
A life without ideal, life is just a pile of mere skeleton.


Where is the fell, just lay there for a while.


Painless, no bitter sweet, live, this is a kind of practice!


Actually there is no way, go person many, also then became road.


Don't go, don't know road far. Don't study hard, don't know the truth.


Cinderella like princess and prince frog prince, too, just by chance.


Difficulties like musical notes, the strong play into a song, it set the weak it mourning song.


Every piece of jade without carve, every success cannot leave the train.


Most people want to change the world, but few people want to change yourself.


Hard-working day, can have to night sleep; Hardworking life, can be happy.


Ordinary life to use common heart to treat, your life will be more wonderful.


Most sincere care to a friend, and friends to share every sunrise.


Once chosen way of life, be brave to go to the end, never look back.


I think road in the former, people why because a small obstacles and not to walk?


The time is the treatment of trauma masters, but is not the player to solve the problem.


The most important thing is not to go to see the fuzzy distance, but to do what clearly at hand.


The key to gain happiness is to cherish what you have, forget what you don't have.


Tactically, just not in a bind; A pet or forget everything, you can be yourself.


The so-called genius, just with all the others drink coffee time on the job.


Do a simple person, practical and pragmatic. Don't indulge fantasy. Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.


Bitter and the sweet come from the outside world, strength comes from within, from one's own efforts!


Modern society is not the big fish eat small fish s, but fast fish eat slow fish s.


Workers are bent over, all to strive upward, for the head of the sun is not lack of emotion.


When you think nothing terrible failure, you were more and more closer to the success.


Heroes must contain the disasters in my career, if there are no disasters won't become a hero.


How can one know yourself? Is never by thinking, but through practice.


The most sweet melon is grew up in the nutrition fertilizer, genius is long in malignant best from the soil.


Concept of poverty and riches and honour is a nidea, decided to the poor and the rich, the mentality decision suffering and joy!


If your heart was burning, so if necessary, I can when a torch.


Want to cherish their, cherish their posts, cherish their collective, cherish their life.


Goals of the firm is one of the most necessary strength of character, is also one of the most effective tools for success.


Remember the three respects: respect yourself, respect others, stand on dignity and pay attention to your behavior.


Human and have to learn to walk, wrestling, and only after wrestling him to walk.


Faith is the power of an indestructible, when you believe you can succeed, you will surely succeed.


The path to happiness is not only do their favorite things, is the love you have to do more.


Narcissism is due to extreme love of life, the pursuit of better for details and hedonism.


Way may be confused, but please don't lose yourself in the confusion, loss of faith.


Try to dead silk, to there as well. Life must be hard, reserved for the youth good category.


Little and studious, such as Yang sunrise; The light of strong and studious, such as Japan and China; Old and studious, such as bean candle of Ming.


No matter what love, only the tangled like snakes, persistent like YuanGui, two 6:00 PM, could not have.


I come on labor, is the mother of all invention. Everything come on labor, getting to the truth of things.


No matter how outstanding talent, knowledge, if the lack of enthusiasm, has the same paper starts conceals.


Have a heart of akagi, have a friend; Have a kind heart, have the love.


Ore, you know what you are the mother of "treasure", but if we don't dental laboratories, is just a pile of waste.


Believe in myself. Don't judge yourself, and don't give yourself to judge others, more don't belittle yourself.


Let the dead bury the dead. We now that there is life, we shall live, and to live happy.


Most of the errors, because do not insist, don't work hard, do not retain, then hypnotizes himself say everything is fate.


Man's greatest virtue is kindly, and you can't love everyone, but you can express goodwill for everyone.


Victory is not defeat the enemy, but to improve yourself. As long as we progress every day one percent, that is success.


Art avenue is fraught with risk, it is also a good thing, ordinary people, only a strong man.


I never consider ease and pleasure is the purpose of life itself: the ethical foundation, I call it the ideal of the pigsty.


If you want to achieve their goals, they have to describe in the heart after a goal; So, your dreams will come true.


People can not beautiful, but health; People can not great, but to be happy; One can not perfect, but to pursue.


Miss is the amorous beach, is time the extension of footprint; Waiting for a temper of the will, it is to endure the fate of the transit.


Steadfast, is the precondition of learning gains; Diligence is fundamental to learn something into; Insist, is the way of starting.


The human mind and body, multi-purpose the spirit, and no waste. People must be in patience, especially have faith.


Individuals must to perfect, together with the rest of us constantly doing everything they can to expand and increase in this direction.


My lifelong goal is to give you TongJiaQian happiness, happiness to the family, for our children and grandchildren happiness.


If we put everyone's unfortunate pile of a pile by all alike, most people are willing to accept a, gladly leave.


Remember, can cry, can hate, but can't be strong. Because there is a group of people waiting to see your jokes.


To be successful on eight, think twice, once decided to go the whole hog the adored one, fear of failure don't do anything.


The biggest cause of the failure of the one person, it is lack of confidence in his ability, even thought I will fail.


One thousand people have one thousand kind of way of life and the life road, want to change something, first of all have to get myself back.


Exercise in the arduous struggle the environment out of the literati, than grown in warm pleasure in the environment of people, to be strong.


From his exercise strong, can bear hardships and stand hard work, don't the coy, go go the highs in the nature.


Don't let others lower their level; Not because to accommodate those who refuse to raise standards, lower your standards.


When you are poor, spend money to others, rich of time, spend money to relatives and lover! Do a lot of people, is upside down.


Your efforts will not necessarily succeed, but you don't work hard will fail. Never give up, there is no failure, only to give up.


The height of the fountain can't more than its source; A person's career also is such, his achievements will never more than their own beliefs.


Efforts to love a person. Pay does not necessarily have a harvest; Don't pay, but will not have results, do not expect miracles.


If your company currently only two, you are on a business card to call down a bit, it will win the respect!


For not took advantage of the opportunity, what's the use? A conception of egg, is to be washed up into the waste of time.


The outlook on life determines a person's life pursuit; World outlook determines a person's ideology; Values determines a person's code of conduct.


If we want to have more roses, we must plant more roses tree. There is no desperate situation, only people with a slough of despond.


I would rather let others feel that I am a transformers ing the poison not invade the tireless, I also don't let anyone see my sad tired fell lost.


As long as think is right to do it, stick to it, don't care about other people's opinions, even if it is wrong, at least you have done to prove that you have tried.


People are always less lessons from flat, from suffering more lessons; Lessons from flat shallow, deep lessons from suffering.


Only the interests of the eyes, for only a short pleasure; Set high goals, but also should face the reality. Combine ideals and reality, will succeed.


Conquer science, need great power. Scientific dedication, indomitable perseverance, these are the research of the science and soldiers must have quality.


Human hope like a eternal star, dark clouds can't cover up the light of it. Especially in today, peace is not an ideal, a dream, it is the wish of ten thousand people.