农民总结出的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、春旱谷满仓,夏旱断种粮。Dry grain in spring is full of barns, and dry grain in summer is cut off.2、立秋不立秋,六月二十头。Autumn begins at the beginning of June, but not a
英语爱情名句,爱情的句子,1、在爱的世界里,其实每个人都是阴谋家。In a world of love, everyone is a conspirator.2、你的眼睛,是我永生不会再遇的海。Your eyes are the sea I will never see again.3、我不恨你,因为我不想记住你。I don
有关英文的谚语大全,谚语大全,1、经一番挫折,长一番见识。After a lot of setbacks, a lot of insight.2、土中生白玉,地内出黄金。White jade grows in the earth, and gold comes out in the earth.3、人在世上炼,刀在石上磨。Man
不能过度英文谚语,谚语大全,1、过头饭别吃,过头话别说。Don't eat too much food, don't talk too much.2、自由过了头,一切乱了套。Freedom goes too far and everything goes wrong.3、过分苏累于人无益。It's no
英语健身的谚语,谚语大全,1、若要身体健,天天来锻炼。If you want to be healthy, exercise every day.2、冬天动一动,少闹一场病;冬天懒一懒,多喝药一碗。If you move in winter, you will get less sickness; if you are la
关于持之以恒的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、立志而无恒,终身事无成。Desire without perseverance, nothing can be accomplished all one's life.2、人怕没志,树怕没皮。People are afraid of losing their ambition and t
英文俗语谚语,谚语大全,1、若要人不知,除非己莫为。If you don't know, you can't do it yourself.2、快马不用鞭催,响鼓不用重捶。Quick horses need not be whipped, drums need not be beaten heavily.3
简易英文谚语,谚语大全,1、非学无以广才,非志无以成学。There is no way to become a scholar without learning.2、久晴大雾必阴,久雨大雾必晴。Long sunny fog will be cloudy, long rainy fog will be clear.3、门前有
跟规则有关的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、一夜不宿,十夜不足。One night is not enough, ten nights are not enough.2、早起三光,晚起三慌。Get up early three lights, get up late three panic.3、只要肯劳动,一世不会穷。As long as
冷英文谚语,谚语大全,1、霜前冷,雪后寒。It's cold before frost and cold after snow.2、一条藤径绿,万点雪峰晴。A cane path is green and ten thousand snow peaks are clear.3、头九二九相逢不出手,三九四九冻得索索
谦虚英文座右铭,座右铭,1、做人不能太骄傲,要谦虚。Don't be too proud to be a man. Be modest.2、世上无难事,只怕有心人。Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.3、谦虚是最高的克己功夫。Modesty is t
天气晴朗的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、云吃火有雨,火吃云晴天。Clouds eat fire, rain, fire eats clouds and sunny days.2、常刮西北风,近日天气晴。It often blows northwest, and it's sunny these days.3、早晨地罩雾,尽管晒
英语谚语格言,谚语大全,1、温固而知新,能够为师已。Wengu knows new things and can be a teacher and a teacher.2、一艺不精,误了终身。A poor skill, a lifelong mistake.3、牛怕晨霜,马怕夜雨。Cattle fear morning f
英语谚语大全简单点,谚语大全,1、虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。Modesty makes one progress, but pride makes one lag behind.2、少不惜力,老不歇心。No effort is spared, no rest is spared.3、不怕百战失利,就怕灰心丧气。If you a
英语谚语简单大全,谚语大全,1、立秋前早一天种,早一天收。Sow early one day before autumn and harvest early one day.2、立夏刮阵风,小麦一场空。In early summer, there is a gust of wind, and the wheat is empt
与鸟有关的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、蝙蝠飞得低,明日披蓑衣。Bats fly low and will wear their castor clothes tomorrow.2、红嘴鸹,飞着叫,大风大雨就来到。Red-billed pomfret, flying and shouting, the wind and rain wi
关于体育的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、活动有方,五脏自和。Activities are well organized and the five zang organs are at peace.2、身体健康者常年轻。Healthy people are often young.3、早睡早起,没病惹你。Get up early and
气候谚语英文版,谚语大全,1、木棉树开花,雨季要提前。Kapok trees blossom, and the rainy season is ahead of schedule.2、南风转东风,三天不落空。The south wind turns to the East wind, and it will not fail
四季的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、过了冬长一葱,过了年长块田。After winter, one onion grows and another field grows.2、日落胭脂红,非雨便是风。Sunset carmine, rain or wind.3、六月到,卖棉被,买灰料。June arrives, selling q
关于四季的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、河里浮青苔,毕有大雨来。The moss floats in the river and there is a heavy rain.2、早晚烟扑地,苍天有雨意。Sooner or later, the sky is rainy.3、冬至不过六,罗卜青菜也变肉。During the winter