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  • [短信]六一的英文祝福语

    六一的英文祝福语,儿童节短信,1、祝愿朋友都向孩子一样,无忧无虑,快乐无忧!I wish my friends will be as carefree and happy as their children.2、愿你像孩童般开心,像孩童般幸福!May you be as happy as a child and as happy

  • [短信]英文儿童节祝福语

    英文儿童节祝福语,儿童节短信,1、儿童节到了,愿你和孩子快乐永伴,健康无忧!Children's Day is coming. May you and your children be happy and healthy.2、童年是一片没有乌云的蓝天,映出你我干净的笑容。Childhood is a blue sky w

  • [短信]英语的六一祝福语

    英语的六一祝福语,儿童节短信,1、愿你永远拥有一颗童心,天天笑哈哈。May you always have a childlike innocence and laugh everyday.2、祝你儿童节快乐抹一脸,幸福流成河。I wish you a happy children's day and a happy r

  • [短信]六一祝福语英语

    六一祝福语英语,儿童节短信,1、六一节到了,祝祖国的花朵越开越美,尽情欢笑!The 61 quarter arrives, I wish the flowers of the motherland will be more and more beautiful, and laugh heartily!2、六一儿童节,记忆童年的

  • [短信]六一祝福语英文

    六一祝福语英文,儿童节短信,1、愿你保持一颗童心,祝你快乐无边!May you keep a childlike innocence and wish you happiness!2、儿童节到来之际,愿你健康生活,快乐百分百!When children's day comes, I wish you a healthy

  • [短信]儿童节英语祝福语

    儿童节英语祝福语,儿童节短信,1、祝你心情如孩童,快乐天天伴。I wish you a happy mood like a child, every day.2、今天你最大,你说什么都算话。Your biggest today, all what you said is debt.3、祝你拥有一颗纯真、快乐的童心。Wish yo

  • [短信]六一儿童节祝贺词英文

    六一儿童节祝贺词英文,儿童节短信,1、忘不了童年的欢笑,忘不了儿时的趣闻,那里承载着永恒的记忆,那里有着美好的回忆,六一到,真诚地道一声:儿童节快乐!愿你永远开心。Forget not childhood laughter, forget childhood anecdote, which carries the eternal m

  • [短信]儿童节祝福语英语

    儿童节祝福语英语,儿童节短信,1、小大人们祝你们节日愉快,智慧与年龄一同增长。Grownup children I wish you a happy holiday, wisdom with age growth.2、儿童节快乐,永远童真的你!愿你永远保持一颗童心。Happy children's day, the in

  • [短信]儿童节祝福语英文

    儿童节祝福语英文,儿童节短信,1、心愿是风,快乐是帆,祝福是船。心愿的风,吹着快乐的帆,载着对小朋友祝福的船,漂向快乐的你,轻轻地问候:六一节快乐!Aspiration is the wind, happy is the sail, the blessing is ship. Wish of wind, blowing happ

  • [短信]六一儿童节英文祝福语

    六一儿童节英文祝福语,儿童节短信,1、这个世界上有这么多聪明可爱的小朋友,但是在爸爸的心中你永远是最棒的!祝你儿童节快乐。In this world there are so many clever and lovely children, but in daddy's heart you'll always be

  • [短信]六一儿童节英语祝福语

    六一儿童节英语祝福语,儿童节短信,1、祝身体健康,牙齿掉光;一路顺风,半路失踪;一路走好,半路摔倒;天天愉快,经常变态;笑口常开,笑死活该!Wish a healthy body, the tooth drop light; Bon voyage, halfway missing; All the way walk good, fa

  • [短信]六一儿童节英文短信

    六一儿童节英文短信,儿童节短信,1、一朵朵绽放的鲜花,那是妈妈的眼睛。在妈妈的眼睛里,小姑娘永远是美丽的花仙子。A blooming flower, it is mother's eyes. In the mother's eyes, the girl is always beautiful beautiful f
