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  • [句子]英语常用谚语名言精选

    英语常用谚语名言精选,谚语大全,1、痒要自己抓,好要别人夸。The itch should be caught by oneself, so that others can praise it.2、大葱蘸酱,越吃越胖。Spring onion dipped in sauce, the more fat you eat.3、算算用用

  • [句子]英语四字谚语

    英语四字谚语,谚语大全,1、热火朝天Be in full swing2、笑口噬噬Laugh and bite3、鬼五马六Ghost five horse six4、青山绿水Beautiful country scene5、天时暑热Hot weather6、临急开坑Emergency opening7、先入为主First i

  • [短信]探望病人祝福语英语

    探望病人祝福语英语,经典短信,1、朋友,多谢您在我生病期间对我的关心与提供的帮助!祝您身体健康,万事顺意!Thank you, my friend, for your concern and help during my illness. I wish you good health and all the best!2、美好的

  • [短信]健康的祝福语英文

    健康的祝福语英文,经典短信,1、祝好运、健康、佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年。Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy new year.2、健康来自健康的生活习惯,健康需要有乐观开朗的生活态度。Health comes from healthy habits, a

  • [句子]活动英文宣传口号

    活动英文宣传口号,口号大全,1、生命在于运动,成功在于拼搏。Life lies in movement, and success lies in fighting.2、谱写生命之歌,弘杨运动精神。Write the song of life, Hong Yang's spirit of movement.3、德智同长,

  • [句子]关于体育运动英语口号

    关于体育运动英语口号,口号大全,1、崇尚体育,阳光健身。Advocating sports, sunshine fitness.2、热爱运动,珍爱生命。Love sports and love life.3、拼搏追取,善学勤奋。Hard work and hard work.4、快乐伴左右,锻炼享健康。Happy with the

  • [句子]关于体育的英语口号

    关于体育的英语口号,口号大全,1、增强学生体质,健康快乐第一。Strengthen the students' physical fitness, healthy and happy first.2、体育无处不在,运动无限精彩。Sports are everywhere, and sports are wonderful

  • [语录]跑步经典语录英文

    跑步经典语录英文,经典语录,1、她飞跑着,两条腿像钟摆一样机械地抬起落下,又抬起,再落下。She ran, two legs as mechanical lift down like a pendulum, and lift down again.2、枪响了,我一个箭步窜了出去,使出全身的力气奔跑着,耳边风声呼呼响。I sho

  • [句子]保持健康的英语句子

    保持健康的英语句子,经典句子,1、预防胜于治疗。Prevention is better than cure.2、健康尤胜于财富。Health is above wealth.3、身勤则强,逸则病。The body is often strong, Yi is disease.4、已饥方食,未饱先止。The food side

  • [名言]白求恩英文名言

    白求恩英文名言,英语名言,1、一个医生或护士是不应该在伤员面前昂首而过的。A doctor or nurse should not be in front of the head and the wounded.2、你们不要拿我当古董,我是来工作的,你们要拿我当一挺机枪来使用。Don't take me for an

  • [句子]白鲸英文名句

    白鲸英文名句,经典句子,1、妒忌的波涛打两边涌起,想淹没我的航道。The waves hit on both sides with envy, want to drown my channel.2、伟大人物,刹那间所积起的深重痛苦,往往等于常人终其一生所经历的全部平淡痛苦。The great man, the sudden

  • [句子]英语四级经典句子

    英语四级经典句子,经典句子,1、无论如何,杠杆从未发烧;尽管如此,他始终机灵。In any case, Lever never has a fever; nevertheless, he is clever forever.2、盘子里的巧克力鼓励了儿子进行计算。The chocolates on the plate encou

  • [名言]运动名言英语

    运动名言英语,英语名言,1、生命在于运动。Life is movement.2、身体健康者常年轻。Good health is always young.3、活动是生活的基础!Activity is the foundation of life!4、更高、更快、更强!Higher, faster, stronger!5、活

  • [名言]有关健康的英语名言

    有关健康的英语名言,英语名言,1、有健康的身体才有健全的精神。To have a healthy body to have a sound spirit.2、幸福就在身边,健康就是天堂。Happiness is in the side, the health is heaven.3、健康与才智,为人生两大幸福。Health an

  • [名言]英语关于健康的名言

    英语关于健康的名言,英语名言,1、健康不是一切,但没有健康就没有一切。Health is not everything, but without health, there is no everything.2、诚信乃是一种和谐,正如健康、和善与神一样。Honesty is a kind of harmony, as well

  • [名言]体育名言英语

    体育名言英语,英语名言,1、发展体育运动,增强人民体质。The development of sports, improve the people's physical fitness.2、运动兴,民族兴;运动衰,民族衰。Xing, xing nation, Sport and national failure.3

  • [格言]健康英语格言

    健康英语格言,英语格言,1、生命在于运动。Life is movement.2、要健脑,把绳跳。To brain, the jump rope.3、立如松,行如风。Line, standing like a pine wind.4、吃得巧,睡得好。Eat smart, have a good sleep.5、先睡心,后睡眼

  • [格言]关于运动的英语格言

    关于运动的英语格言,英语格言,1、身体健康者常年轻。Good health is always young.2、活动有方,五脏自和。Well, five zang-organs and.3、早起活活腰,一天精神好。And early to rise makes a man alive, one day good spirit.4

  • [名言]关于运动的英语名人名言

    关于运动的英语名人名言,英语名言,1、生命在于运动。——伏尔泰Life is movement.2、生命需要运动。——亚里斯多德Life needs sports.3、人怕不动,脑怕不用。——谚语People fear, afraid of brain.4、缓慢

  • [名言]关于健康的名言英语

    关于健康的名言英语,英语名言,1、健康胜于富贵。Health is above wealth.2、健康是人生的第一财富。Life the first wealth is health.3、保持健康是做人的责任。To keep healthy is the responsibility of the person.4、幸福的首要条
