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  3. garden专题
  • [句子]英语中蔬菜有关的谚语

    英语中蔬菜有关的谚语,谚语大全,1、黄花菜,不要粪,只要年年高一寸。Yellow cauliflower, no dung, as long as an inch higher every year.2、三天不进园,杂草封住门。Three days without the garden, the weeds closed the

  • [句子]关于蔬菜的英语谚语

    关于蔬菜的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、栽白菜不用巧,栽得歪歪倒。Chinese cabbage is not planted coincidentally, it is planted askew.2、八月种葱绿葱葱,九月种葱一场空。Green onions are planted in August and empty onion

  • [句子]与蔬菜有关的英语谚语

    与蔬菜有关的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、萝卜白菜葱,多用大粪攻。Radish, Chinese cabbage and onions are attacked with dung.2、头伏芝麻二伏豆,三伏天里种菜豆。Sesame beans are planted on the head and kidney beans are pl

  • [句子]蔬菜的英语谚语

    蔬菜的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、涝不死的黄瓜,旱不死的葱。Waterlogged cucumbers, dry onions.2、立秋胡桃白露梨,寒露柿子红了皮。Starting autumn walnut white pear, cold dew persimmon red skin.3、大暑摘瓜。Melons are pi

  • [语录]奥赛罗英文经典台词

    奥赛罗英文经典台词,经典语录,1、从前的姑娘把手给人,同时把心也一起给了他;现在时世变了,得到一位姑娘的手的,不一定能够得到她的心。The girl hand from us, the hearts of him; now times have changed, get a girl's hand, not be abl
