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  3. equinox专题
  • [句子]跟农业有关的英语谚语

    跟农业有关的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、积肥如积粮,肥多粮满仓。Accumulated fertilizer is like grain, which is full of grain.2、种田不用问,深耕多上粪。Do not ask about farming, deep farming and more dung.3、白露种高山,

  • [句子]秋季的英语谚语

    秋季的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、秋不凉,籽不黄。Autumn is not cool, the seeds are not yellow.2、秋分日晴,万物不生。The autumn equinox is sunny and everything is not alive.3、夏雨少,秋霜早。Less rain in summ

  • [句子]秋天的谚语英文有哪些

    秋天的谚语英文有哪些,谚语大全,1、秋前秋后一场雨,白露前后一场风。A rain before and after autumn, a wind before and after dew.2、立秋晴,一秋晴;立秋雨,一秋雨。The first autumn sunshine, the first autumn sunshine;

  • [句子]有关秋天的英文谚语

    有关秋天的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、秋分到寒露,种麦不延误。The autumn equinox to the cold dew, wheat planting is not delayed.2、秋分秋分,昼夜平分。Autumn equinox autumn equinox, day and night equinox.3、立了秋

  • [句子]用英语描写秋天的谚语

    用英语描写秋天的谚语,谚语大全,1、立秋棉管好,整枝不可少。Good cotton tube in early autumn is indispensable for pruning.2、立了秋,便把扇子丢。When autumn comes, the fan is thrown away.3、立秋下雨人欢乐,处暑下雨万人愁。Ra

  • [句子]有关秋天的英文谚语

    有关秋天的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、秋分到寒露,种麦不延误。The autumn equinox to the cold dew, wheat planting is not delayed.2、秋分秋分,昼夜平分。Autumn equinox autumn equinox, day and night equinox.3、立了秋

  • [句子]季节的谚语是英语的

    季节的谚语是英语的,谚语大全,1、今冬雪不断,明年吃白面。Snow keeps falling this winter and white noodles will be eaten next year.2、立春节气不下是旱年。Spring Festival is a dry year.3、冬雪消除四边草,来年肥多虫害少。Win

  • [句子]有关季节的英语谚语

    有关季节的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、大暑小暑,有米也懒煮。Big summer, small summer, rice is lazy to boil.2、春天孩儿面,一日三变脸。Children's faces change three times a day in spring.3、秋蝉叫一声,准备好过冬。The au

  • [句子]关于季节的英语谚语

    关于季节的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、春分利大风,利到四月中。The spring equinox brings strong winds, and the middle of April.2、无籽穗子长得高,无知之人更傲慢。The seedless ears grow taller, the ignorant are more a

  • [句子]关于秋天的英文谚语

    关于秋天的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、秋分到寒露,种麦不延误。The autumn equinox to the cold dew, wheat planting is not delayed.2、大暑旱,处暑寒,过了秋分见寒霜。Heavy summer and drought, in the summer and cold, af

  • [句子]关于秋天的谚语英文

    关于秋天的谚语英文,谚语大全,1、秋分不起葱,霜降必定空。The autumn equinox can not afford onions, frost must be empty.2、苹果栗子为上果,乌枣李子更值钱。Apples and chestnuts are the top fruit, but black dates

  • [句子]秋天的谚语英语

    秋天的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、立秋栽葱,白露栽蒜。Planting onions in autumn and garlic in dew.2、立秋无雨是空秋,万物历来一半收。The autumn without rain is empty, and everything has always been half harves

  • [句子]秋天的谚语英文

    秋天的谚语英文,谚语大全,1、秋分到寒露,种麦不延误。The autumn equinox to the cold dew, wheat planting is not delayed.2、梨行却了梨,柿子红了皮。Pear line but pear, persimmon red skin.3、白露砍高梁,寒露打完场。Bai

  • [句子]英文谚语农业

    英文谚语农业,谚语大全,1、犁地到头到边,麦苗长得齐严。From the end of the plough to the side, the wheat seedlings grew well.2、种麦种到老,还是早种麦子好。It is better to grow wheat early than to grow it

  • [句子]关于天气的英语谚语

    关于天气的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、云钩向那方,风由那方来。Cloud hook to that side, the wind from that side.2、白露白弥弥,秋分稻莠齐。White dew, autumn equinox rice.3、大暑小暑不是暑,立秋处暑正当暑。Summer is not summer, bu

  • [句子]关于春分的谚语英语

    关于春分的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、春分节到不能让,地瓜母子快上炕。When the Spring Equinox comes, the mother and the son of the sweet potato will go up to the kang.2、填平坑湾,先种黍穇。Fill up the pit Bay and
