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  • [短信]关于情人节祝福的英文

    关于情人节祝福的英文,情人节短信,1、我的幸福,就是和你温暖的过一辈子。My happiness is to have a warm life with you.2、冬日的凉薄,浇不灭你给的温暖。Winter's cold and thin, can not extinguish the warmth you give.3、

  • [短信]英文信件结尾祝福语

    英文信件结尾祝福语,经典短信,1、假如你梦中有一点永恒的烛火,那就是我祝福的目光。If there is an eternal candle in your dream, it is my blessed eyes.2、愿这小小的礼物把我的心意带给你,愿我俩的友谊像彩虹一样绚丽!May this little gift brin

  • [短信]送花祝福语英文版

    送花祝福语英文版,经典短信,1、我真怕我给你的是心,你还我的是刀子。友情也好,爱情也罢。I'm really afraid that what I give you is my heart. You still have my knife. Friendship or love.2、你若安好,便是晴天;你若幸福,我便开

  • [短信]七夕节英文祝福语

    七夕节英文祝福语,七夕节短信,1、心心相印手相牵,幸福生活万年长。祝七夕快乐!Heart to heart, hand to hand, happy life long. Happy seventh evening.2、我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。I know you like this song best,

  • [语录]英语情话

    英语情话,爱情语录,1、想证明我五十年后一样爱你,因为想证明我是全世界最爱你的,因为想和你一起去竞选模范夫妻。I want to prove that I love you the same in fifty years, because I want to prove that I love you the most

  • [短信]英语常用祝福语

    英语常用祝福语,经典短信,1、秋天到了,一切都变的好有人情味,带着了炎炎的夏日,留下了清凉的秋季。Autumn has arrived, everything has become good human flavor, with a hot summer, leaving a cool autumn.2、春天来了,又一个美好

  • [句子]姐妹情深的英文句子

    姐妹情深的英文句子,经典句子,1、姐姐,妹妹心情又不美丽了呢。Sister, her sister is not in a beautiful mood.2、姐妹,我们手拉手看夕阳。Sisters, we hand in hand to see the sunset.3、男人算个屁,姐妹才是王道。A man is a fart,

  • [句子]有关闺蜜的英文句子

    有关闺蜜的英文句子,经典句子,1、闺蜜就是,当她睡不着的时候,你也甭想睡。My best friend is, when she can't sleep, you can't sleep.2、有那么一个姑娘,即是我闺蜜,又是冤家。There is such a girl, both my friend and m

  • [句子]爱情幸福的英语短句子

    爱情幸福的英语短句子,爱情的句子,1、你的笑容总是在我脑海中,让我难忘。Your smile is always on my mind, let me forget.2、自己的媳妇哄着惯着不丢人,这叫爱。His wife coaxed the spoil is not a shame, this is called love.3、美

  • [语录]爱情的英文短语

    爱情的英文短语,爱情语录,1、你若不离,我永相随。If you don't leave me forever.2、试着接受另一个人,换另一种生活。Try to accept another person, for another life.3、我曾那么幼稚的以为,那就是我的永远。I was so naive to t

  • [签名]英文情侣网名

    英文情侣网名,情侣个性签名,1、丶 I Doser ▉ 丶 Somuns2、my heart/ 为沵痴迷- ▉ my world/ 为沵颠覆-3、DeAr_M ▉ DeAr_丫4、小男Renゝ ▉ 小女Renゝ5、海岸cucumber #▉空诺cucumber #6、寂寞.Ⅱ lonely ▉ 洫暗.Ⅱ lonely7、l

  • [签名]爱情的个性签名英文

    爱情的个性签名英文,个性签名,1、时间不会让我忘记你,只会习惯没有你。Time will not let me forget you, will only be used to without you.2、余音终究是余音,能循环不能重来。It is sound and sound, can be re circulation.3

  • [说说]qq英文爱情说说

    qq英文爱情说说,经典说说,1、爱情是自然而然的缘分,而不是死缠烂打的孽缘。Love is a natural fate, not the evil stalker.2、你坐在我心中最昂贵最赚眼泪的位置。You sit in my heart the most expensive and most of the place t

  • [签名]qq炫舞英文情侣名

    qq炫舞英文情侣名,情侣个性签名,1、失魂人* Pugss ▉ 控魂者* Monee2、Toxicant°罂栗花 ▉ Toxicant°彼岸花3、浮浅Superficia ▉ 言冷Coldwords4、人质 Curse▉傀儡 Curse▉5、- 控心 loveㄣ ▉ - 控肺 loveㄣ6、夜色的朦胧,love ▉

  • [语录]2017唯美英文语录

    2017唯美英文语录,经典语录,1、我哒哒的马蹄是个美丽的错误,我只是过客,不是归人。I a man's water chestnut is a beautiful mistake, I just a visitor, not returning.2、让女人为你改变之前,你先问问你有没有装修她的本钱。Let the wom

  • [说说]情人节英语个性签名说说

    情人节英语个性签名说说,个性说说,1、祝我自己,情人节快乐。I wish myself, Happy Valentine's day.2、你说因为有我所以赢了全世界。You said that because of me, so I won the world.3、你的情人节,却是我的情人劫。Your Valentine&#
