚语

    有关动物的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、蟋蟀上房叫,庄稼挨水泡。Crickets go to the house and cry, and crops catch blisters.2、鳥鼠趖竹篙,一目過一目。Birds, rats and bamboo poles can be seen at a glance.3、朝霞不出门,晚霞

  • [句子]动物的谚语英语

    动物的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、燕子窝垫草多,雨水多。Swallow's nest is full of grass and rainwater.2、朝霞不出门,晚霞走千里。Sunset clouds do not go out, sunset clouds go thousands of miles.3、泥鳅暴跳,风

  • [句子]动物谚语英语

    动物谚语英语,谚语大全,1、蜻蜓成群飞,雷雨要来临。Dragonflies fly in groups and thunderstorms are coming.2、泥鳅跳,雨来到。Loach jumps, rain comes.3、燕子低飞要落雨。Swallows fly low and rain falls.4、朝霞不
