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  • [名言]成功的英语谚语

    成功的英语谚语,英语名言,1、成功是靠别人,不是靠自己!Success depends on others, not on themselves.2、生人不生胆,力大也枉然。Strangers are not born with courage.3、老牛肉有嚼头,老人言有听头。Old beef chews and old m

  • [名言]英语谚语带翻译励志

    英语谚语带翻译励志,英语名言,1、千学不如一看,千看不如一练。A thousand schools are better than one.2、宁死不背理,宁贫不堕志。It is better to die than to be backward.3、砍柴上山,捉鸟上树。Chop wood up the mountain, ca

  • [名言]英语励志谚语大全

    英语励志谚语大全,英语名言,1、如其坐而言,不如起而立。As for sitting, it is better to stand up.2、隔行如隔山,隔行不隔理。Interlacing is like mountain crossing.3、天无二日,人无二理。No man has two days.4、不怕人不敬,就怕己

  • [名言]英语谚语大全励志篇

    英语谚语大全励志篇,英语名言,1、人老心不老,身穷志不穷。A man's heart is not old, he is poor and his ambition is not poor.2、木尺虽短,能量千丈。Wooden ruler is short, and energy is thousands of feet

  • [名言]关于励志的英语谚语

    关于励志的英语谚语,英语名言,1、只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。As long as the Kung Fu is deep, the iron pestle is ground into a needle.2、当家才知盐米贵,出门才晓路难行。Only when you know your salt is your rice.3、煮饭

  • [名言]励志英语谚语100句

    励志英语谚语100句,英语名言,1、人往大处看,鸟往高处飞。Birds look high and fly to the top.2、是蛇一身冷,是狼一身腥。The snake is cold and wolf.3、大老爷丢签,老百姓啃砖。The old man threw away the sign, and the peopl

  • [名言]经典励志英语谚语

    经典励志英语谚语,英语名言,1、山高有攀头,路远有奔头。The mountain has a head and a long road.2、当家才知盐米贵,出门才晓路难行。Only when you know your salt is your rice.3、放虎归山,必有后患。If you let the tiger ret

  • [格言]英语格言谚语

    英语格言谚语,英语格言,1、宁可做过,不可错过。It's better to do it than to miss it.2、天无二日,人无二理。No man has two days.3、牛眼看人高,狗眼看人低。A bull's eye sees a man's height, but a dog

  • [格言]英文格言谚语

    英文格言谚语,英语格言,1、草若无心不发芽,人若无心不奋发。If the grass does not germinate, people will not work hard.2、水大不能漫船,职大不能欺亲。Water can not overboard the boat.3、人到四十五,正是出山虎。When peopl

  • [名言]常考的英语谚语

    常考的英语谚语,英语名言,1、有钱万事易,无病一身轻。All things are easy without money.2、没有金钢钻,不敢揽瓷器活。There is no diamond drill.3、树大招风,气大遭凶。A tree attracts the wind, and the spirit is fierc

  • [语录]茶花女经典语录中英文

    茶花女经典语录中英文,经典语录,1、我无法呆在家里。我觉得我的房间太小,容纳不下我的幸福,我需要向整个大自然倾诉我的衷肠。I can't stay at home. I think my room is too small to hold my happiness. I need to pour out my heart

  • [句子]茶花女经典句子英语

    茶花女经典句子英语,经典句子,1、只有真正贞洁的女人才谈得上真正纯洁的爱情。Only true chastity women can talk about true pure love.2、我原以为应该原谅她的是我,而现在我发觉自己连接受她的宽恕都不配。I thought I should forgive her for bei

  • [句子]茶花女经典句子英文

    茶花女经典句子英文,经典句子,1、你想给我制造的痛苦只是你对我爱情的证明。The pain you want to make me is your proof of my love.2、我不愿意你因为跟我在一起而有一分钟的遗憾。I don't want you to have a minute of regret bec

  • [句子]单身的句子英文

    单身的句子英文,经典句子,1、我想我会一直孤单,就这样孤单一辈子。I think I will always be lonely, so lonely life.2、祭奠那残存的记忆。回首品你心中那仅有的情。Memorial to the remnant memory. Looking back on the only fe

  • [名言]诚信的英文名言

    诚信的英文名言,英语名言,1、如果要别人诚信,首先要自己诚信。If you want others to be honest, you have to be honest.2、一言而适,可能却敌,一言而得,可以保国。In a word, it is possible to defend the enemy by saying

  • [名言]查尔斯狄更斯名言英语

    查尔斯狄更斯名言英语,英语名言,1、人在精神方面受到了最可怕的打击时,往往会丧失神志。People often lose their mind when they are most horrible in spirit.2、像杜蛎一样,神秘,自给自足,而且孤独。Like the oyster, it is mysterious,

  • [名言]查尔斯狄更斯名言英文

    查尔斯狄更斯名言英文,英语名言,1、这个世界是个立身创业的地方,而不是游手好闲无所事事的地方。The world is a place to start a business, not a place to idle about.2、我远在海外的时候,眼睛老是望着家乡。我在那边虽然发了财,日子过的可乏味了。When I was a

  • [句子]经典英语伤感句子

    经典英语伤感句子,伤感的句子,1、我过的很难过,忙碌里还有失落。I was very sad, and I lost my job.2、成长,就是将你哭声调成静音的过程。Growth is the process of turning your cry into a mute.3、有些人注定要离开,何必苦苦纠缠。Some peo

  • [短信]女朋友祝福语英文

    女朋友祝福语英文,情人节短信,1、想你的时候,我一定要找得到你。When I think of you, I must find you.2、有时我耳朵不太灵光,你可以咬着我的耳朵说悄悄话。Sometimes my ears are not very bright. You can whisper in my ear.3、思念一

  • [语录]杜拉斯经典语录英文

    杜拉斯经典语录英文,经典语录,1、他的微笑不带一丝惭愧,而且没有任何悲伤,只带着一份难以抑制的纯真。He smiled without a trace of shame, and without any sorrow, with only an unrestraining innocence.2、他们彼此封锁起来,沉陷在恐惧之中
