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  • [语录]王尔德语录双语

    王尔德语录双语,名人语录,1、对于毫无关系的人,不可能经常带有好意。For those who have nothing to do with it, it's impossible to always be kind.2、愚人创造了世界,智者不得不活在其中。The fool made the world, and

  • [语录]王尔德语录英文

    王尔德语录英文,名人语录,1、我不愿意暴露我的灵魂,让那些好奇的凡夫俗子瞧个没完。I don't want to expose my soul to the curious ordinary people.2、不要垂头丧气,即使失去一切,明天仍在你的手里。Don't be discouraged, even

  • [句子]唯美爱情英语短句

    唯美爱情英语短句,爱情的句子,1、我想到你世界冒险,心就是入场劵。I think of your world adventure, the heart is admission.2、我还是很喜欢你,像风走了八百里,不问归期。I still like you very much, like the wind went 800 mi

  • [句子]有关于爱情的英文短句

    有关于爱情的英文短句,爱情的句子,1、你来过,我记得,便是永远。You've been here, I remember, forever.2、最美好的事,是看到某人的微笑;而更美好的事,是他因你而微笑。The best thing is to see someone's smile; the better thin

  • [语录]英文爱情语录短句

    英文爱情语录短句,爱情语录,1、一张嘴就是你的名字,一闭眼就是你的样子。A mouth is your name, and a closed eye is what you look like.2、别在喜悦时许诺,别在忧伤时回答,别在愤怒时做决定。Don't promise when you are happy, an

  • [名言]柏拉图名言英文原版

    柏拉图名言英文原版,英语名言,1、都是那些天真的成份,都是那些对你的爱太深。Are those innocent ingredients, are those who love you too deep.2、想你,寻不到你;追你,赶不上你;原来,你在我心里。I miss you, I can't find you, I

  • [名言]巴尔扎克的英文名言

    巴尔扎克的英文名言,英语名言,1、苦难中产生平等。Equality in suffering.2、艺术乃德行的宝库。Art is the treasure house of virtue.3、荒唐事儿一失败就变做罪恶。When a failure fails, it becomes a crime.4、贪图不义之财就是道德败坏。

  • [语录]奥斯卡王尔德语录英文

    奥斯卡王尔德语录英文,经典语录,1、感官跟火一样,既能毁灭人,也能净化人。The senses, like fire, can not only destroy man, but also purify man.2、不论什么地方,只要你爱它,它便是你的世界。No matter where, as long as you love

  • [名言]奥斯卡王尔德名言英文

    奥斯卡王尔德名言英文,英语名言,1、良心和胆怯其实是一回事,良心不过是胆怯的商号名称罢了。Conscience and cowardice are one thing, but conscience is the name of a cowardly company.2、任何地方只要你爱它,它就是你的世界。Anywhere you

  • [名言]爱因斯坦名人名言英文

    爱因斯坦名人名言英文,英语名言,1、创新的秘密在于知道如何把你的智谋藏而不露。The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.2、一个人从未犯错是因为他不曾尝试新鲜事物。A person who never made a mistake because he

  • [名言]爱因斯坦名言大全英语

    爱因斯坦名言大全英语,英语名言,1、真理就是在经验面前站得住脚的东西。Truth is what stands before experience.2、我认为只有大胆的臆测,而不是事实的积累,才能引领我们往前迈进。I think that only daring speculation and not accumulation o

  • [签名]英文签名励志

    英文签名励志,励志个性签名,1、苦难是人生的老师。Suffering is the teacher of life.2、你若不自信,没人替你勇敢。If you don't believe in yourself, no one can be brave for you.3、自我控制是最强者的本能。Self contro

  • [签名]英文简单伤感个性签名

    英文简单伤感个性签名,伤感个性签名,1、得过且过,爱过恨过,也就无憾了。Muddle along, love hate, have no regrets.2、你从未揣摩我的心思,却责怪我善变难懂。You never try to figure out my mind, but I blame fickle and difficult.

  • [名言]英文名人名言佳句

    英文名人名言佳句,英语名言,1、世间的活动,缺点虽多,但仍是美好的。——罗丹Any activity in the world, many shortcomings, but it's still good.2、自立自重,不可跟人脚迹,学人言语。——陆九渊Stand on

  • [名言]励志名言英语翻译

    励志名言英语翻译,英语名言,1、工作中,你要把每一件小事都和远大的固定的目标结合起来。In work, you take each little thing and big fixed target together.2、幸福存在于一个人真正的工作中。Happiness exists in a man the real wor

  • [句子]描述心情的英文句子

    描述心情的英文句子,经典句子,1、疼痛,是唯一可以让人瞬间清醒的东西。Pain, is the only thing that can make people instantly awake.2、别说拥抱、牵手、接吻、逛大街,就连见一面都是奢侈。Don't say hugging, holding hands, kiss

  • [名言]一日一句励志英语

    一日一句励志英语,英语名言,1、每个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。Everyone has at least one dream, there is a reason to be strong.2、想到和得到,中间还有两个字——就是要做到。Think and get, there are two

  • [语录]马云精彩语录英文

    马云精彩语录英文,经典语录,1、做企业不是做侠客。Doing business is not doing knight.2、不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵,但是一个当不好士兵的将军一定不是好将。A soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier, bu

  • [名言]洛克菲勒名言英文

    洛克菲勒名言英文,英语名言,1、我们思想的大小决定我们成就的大小。The size of our thought determines the size of our achievements.2、慈善是有害的,除非它能帮助接受慈善的人不再依赖慈善。Charity is harmful, unless it can help

  • [句子]英语六级作文常用句型

    英语六级作文常用句型,经典句子,1、The merits of this is obvious...其好处显而易见。2、Of course, nothing in the world is perfect, so is...当然,时间没有完美的事物,所以,________。3、However, like anything else
