有关茶的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、苦茶久饮,可以益思。Bitter tea is good for you to drink for a long time.2、山水上,江水中,井水下。Mountains, rivers and wells.3、茶之否藏,存于口诀。Whether tea is hidden or not lie
酒英文句子,经典句子,1、半斤不当酒,一斤扶墙走,斤半墙走我不走。Half a catty of wine is not appropriate, one catty walks against the wall, and half a catty walks without me.2、输了咱不喝,赢了咱倒赖,吃不完了兜
僵尸新娘英汉对照台词,经典台词,1、Your cup will never empty.你永远不会感到孤寂。2、With this candle.以这烛火。3、I'll lift your sorrows.来抚平你的伤悲.。4、And I know her heart is beating.听着她的心跳好像音符。5、Wit
描写咖啡的英文句子,经典句子,1、咖啡就是人生,苦与甜都包含其中。Coffee is life, bitter and sweet are included.2、那个午后,那杯咖啡,让我明白了:我们谁都不是谁的谁,你在等待咖啡里要加糖的人,我在期盼有谁来分享咖啡单纯的苦涩。That afternoon, the cup of c
描写咖啡馆的英文句子,经典句子,1、咖啡馆,还有浪漫的音乐陪衬,她把见面地点选在了这样一个优雅的地方。The cafe, and the music of romantic foil, her meeting place in such an elegant place.2、一个好的咖啡馆应该是明亮的,但不是华丽的,空间里应该有一
英文足球励志名言,英语名言,1、足球是圆的,什么结果都能踢出来。What football is round, the result can be kicked out.2、一个足球队就像一部机器,只有每个部件都运转起来,才能收到最大的效果。A football team is like a machine, only eac