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  3. Dragon专题
  • [句子]英文关于龙的谚语

    英文关于龙的谚语,谚语大全,1、龙下三泷,舟楫莫当。Dragon under the three warriors, the boat is not suitable.2、两个人舞龙,有头有尾。Two people dance dragons, head and tail.3、龙逢浅水遭虾戏,凤入深林被雀欺。Dragons a

  • [句子]龙的谚语英语作文

    龙的谚语英语作文,谚语大全,1、龙多搁起雨,子多搁死爷。The dragon lays aside the rain more, the son lays aside the master more.2、二龙相斗,鱼鳖虾蟹受伤。Two dragons fight, fish, turtle, shrimp and crab a

  • [句子]龙的谚语英语作文

    龙的谚语英语作文,谚语大全,1、龙多搁起雨,子多搁死爷。The dragon lays aside the rain more, the son lays aside the master more.2、二龙相斗,鱼鳖虾蟹受伤。Two dragons fight, fish, turtle, shrimp and crab a

  • [句子]有关龙的英语谚语

    有关龙的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、龙头不拉拉马尾,用力不对路。The dragon head does not pull the horse's tail, and the force is not the right way.2、龙不离海,虎不离山。The dragon does not leave the sea,

  • [句子]有关龙的英语谚语

    有关龙的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、龙头不拉拉马尾,用力不对路。The dragon head does not pull the horse's tail, and the force is not the right way.2、龙不离海,虎不离山。The dragon does not leave the sea,

  • [句子]关于龙的英文谚语

    关于龙的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、蛟龙得云雨,终非池中物。Jiaolong is not a thing in the pond.2、龙生一子混九江,老母猪子多尽吃糠。Longsheng and his son are mixed up in Jiujiang.3、龙下三泷,舟楫莫当。Dragon under the three

  • [句子]关于龙的英文谚语

    关于龙的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、蛟龙得云雨,终非池中物。Jiaolong is not a thing in the pond.2、龙生一子混九江,老母猪子多尽吃糠。Longsheng and his son are mixed up in Jiujiang.3、龙下三泷,舟楫莫当。Dragon under the three

  • [句子]关于端午节英语谚语

    关于端午节英语谚语,谚语大全,1、未食五月粽,寒衣不敢送。I dare not send cold clothes without eating May dumplings.2、清明插柳,端午插艾。Willow insertion in the Qingming Dynasty and Ai insertion in the D

  • [句子]端午节的英语谚语

    端午节的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、吃了端午粽,才把棉衣送。After eating the Dragon Boat Festival dumplings, the cotton-padded clothes were delivered.2、粽包分两髻,艾束著危冠。Zongbao is divided into two buns

  • [句子]关于端午节英语谚语

    关于端午节英语谚语,谚语大全,1、未食五月粽,寒衣不敢送。I dare not send cold clothes without eating May dumplings.2、清明插柳,端午插艾。Willow insertion in the Qingming Dynasty and Ai insertion in the D

  • [短信]端午节的英文祝福语

    端午节的英文祝福语,端午节短信,1、端午到了,祝阖家欢乐,幸福永远!Dragon Boat Festival is here. I wish you a happy family and happiness forever.2、端午节送你香甜的粽子,愿你永远享受人生的美好!Dragon Boat Festival gives yo

  • [短信]端午英语祝福语简短

    端午英语祝福语简短,端午节短信,1、端午到,粽子香,大大的粽子送你尝,祝你事业发达。Dragon Boat Festival arrives, dumplings fragrant, big dumplings for you to taste, I wish you a prosperous career.2、端午节,想朋友,念

  • [短信]端午节的英语祝福语

    端午节的英语祝福语,端午节短信,1、岁月匆匆,太匆匆,但愿我的祝福长驻你心中,祝你端午节快乐!Time is in a hurry, too fast, I wish my best wishes to stay in your heart, I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!2、粽子

  • [短信]端午祝福语简短英文

    端午祝福语简短英文,端午节短信,1、祝你幸福安康,万事如意,端午快乐!I wish you happiness and well-being, all the best, happy Dragon Boat Festival!2、端午节到了,我希望看到你的微笑,像五月里的石榴花,愿端午节快乐!Dragon Boat Festiva

  • [短信]端午节英文版祝福语

    端午节英文版祝福语,端午节短信,1、端午佳节挂艾叶,愿我们的爱直到天荒地老。Dragon Boat Festival hangs mugwort leaf, wish our love till the end of the world.2、愿你在端午节,粽是开心,粽是快乐,粽是好运,粽是幸福,粽是健康。May you be ha

  • [短信]端午节英文版祝福语

    端午节英文版祝福语,端午节短信,1、端午佳节挂艾叶,愿我们的爱直到天荒地老。Dragon Boat Festival hangs mugwort leaf, wish our love till the end of the world.2、愿你在端午节,粽是开心,粽是快乐,粽是好运,粽是幸福,粽是健康。May you be ha

  • [短信]端午节的祝福语英文

    端午节的祝福语英文,端午节短信,1、端午节就要到了,我提前为你把祝福送上,愿平安阳光把你照耀,如意日子永远吉祥!Dragon Boat Festival is approaching. I send my best wishes to you in advance. May the safe sunshine shine on y

  • [短信]端午节英语祝福语

    端午节英语祝福语,端午节短信,1、睡得安心,过得舒心,吃得甜心,玩得开心!Sleep comfortably, enjoy yourself, enjoy your sweetheart, and have fun!2、端午节到了,愿你快乐相伴,万事如意。The Dragon Boat Festival is here. I w

  • [短信]端午节祝福语英语

    端午节祝福语英语,端午节短信,1、有种友谊,无须挂齿,却心领神会,祝端午节快乐!There is a friendship that does not need to be hung up, but it is understood. Wish Dragon Boat Festival happy!2、送你一条端午短信,传递我的

  • [短信]端午节祝福语英文

    端午节祝福语英文,端午节短信,1、一颗心迁挂着你,一份爱祝福着你,一份真感情在等待着你的回应。祝端午节快乐!A heart hangs on you, a love bless you, a true feeling is waiting for your response. Happy Dragon Boat Festival
