法律格言英文,英语格言,1、法律是最保险的头盔。Law is the safest helmets.2、法立于上则俗成于下。On the method in common as below.3、最好的法律从习惯产生。One of the best law come from habits.4、法律应当与道德保持一致。Sho
法律的格言英文,英语格言,1、人民之安宁乃最高之法律。The peace of the people is the supreme law.2、法律的生命不是逻辑而是经验。The life of law is not logic but experience.3、法律就应是铁的,像铁锁那样。Laws are should b
法律的名言英语,英语名言,1、良好的秩序是一切的基础。Good order is the foundation of all things.2、真相无所惧,唯怕被隐瞒。The truth not fear, only afraid of concealment.3、举证之所在,败诉之所在。The proof, the los