
The dream of every is the opposite of reality。


Dreamers life long, the doer life short。


Don't have a small dream, they are unable to move people。


A person, to make my dream come true is a successful man。


To express their dreams, but should be more clear。


To great causes, in addition to dream, must act。


The happiest thing in the world is to struggle for the ideal。


Dream is the idea of the soul, is the secret of our true feelings。


The poor do not mean a penniless person, but to no dream。


Everyone has a wonderful dream, persistence, you dream to achieve。


A person as long as strongly unremitting pursuit, he can achieve a goal。


Hope, and happiness will come you; Dreaming, opportunity will be over you。


In most of the trouble are made by made by those who want to be important。


If one does not know he wants to which port, then any wind is favorable。


We occupy the position is not important, it's important that we should go to the direction of the。


Dream as long as persistent, can become a reality。 Is we don't live in the dream?


Find the best in myself, digging their own potential, do you really like。


Now everything is for the future of dream weaving wings, let the dream fly in reality。


No money is not necessarily a person is rich, but if the person did not have the dream, this man is poor。


Only to their great aim, and with all his strength to strive for people, who are happy。


Our dream is on the high mountain, if climb a step every day, unswervingly, dream will come true。


If a person has been fully committed ourselves to the power and hatred, how can you expect him to have a dream?


If you want to hit the target, you must aim a little higher, because all arrow that affected by gravity。


Hard up, the stars will hide in the depths of your soul; Make a distant dream, each dream will surpass your goals。


For it takes a strong man, unfortunately, like plows clearing his inner earth, although painful, but it can be seeded。


Why do we live - for a happy, what kind of person is the most beautiful, confident person; So we not only happy, and self-confidence。


When I am sincerely looking for my dream, every day is colorful, because I know that every hour is in part of the dream。


Accident and tomorrow don't know which come first。 No crisis is the biggest crisis, satisfy the current situation is the biggest trap。


The furthest distance in the world is not the distance of the tree and the tree, but the growth of the two branches, but not dependent in the wind。


It is at our mother's knee that we got our noblest and truest and highest ideals, but there is seldom any money in them。


No one heart will hurt because of the pursuit of dreams, when you really want something, the whole universe will unite to help you to complete。


Human nature is the most poor: we always dream of the horizon of a wonderful rose garden, and not to appreciate in our Windows open roses today。


Youth is the happiest time of life, but this kind of happiness is simply because it is full of hope, not because of what, or to escape what。


Dream, is the conviction that his own belief, desire to complete the ideal insist on and never give up, is that everyone who owns her one of the greatest wealth。


A man has only one heart, but there are two atrium。 A live happy; A lived sorrow。 Don't laugh too loudly, or you will wake the flank of sorrow。


A career pursuit of people, can put the dream is done。 Although at the beginning is a dream, but as long as keep doing, don't give up easily, your dreams can come true。


Imagination can make people rationally to observe a new world, can imagine by the suggestion of satisfying purpose to make people keep enthusiasm for life。


People have the material to survive, people have the dream to talk about life。 You have to know the difference between survival and life? Animal survival, while people life。


A person can't find their distance is terrible。 Had the distance also has the height of the pursuit of life, and once the pursuit, the distance is no longer far away。


A person is very poor, difficult, humble, but you can not do without dreams。 As long as the dream of one day, as long as there is dream that one day, you can change your situation。