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  • [句子]狗的英文谚语

    狗的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、肥狗咬主人,忘恩负义。A fat dog bites its master and is ungrateful.2、子不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫。Dogs don't dislike their mother's ugliness or their family's pover

  • [句子]与狗有关的英文谚语

    与狗有关的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、狗摇尾巴,是为面包而来。Dogs wag their tails for bread.2、好狗不咬鸡,好汉不打妻。A good dog does not bite a chicken, a good man does not beat his wife.3、闷头狗,暗下口。Stuffy-head

  • [句子]有关狗的英语谚语

    有关狗的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、骨头打狗狗不叫。Dogs don't bark when they are hit by bones.2、对强盗只能用刀子,对恶狗只能用棍子。You can only use knives for robbers and sticks for villains.3、牛眼看人高,狗眼看人低

  • [句子]与狗有关的英语谚语

    与狗有关的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、狗朝屁走,人朝势走。Dogs go fart, people go at the trend.2、狗是人类最好的朋友。Dogs are man's best friends.3、狗仗人势,雪仗风势。Dogs fight against people, snows fight agains

  • [句子]关于鸡和狗的英文谚语

    关于鸡和狗的英文谚语,谚语大全,关于鸡的英文谚语1、手无缚鸡之力。Hands have no power to bind chickens.2、宁为鸡头,不为凤尾。Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.3、挨打的狗去咬鸡。The beaten dog went to

  • [句子]搞笑谚语大全英语

    搞笑谚语大全英语,谚语大全,1、狐狸总要露尾巴,毒蛇总要吐舌头。A fox always shows its tail and a snake always spits its tongue.2、龙游浅水遭虾戏,虎落平阳被犬欺。Dragon swimming in shallow water was shrimp play,

  • [句子]英语谚语对比

    英语谚语对比,谚语大全,1、当面是人,背后是鬼。Face to face is human, and behind it is ghost.2、骄傲来自浅薄,狂妄出于无知。Pride comes from shallowness, arrogance comes from ignorance.3、莫在人前夸己功,别在背后论

  • [句子]关于狗和猫的英文谚语

    关于狗和猫的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、狗眼看人低。Dogs look down on people.2、出的牛马力,吃的猪狗食。Out of horsepower, eat pig and dog food.3、狗眼看人,咬穷不咬富。Dogs look at people and bite the poor but not the

  • [句子]关于狗和猫的英语谚语

    关于狗和猫的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、来道是非者,便是是非人。The right and wrong are the right and wrong.2、抱木偶打狗,把你不当人。Puppet beating dogs makes you a mistake.3、对强盗只能用刀子,对恶狗只能用棍子。You can only use k

  • [句子]关于猫和狗的英语谚语

    关于猫和狗的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、狗吃青草,长着一副驴心肠。Dogs eat grass and have donkey hearts.2、狗口里吐不出象牙。The dog can't spit out its ivory.3、狗吃热肉,又爱又怕。Dogs eat hot meat, love and fear.4、嫁鸡

  • [句子]动物狗的英文谚语

    动物狗的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、疯狗的尾巴,翘不起来。A mad dog's tail can't be turned up.2、丢了家乡口,不如守家狗。If you lose your home, you may as well be a housekeeper.3、狗朝屁走,人朝势走。Dogs go far

  • [句子]唯美单身句子英语

    唯美单身句子英语,经典句子,1、单身人群,看似什么都比常人洒脱,也比较坦率。Single people seem to be more liberal than ordinary people.2、这么冷的天,单身狗可能会升级为汪汪碎冰冰吧。On such a cold day, a single dog may escala

  • [句子]单身的句子英文

    单身的句子英文,经典句子,1、我想我会一直孤单,就这样孤单一辈子。I think I will always be lonely, so lonely life.2、祭奠那残存的记忆。回首品你心中那仅有的情。Memorial to the remnant memory. Looking back on the only fe

  • [签名]2018霸气英文个性签名

    2018霸气英文个性签名,超拽个性签名,1、鞭子没了,但神在。The whip is gone, but God is in.2、放弃你,下辈子吧!To give up you, the next life!3、上帝也是单亲家长。God is a single parent.4、顺我者昌,逆我者亡。I am the one who is

  • [签名]2018霸气英文个性签名

    2018霸气英文个性签名,超拽个性签名,1、鞭子没了,但神在。The whip is gone, but God is in.2、放弃你,下辈子吧!To give up you, the next life!3、上帝也是单亲家长。God is a single parent.4、顺我者昌,逆我者亡。I am the one who is

  • [句子]描写动物的英语句子

    描写动物的英语句子,经典句子,1、熊猫高兴的时候,就在地上翻筋斗,像一个大皮球在地上滚动。The panda was happy, on the ground somersault, like a big ball rolling on the ground.2、蝴蝶初翻帘绣,万玉女、齐回舞袖。At the beginning

  • [语录]英文骂人最毒的话

    英文骂人最毒的话,经典语录,1、你怎么回事?What's wrong with you?2、揍你个,性生活不能自理!Hit you, you can not take care of themselves!3、虽不安分,也该守己。Although the restless, also keep the.4、你的丑和你的

  • [语录]英文骂人话

    英文骂人话,经典语录,1、看见你我就想起来牛魔王。I would like to see your demon.2、你不是在犯贱就是在犯贱的路上。You're not in the way I.3、得知你不好过我也就安心了!I'm relieved to learn that you're not

  • [名言]马克吐温名言英文

    马克吐温名言英文,英语名言,1、黄金时代一去不返。Golden age gone.2、如果你收养了一只饥饿可怜的狗,并且让它舒适顺利,它将不会咬你,这便是一个人与一只狗之间最主要的差别。If you adopt a hungry dog and make it comfortable, it won't bite yo

  • [说说]骂人的英语长句子

    骂人的英语长句子,伤感说说,1、什么不好当,竟然去当街头乞丐的情人,你还真是恬不知耻。And what is bad when, when street beggar's lover, you are really shameless.2、你是你妈跟别的男人生的野种,有本事你去跟你爸做DNA鉴定。You are you
