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  3. garlic专题
  • [句子]英语中蔬菜有关的谚语

    英语中蔬菜有关的谚语,谚语大全,1、黄花菜,不要粪,只要年年高一寸。Yellow cauliflower, no dung, as long as an inch higher every year.2、三天不进园,杂草封住门。Three days without the garden, the weeds closed the

  • [句子]关于蔬菜的谚语英语

    关于蔬菜的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、夏至不刨蒜,蒜在泥里烂。The summer solstice does not shave garlic, garlic rots in the mud.2、立夏栽姜,夏到离娘。Limit summer and plant ginger, summer to leave mother.3、苹果

  • [句子]与蔬菜有关的英语谚语

    与蔬菜有关的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、萝卜白菜葱,多用大粪攻。Radish, Chinese cabbage and onions are attacked with dung.2、头伏芝麻二伏豆,三伏天里种菜豆。Sesame beans are planted on the head and kidney beans are pl

  • [句子]关于蔬菜的英文谚语

    关于蔬菜的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、霜打雪压青菜甜。Frost and snow crush sweet vegetables.2、菜抵三分粮。Food is worth three cents.3、没粪种豆花,粪多萝卜大。Soybean flowers grow without dung, and turnips grow wi

  • [句子]蔬菜英语谚语

    蔬菜英语谚语,谚语大全,1、苋菜不用粪,只要中午饮。Amaranth does not need dung, just drink at noon.2、枇杷枇杷,隔年开花。Loquat blossoms every other year.3、六月苋,当鸡蛋,七月苋,金不换。June amaranth, when eggs,

  • [句子]蔬菜谚语英文

    蔬菜谚语英文,谚语大全,1、飞扬花,种黄花。Flying flowers grow yellow flowers.2、立秋栽葱,白露栽蒜。Planting onions in autumn and garlic in dew.3、一块菜地七种花,不收这家收那家。There are seven kinds of flower

  • [句子]有关水果的英语谚语

    有关水果的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、枇杷枇杷,隔年开花。Loquat blossoms every other year.2、人靠吃饭,菜靠喝水。People depend on food and food on water.3、莲子心中苦,梨儿腹内酸。The heart of lotus seed is bitter and t

  • [句子]水果英语谚语

    水果英语谚语,谚语大全,1、向阳荔枝,背阳龙眼。Xiangyang Litchi and Beiyang Longan.2、夏至起蒜,必定散了瓣。When garlic comes up in the summer solstice, it must be scattered.3、吃不到葡萄就说葡萄酸。Grapes are
