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  • [短信]告别英文祝福语

    告别英文祝福语,经典短信,1、愿离别后友谊不间断,真情永远存心间!May the friendship be continuous after leaving, and the truth will always be remembered.2、送你一杯清茶,祝你前程路上乐无涯。Send you a cup of tea,

  • [短信]日常祝福语英语

    日常祝福语英语,经典短信,1、虽只是一句轻柔的祝福,却是我的心语。虽只是一张小卡片,却牢牵我俩的情谊。Although it is just a gentle blessing, it is my heart. Though it is just a small card, it is bound to lead our f

  • [短信]简短英语祝福语

    简短英语祝福语,经典短信,1、无尽的人海中,我们相聚又分离。但愿我们的友谊超越时空,随岁月不断增长。In the endless sea of human beings, we gather and separate. May our friendship transcend time and space and grow

  • [短信]朋友英文祝福语

    朋友英文祝福语,经典短信,1、让我守候在这孤独的角落,默默地为你祈祷一生幸福!Let me wait in this lonely corner, silently pray for you, happy life!2、最深的祝福总难以诉诸语言,一切只在不言中,祝福你。The deepest blessing is alwa

  • [短信]六一祝福语英文

    六一祝福语英文,儿童节短信,1、愿你保持一颗童心,祝你快乐无边!May you keep a childlike innocence and wish you happiness!2、儿童节到来之际,愿你健康生活,快乐百分百!When children's day comes, I wish you a healthy

  • [短信]高考英文祝福语

    高考英文祝福语,经典短信,1、亲朋好友祝福到,愿你前程似锦更美好!Best wishes for your family and friends!2、登高山,以知天之高;临深溪,以明地之厚。Climb mountains to know the heights of heaven.3、争取时间就是争取成功,提高效率就是提高分

  • [短信]高考英语祝福语

    高考英语祝福语,经典短信,1、相信自己的梦想与汗水,成功与好运相伴,高考大捷!Believe in your dreams and sweat, success and good luck.2、祝愿考生都能考出理想的成绩,进入自己理想的大学。I wish all the candidates can achieve the

  • [短信]英语唯美祝福语

    英语唯美祝福语,经典短信,1、友情是装在瓶里的佳酿,无色无味,多年后开启溢出的是那浓浓的情。Friendship is a good wine in a bottle. It is colorless and tasteless. After years of overflowing it is the thick feel

  • [短信]贺卡英语祝福语

    贺卡英语祝福语,经典短信,1、在感恩节,我们要想到那些不幸的人们。On Thanksgiving Day, we should think of those unfortunate people.2、你们是天生的一对,祝你们永远幸福。You are a natural couple. I wish you happiness

  • [短信]英语学生祝福语

    英语学生祝福语,经典短信,1、愿你快快成长起来,去获取你光明的未来。I hope you can grow up quickly and get your bright future.2、愿你在新学期中,继续努力,继续进步,学的好,活得好!May you continue your efforts in the new te

  • [短信]生意祝福语英文

    生意祝福语英文,经典短信,1、愿你福星财运广聚,生活幸福吉祥如意。I wish you luck and fortune in your life.2、祝愿你生意兴隆,不断创新,不断发展啊。I wish you a prosperous business, continuous innovation and continuo

  • [短信]生日英语祝福语

    生日英语祝福语,生日短信,1、愿你的生日特别快乐,愿新的一年中心想事成!Wishing you a very happy birthday and wishing you every success in the new year.2、愿你鸿运财运找你投宿,生活美满永远幸福!I wish you luck and fortu

  • [短信]工作英文祝福语

    工作英文祝福语,经典短信,1、祝你事业有成,振翅高飞!I wish you every success in your career.2、上班开始了,工作启程了,加油,美好的生活等着你去开创。Work begins, work starts, refuels, good life waiting for you to sta

  • [短信]鸡年祝福语英文

    鸡年祝福语英文,春节短信,1、愿您合家多欢乐,平平安安多财宝!May you have much joy in your home and peace and plenty.2、给你特别的祝福,愿新年带给你无边的幸福、如意。I wish you special happiness. May the New Year brin

  • [短信]国庆英文祝福语

    国庆英文祝福语,国庆节短信,1、不管离多远,不管多少年,愿我的祝福化为繁星点点,闪在你生命的每一天!国庆快乐!No matter how far away, no matter how many years, I wish my blessing into the stars, flashing in your life ev

  • [短信]六一英文祝福语

    六一英文祝福语,儿童节短信,1、祝你永远拥有一颗纯真、快乐的童心!I wish you always have a pure and happy childlike innocence.2、儿童节快乐,祝你永远保持一颗童真的心!Happy children's day, I wish you always mainta

  • [短信]周一英文祝福语

    周一英文祝福语,经典短信,1、祝你应有尽有,幸福每天!祝你周一开心!I wish you every happiness and every day! I wish you a happy Monday!2、心常宽,体常健,幸福生活乐无边!祝你周一快乐!The heart is wide, the body is healt

  • [短信]英语祝福语友情

    英语祝福语友情,经典短信,1、知音,不需多言,要用心去交流;友谊,不能言表,要用心去品尝。Bosom friends need not speak much, but communicate with heart. Friendship cannot be expressed, but must be tasted by h

  • [短信]英语祝福语离职

    英语祝福语离职,经典短信,1、无论联系是多是少,让祝福永远不变!No matter how many ties it is, let the blessing remain unchanged.2、别离的泪水,为记忆的长河增添新的浪花。The tears of separation add new waves to the

  • [短信]除夕英语祝福语

    除夕英语祝福语,春节短信,1、愿你新年到来好运绕,生活事业都美满!I wish you a good luck in the coming new year.2、传统佳节之际,献上殷殷祝福,祝新年万事如意!Warm hearted wishes for a happy New Year filled with all you
