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  3. bees专题
  • [句子]蜜蜂中英文谚语

    蜜蜂中英文谚语,谚语大全,1、蜜蜂见花团团转,花见蜜蜂朵朵开。The bee sees the flower cluster turn, the flower sees the bee blossom.2、只冻死的苍蝇,没有累死的蜜蜂。Only frozen flies, no tired bees.3、带声来蕊上,连影在香

  • [句子]蜜蜂中英文谚语

    蜜蜂中英文谚语,谚语大全,1、蜜蜂见花团团转,花见蜜蜂朵朵开。The bee sees the flower cluster turn, the flower sees the bee blossom.2、只冻死的苍蝇,没有累死的蜜蜂。Only frozen flies, no tired bees.3、带声来蕊上,连影在香

  • [句子]很忙的英语谚语

    很忙的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、得鱼不自饱,辛苦为谁忙。Fish is not self-sufficient, hard work for whom.2、忙忙如丧家之狗,急急似漏网之鱼。Busy as a lost dog, anxious as a fish out of the net.3、乡村四月闲人少,才了蚕桑又播田

  • [短信]祝福语小朋友英文

    祝福语小朋友英文,经典短信,1、取他人之长补已之短,生活中处处有学习榜样,人人都有值得效仿和学习的地方。Take advantage of others'strengths and make up for their weaknesses. There are learning examples everywhere
