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  • [句子]英文哲理句子唯美简短

    英文哲理句子唯美简短,唯美的句子,1、每个人都有美好的梦想,只有坚持,你的梦想才能实现。Everyone has a beautiful dream. Only by persevering can your dream come true.2、今年还要做一件傻事,就是继续喜欢你。Another silly thing to do

  • [句子]回忆的句子英文

    回忆的句子英文,经典句子,1、回忆过去和展望将来的作法,会使过去成为伤感的同义语,使将来成为审慎的代名词。Recalling the past and looking forward to the future will make the past a synonym for sentiment and the future

  • [句子]关于初恋的英文句子

    关于初恋的英文句子,经典句子,1、初恋是如露珠般的纯真情感,初恋是闪电一般的热情洋溢,初恋是阴晴不定的夏日天空。First love is like a dewdrop of pure emotion, first love is like lightning general enthusiasm, first love is

  • [句子]经典爱情诗句英文短句

    经典爱情诗句英文短句,爱情的句子,1、我,是一朵盛开的夏荷,多希望,你能看见现在的的。I am a full bloom of Xia, hope, you can see the present.2、凋谢是真实的,盛开只是一种过去。Withering is true, and blooming is just a past.3、日

  • [句子]英语美文短句

    英语美文短句,唯美的句子,1、男人、对自己好点。才有力气对自己的女人和家人好。Man, to their own good points. Has the strength to own the woman and the family well.2、其实,你一直都不知道我到底有多么多么的讨厌你。Actually, you

  • [名言]关于灵感的英文名言

    关于灵感的英文名言,英语名言,1、灵感是**,写在纸上是射精。Inspiration is the climax, written on paper is ejaculation.2、思风发于胸臆,言泉流于唇齿。In his speech that Si Quan, mere lip.3、人们在那里高谈着灵感的东西,而我却像首饰

  • [句子]经典英语情感句子

    经典英语情感句子,爱情的句子,1、不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.2、我们—直在寻觅,寻觅,那个我们都有的结局。We - straight looking fo

  • [句子]最伤感的英文句子

    最伤感的英文句子,伤感的句子,1、从来不去相信,却每次都铭记在心里。Never to believe, but always remember in my heart.2、越是在最需要人的时候发现越没依靠。The more you need people in the most time to find that the mor

  • [格言]英文爱情谚语

    英文爱情谚语,英语格言,1、小别胜新婚。Their hearts grow smaller.2、情人眼里出西施。Beauty lies in lover's eyes.3、有情人终成眷属。Be well, jack shall have Jill.4、英雄才能配美人。None but the brave deser

  • [签名]qq签名英文爱情带翻译

    qq签名英文爱情带翻译,QQ个性签名,1、爱是恒久忍耐,加以恩赐。Love is patient.2、是否我放你走,你就幸福了。If I let you go, you will be happy.3、退一步,让一步,来成全别人。Step back, let a step, to help others.4、越是试图忘记,越是记得深刻。

  • [名言]英文爱情名言大全

    英文爱情名言大全,英语名言,1、一个人痛苦的时候,就会想起自己以前也曾令人痛苦。When a person pain, they think of themselves before was painful。2、我不相信爱情,但我会接受它,因为它是一种安慰。I don't believe in love, but I
