
Only true chastity women can talk about true pure love.


I thought I should forgive her for being me, but now I find myself connected with her forgiveness.


They are natural things, but they have to work hard on me. My nervous laughter was almost like crying, but they believed it.


I love every passers-by on the way. Love will give people a sense of kindness.


You teach me how to love, and I should teach you how to live.


Everything has been guessed, except the truth.


Maybe I live in your heart, is the best place, where others can not see me, no one can despise our love.


I am not rich enough to love you as I wish, nor poor enough to love you as you wish.


Yes, sometimes what happens in one minute is more effective than the pursuit of the year.


Life sometimes demands cruel demands on the mind, but it must be adversity.


No matter who has a childhood, no matter what it turns out to be.


True love always makes people beautiful.


Sometimes we are for something, sometimes for another thing. Some people throw away their fortunes for us, but get nothing. Others get us with a bunch of flowers.


I had to remind myself from time to time that I had no more right to ask her for anything.


My demand is that you love me, and that you love me without horses, without cashmere shawls, without diamonds.


I only want to lose the money I pay. I only win the money I can afford.


What I'm telling you is a simple and true story, and I'm keeping it simple in detail and natural in its development.


This man's second and last love has become a burden on all your career. It is not conducive to your family, but also makes you lose your ambition.


Marguerite lived a passionate and indulgent life, but her face was virgin and even childish, which puzzled us.


That year, it was almost the same season. It was also an evening. I met Margaret.


If a woman has a little self-esteem, she should endure all possible sacrifices and never ask for money like her lover, otherwise her love will be like prostitution.


Because I was afraid my self-esteem would stir up my stubborn temper again, and I was not well off, I asked them to write down my name, leave the book aside, and went downstairs.


Of all the dead, she is my favorite. Those of us can only love the dead, because we are too busy to have much time to love other things.


Spring is coming, flowers are blooming, birds are singing, and the windows in my friend's room are happily opened, the windows are facing the garden, and the fresh breath of the garden comes to him in bursts.


It is a great mistake for any woman to have a good heart than a purse.


Children are young, but they are adults of the future; brains are narrow, but they contain infinite thoughts; eyes are not a little big, but they can see the vast world.


It was April, and the weather was clear and sunny, and the grave was no longer as gloomy and desolate as it was in winter.


You love me, I believe it completely, but you don't know how fragile love is for a woman like me.


My heart is not used to happiness. Perhaps, living in your heart better, in your heart, the world will not see me.


I would rather suspect a few minutes, because there is still a glimmer of hope when people are suspicious.


If your return can not save me, the world can no longer save me.


At that time, I was young and determined to accept the frivolous fashion of my time.


God was kind enough not to punish her as usual, but to let her perish in beauty and luxury, knowing that old age was the first death of a communicative flower.


Acquiring a heart without experience of attack is like capturing a city without guardians.


No redemption, where is the atonement.


She is a sinner when she is alive, but she will die as a Christian.


I looked around, and it was strange to see that the others were not concerned about my misfortune. They were still living as usual.


If one's body and mind are in love with one month like this, there will be only one shell left.


We are like two stubborn divers in love, only surfacing when we breathe.


My only requirement is your unswerving love. Even if I have no horses, no shawls, no diamonds, you will love me as well.


I love you simple and love you more luxurious.


We men are like this, always like to let imagination leave this poetic to the senses, let the desire of the body give way to the dream of the soul.


In the grave, maggots gnaw at my beloved, and now she is no longer alive, and now she has long been dead.


It may be accidental that she went home alone, but this accident made me feel very happy.


It must have been our past lives, or we must have enjoyed great happiness in the afterlife, so God has made us suffer all kinds of grief and suffering in this life.


The eye has only one dot, but it can see the sea and sky in a glance.


Because we are carefree, especially when we love each other, we see bright prospects.


She may have given you her youth, but you have forgotten her.


I am more invulnerable than facing a prayer.


I don't want you to have a minute of regret because you are with me.