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  • [短信]端午节英文祝福语

    端午节英文祝福语,端午节短信,1、生活多色彩,乐趣其中藏,祝你端午节快乐!Life is colorful, fun is hidden. Wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!2、愿你端午节快乐,幸福生活一年更比一年强!I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Fest

  • [短信]端午英语祝福语

    端午英语祝福语,端午节短信,1、端午节之际,祝你温馨快乐,幸福环绕!On the occasion of Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you a warm, happy and happy surround.2、粽叶裹住你过去的美好,米粒黏住你现在的幸福,龙舟承载你未来的梦想。Bamboo lea

  • [句子]端午节英语句子

    端午节英语句子,经典句子,1、许是好多年未曾触及家乡的端午节,生在记忆里的美好都是小时候的片段,很亲切。Perhaps it is the Dragon Boat Festival that has not touched the hometown for many years. The beautiful memories

  • [短信]端午祝福语英语

    端午祝福语英语,端午节短信,1、祝你生活幸福,工作如意,烦恼、忧愁都降落。I wish you happiness in your life, your work and your wishes, your troubles and your worries.2、端午节送你一个开心粽,带着我的祝福。Dragon Boat Fe

  • [短信]端午祝福语英文

    端午祝福语英文,端午节短信,1、虽然你身体很好,但屈原说:多锻练身体,少打麻将,才能多吃粽子,天天健康。Although you are in good health, but Qu Yuan said: more exercise, less mahjong, can eat more zongzi, healthy eve

  • [短信]端午节快乐英文

    端午节快乐英文,端午节短信,1、端午节,赛龙舟,争先恐后,好热闹!一齐来过个开心的端午节吧!端午节快乐!The Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat racing, scrambling, good lively! Together to have a happy Dragon Boat Fest

  • [短信]端午节快乐英语

    端午节快乐英语,端午节短信,1、别光吃粽子,记得要给丈人、丈母娘送礼物哦!Don't just eat dumplings, remember to send to husbands, mother-in-law gift oh!2、艾蒿高高门前舞,驱邪气,防五毒,高高兴兴过端午。Mugwort aloft in fr

  • [短信]端午节英文短信

    端午节英文短信,端午节短信,1、一颗心迁挂着你,一份爱祝福着你,一份真感情在等待着你的回应。祝端午节快乐!A heart moved to hang you, a love blessing you, a true feelings in waiting for your response. I wish a happy Dr

  • [短信]端午节英文祝福短信

    端午节英文祝福短信,端午节短信,1、五月节,扒龙船,龙鼓响,大江边,呵呵,你那儿可以看到赛龙舟吗?祝你端午节快乐!Grilled may festival, dragon boat, black ring, big river, ha ha, you can see the dragon boat racing there? I

  • [说说]端午节英语祝福短信

    端午节英语祝福短信,端午节短信,1、端午节,赛龙舟,争先恐后,好热闹!一齐来过个开心的端午节吧!The Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat racing, scrambling, good lively! Together to have a happy Dragon Boat Festival!2

  • [短信]端午节英语祝福短信

    端午节英语祝福短信,端午节短信,1、端午节,赛龙舟,争先恐后,好热闹!一齐来过个开心的端午节吧!The Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat racing, scrambling, good lively! Together to have a happy Dragon Boat Festival!2

  • [短信]端午节英语短信

    端午节英语短信,端午节短信,1、虽然你身体很好,但屈原说:多锻练身体,少打麻将,才能多吃粽子,天天健康。While your body is very good, but qu yuan said: more physical activity, less play mahjong, can eat dumplings, he
