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  3. leaves专题
  • [句子]秋天英语句子

    秋天英语句子,经典句子,1、秋风,凉丝丝的,吹拂着花草树木,好像一位温情的母亲正轻轻地哼着催眠曲把自己的子女送进甜蜜的梦乡。Autumn wind, cool silk, blowing flowers and trees, as if a tender mother is gently humming hypnotic

  • [句子]描写秋天的英文句子

    描写秋天的英文句子,好词好句,1、秋天的风带给大地的是丰收,带给我们的是快乐。The wind in autumn brings us harvest and happiness.2、秋日的朝阳略带羞涩地升起之后,便是霞光万丈。After the rising of the morning sun in autumn with

  • [句子]巴黎圣母院英文版好句

    巴黎圣母院英文版好句,好词好句,1、奋斗需要坚持!Struggle needs to adhere to!2、穷困不假,潦倒未必。Poverty is not false, not down.3、生活,就是昂首前瞻。Life is looking up.4、时光盲目,人则愚昧。Time is blind, man is stupi

  • [名言]巴黎圣母院英文名句

    巴黎圣母院英文名句,英语名言,1、重大事件必有难以估量的后果。Significant events must have a hard to predict consequences.2、人心承受悲痛是有限量的。海绵吸饱水之后,任凭大海从上面流过去,也不能再吸收一滴眼泪。There is a limit to the human

  • [句子]描述秋天的英文句子

    描述秋天的英文句子,经典句子,1、秋天的美是成熟的它不像春那么羞涩,夏那么坦露,冬那么内向。Autumn is mature it is not so shy the spring and summer is so open, so to winter.2、秋后的后半夜。月亮下去了,太阳还没有出,只剩下一片乌蓝的天;除了夜游的东

  • [名言]泰戈尔飞鸟集双语

    泰戈尔飞鸟集双语,英语名言,1、God finds himself by creating。神从创造中找到他自己。2、Man barricades against himself。人对他自己建筑起堤防来。3、The stars are not afraid to appear like fireflies。群星不怕显得象萤火那

  • [句子]关于四季的英语句子

    关于四季的英语句子,好词好句,1、Fall to, chrysanthemum opened。 There are red, yellow, with purple, and white, very beautiful! 秋天到了,**开了。有红的,有黄的,有紫的,还有白的,美丽极了!2、The leaves turn yell
