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  • [句子]蜜蜂中英文谚语

    蜜蜂中英文谚语,谚语大全,1、蜜蜂见花团团转,花见蜜蜂朵朵开。The bee sees the flower cluster turn, the flower sees the bee blossom.2、只冻死的苍蝇,没有累死的蜜蜂。Only frozen flies, no tired bees.3、带声来蕊上,连影在香

  • [短信]英语朋友祝福语

    英语朋友祝福语,经典短信,1、友谊是最圣洁的灵物,她既会在同性中生根发芽,也会在异性中开花结果。Friendship is the most holy thing. She will take root in homosexuality and blossom in the opposite sex.2、思念是多情的海滩,将

  • [句子]描写美食的英文句子

    描写美食的英文句子,好词好句,1、红烧肉吃到嘴里嫩嫩的,滑滑的,油而不腻,咸中带甜,一会儿功夫我就吃了六,七块。Braised pork is tender, smooth, oily but not greasy. It's salty and sweet. In a moment, I'll eat six

  • [句子]关于美食的英文句子

    关于美食的英文句子,经典句子,1、这家的烤鱼真不错,颜色金黄,香味四溢,外酥内嫩,皮翠,肉多汁,色香味具全。The grilled fish in this family is really good. It's golden in color and fragrant. It's crispy outside

  • [句子]美食英语句子

    美食英语句子,经典句子,1、扬州鲜笋趁鲥鱼,烂煮春风三月初。Yangzhou fresh bamboo shoots take advantage of shad fish, rotten cooking spring breeze in early March.2、无声细下飞碎雪,放箸未觉全盘空。Silent fine

  • [句子]关于美食的英文句子

    关于美食的英文句子,经典句子,1、这家的烤鱼真不错,颜色金黄,香味四溢,外酥内嫩,皮翠,肉多汁,色香味具全。The grilled fish in this family is really good. It's golden in color and fragrant. It's crispy outside
