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  • [短信]关于毕业的英语祝福语

    关于毕业的英语祝福语,经典短信,1、我不去多想是否能够成功,既然选择了那块绿洲,便不再瞻前顾后!I don't think much about whether I can succeed or not. Since I chose that oasis, I will not look ahead and backwar

  • [句子]考试加油鼓励的话英文

    考试加油鼓励的话英文,励志的句子,1、拼一个春夏秋冬,换一生无怨无悔。Spell a spring, summer, autumn and winter, in exchange for a lifetime without regret.2、遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严。Obey the discipline of examinat

  • [短信]公司周年祝福语英文

    公司周年祝福语英文,经典短信,1、新的一年已经到来,在激烈的市场竞争环境中,我们依然面临很多的挑战。The new year has come. In the fierce market competition environment, we still face many challenges.2、过去的一年,是艰苦创业的一年

  • [短信]给公司祝福语英文

    给公司祝福语英文,经典短信,1、顺应时代潮流,把握正确方向,坚持同舟共济,寻求共同发展。We should conform to the trend of the times, grasp the correct direction, persist in working together in the same boat a

  • [短信]高考考生祝福语英文

    高考考生祝福语英文,经典短信,1、眼泪不是我们的答案,拼搏才是我们的选择。Tears are not our answer, struggle is our choice.2、没有做不到的,只有想不到的!祝高考成功!There is no impossible, only unexpected! Wish the college

  • [格言]初中生英语格言

    初中生英语格言,英语格言,1、没有口水与汗水,就没有成功的泪水。Without saliva and sweat, there will be no tears of success.2、对人不尊敬,首先就是对自己的不尊敬。Disrespect for people is the first respect for ones

  • [短信]升学祝福语英语

    升学祝福语英语,经典短信,1、知识是一匹无私的骏马,谁能驾驭它,它就属于谁。Knowledge is a selfless horse, and whoever can control it will belong to it.2、愿成功的你在大学再创辉煌,成就的你在前方再创功名,美好圆满的昨天再展新的明天。Wish you

  • [短信]公司英文祝福语

    公司英文祝福语,经典短信,1、一年辛苦一年累,换来事业发展业绩伟。One year of hard work and one year's work is a great success.2、恭祝您的事业蒸蒸日上,新年更有新气象!I wish you every success and New Year!3、祝福公司

  • [句子]励志团队英语口号大全

    励志团队英语口号大全,口号大全,1、事成于和睦,力生于团结。Things come from harmony, and strength comes from unity.2、销售要冲冠,全靠我来创。The key to sales is to rely on me to create.3、成就团队辉煌,助我人生成长。The ac

  • [句子]高中运动会英文口号

    高中运动会英文口号,口号大全,1、挑战运动极限,演绎健美人生。Challenge the movement limit, deduce bodybuilding life.2、久久生辉,永放光芒。Long lasting, always shine.3、青春无畏,逐梦扬威。The youth is fearless, and t

  • [句子]公司的英文口号霸气押韵

    公司的英文口号霸气押韵,口号大全,1、创新谋突破,努力获成功。Innovation is a breakthrough and success is made.2、每天进一步,踏上成功路。Go further every day and step on the road to success.3、自检互检,确保品质零缺点。Self

  • [句子]比赛英语口号大全

    比赛英语口号大全,口号大全,1、团结,拼搏奋斗。Unite, struggle hard.2、努力拼搏,永夺第一。Work hard and take the first place.3、劳动光荣,创造伟大。The glory of labor, the creation of greatness.4、猛虎出山,锐不可当。Th

  • [句子]班级口号英文押韵

    班级口号英文押韵,口号大全,1、决定一切,习惯成就未来。Decide everything, get used to the future.2、我努力,我先进,我自信,我成功。I work hard, I am advanced, I am confident, I succeed.3、犯其至难,图其至远。It is diff

  • [句子]班级口号英语

    班级口号英语,口号大全,1、耕耘今天,收获明天。Till today, harvest tomorrow.2、博学笃行,自强不息。The study is great and strong.3、运动场上,**飞扬。On the playground, passion flies.4、强班强校,校荣我荣。Strong sch

  • [句子]班级英文口号押韵

    班级英文口号押韵,口号大全,1、非学无以成才,非志无以成学。It is not to be learned without learning.2、勇敢挑战,世界总会妥协。Brave challenges, the world will compromise.3、人的一生是漫长的,但关键的几步。A man's life

  • [句子]霸气运动会英语口号

    霸气运动会英语口号,口号大全,1、体育无处不在,运动无限精彩。Sports are everywhere, and sports are wonderful.2、我参与,我奉献,我快乐。I am involved, I dedicate, and I am happy.3、比拼激扬梦想,搏击磨砺锋芒。To fight the d

  • [句子]英语企业标语

    英语企业标语,企业标语,1、坚持团结稳定,**协力干事业。Adhere to the unity and stability, make concerted efforts to do business.2、每天进一步,踏上成功路。Every day, step on the road to success.3、培育礼仪员

  • [句子]企业文化英文标语

    企业文化英文标语,企业标语,1、时不我待,努力举绩,一鼓作气,挑战佳绩。To cite performance, Time will not wait for me., challenge success done in one vigorous effort.2、精品意识在我心中,精品工程在我手中。The quality c

  • [句子]企业中英文标语

    企业中英文标语,企业标语,1、坚定信心,负重奋进,开拓创新,务实工作。Firmly confidence, carrying forward, innovation, pragmatic work.2、团结拼搏务实高效。Unity, struggle, pragmatic and efficient.3、提高售后服务质量,提

  • [句子]最美励志英文句子

    最美励志英文句子,励志的句子,1、希望是生命的源泉,失去它生命就会枯萎。Hope is the source of life. If you lose it, your life will wither.2、任何的限制,都是从自己的内心开始的。Any limitation starts from the inside of on
