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  3. dress专题
  • [名言]香奈儿经典广告名言

    香奈儿经典广告名言,经典名言,1、Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.穿着破旧,则人们记住衣服;穿着无暇,则人们记住衣服里的女人。2、Innovation! One cannot be f

  • [句子]描述衣服的英语句子

    描述衣服的英语句子,经典句子,1、这女人的裙子上缀满了宝石和玉石,简直像一件红宝石铠甲。This woman's dress is studded with jewels and jade, just like a ruby.2、今天,我穿了一件花花绿绿裙子,金光闪闪的绸缎腕成蝴蝶结,腰间的粉红腰带犹如一条红色的溪水,潺

  • [句子]描述衣服的英文句子

    描述衣服的英文句子,经典句子,1、她身上穿着一件新制的绿色花布青衫,从弹簧箍上撑出波浪纹的长裙,配着脚上一双也是绿色的低跟鞋。She was wearing a new green cloth green, wavy skirt support from the spring band, with a pair of feet

  • [句子]英语赞美的话

    英语赞美的话,好词好句,1、你的鼻子真挺!Your nose is really pretty!2、你的胸膛真厚!Your chest is thick!3、你的声音真好听!You have a nice voice!4、你的嘴唇好性感!Your lip good sex appeal!5、哇!你的身材真好!A: wow!
