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  • [句子]英语古老谚语

    英语古老谚语,谚语大全,1、百闻不如一见,百见不如一干。Seeing is better than hearing, doing is better than seeing.2、守口如瓶﹐防意如城。Keep your mouth shut like a bottle, and guard against it like a

  • [句子]关于做生意英语谚语

    关于做生意英语谚语,谚语大全,1、人看一张脸,货卖一张皮。A man looks at a face and sells a skin.2、无奸不商,无巧不艺。There is no business without treachery, no coincidence without skill.3、不怕不识货,就怕货比货。If

  • [句子]做生意的谚语英文

    做生意的谚语英文,谚语大全,1、买卖不成仁义在。Business is not benevolent.2、人无远虑,必有近忧。A man without foresight must have immediate worries.3、无奸不商,无利不发。No treachery, no business, no profit.

  • [句子]初中应掌握的英语谚语

    初中应掌握的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、母大儿肥,种好苗壮。Fertile mothers and fathers make good seedlings.2、直木先伐,甘井先竭。Cut straight trees first, and use up sweet wells first.3、大路不走草成窝,好歌不唱忘记多。The r

  • [句子]英文谚语格言警句

    英文谚语格言警句,谚语大全,1、只勤不俭无底洞,只俭不勤水无源。Only diligence, no thrift, no bottomless pit, only thrift, no diligence, no water, no source.2、心里没有病,喝凉水也添膘。Heart is not sick, drink

  • [句子]小学英语谚语

    小学英语谚语,谚语大全,1、南风怕日落,北风怕天明。The south wind is afraid of sunset, the north wind is afraid of dawn.2、有钱难买老来瘦。It's hard to buy a thin old man with money.3、家有一老,犹如一

  • [句子]英语句子初二

    英语句子初二,经典句子,1、我一点都不知道。I don't know at all.2、他们叫这个村庄桉树。They call this village Eucalyptus.3、记得明天给我带一些钱来。Remember to bring me some money tomorrow.4、他们每天无所事事。They

  • [句子]初中英语句子大全100句

    初中英语句子大全100句,经典句子,1、我一点都不知道。I don't know anything about it.2、我认为明天不会下雨。I don't think it will rain tomorrow.3、这儿有香波卖吗?Do you have shampoo here?4、谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。He l

  • [短信]开业英语的祝福语

    开业英语的祝福语,经典短信,1、老朋友,祝您开业大吉,祝开业庆典圆满成功。Old friend, I wish you a happy start and wish the opening ceremony a success.2、前天祝贺早了点,今天祝贺挤了点,明天祝贺迟了点,现在祝贺是正点。The day before y

  • [句子]茶花女经典句子英语

    茶花女经典句子英语,经典句子,1、只有真正贞洁的女人才谈得上真正纯洁的爱情。Only true chastity women can talk about true pure love.2、我原以为应该原谅她的是我,而现在我发觉自己连接受她的宽恕都不配。I thought I should forgive her for bei

  • [句子]初中英语重点句子

    初中英语重点句子,经典句子,1、他们正忙着在山上植树。They are busy planting trees on the hill.2、百闻不如一见。Seeing is believing.3、说起来容易,做起来难。It's easier said than done.4、有志者事竟成。Where there is

  • [名言]初中英语作文名言

    初中英语作文名言,经典名言,1、我明天会给你打电话。I will call you tomorrow.2、我们准备好吃午饭。We are ready for lunch.3、胸中有知识,胜于手中有金钱。Knowledge in breast is better than money in hand.4、他们正忙着在山上植树。T

  • [名言]培根的名言警句英文

    培根的名言警句英文,名言警句,1、选择机会,就是节省时间。To choose opportunities is to save time.2、深窥自己的心,而后发觉一切的奇迹在你自己。Take a deep look at your heart, and then discover all the miracles in you

  • [短信]开业祝福语英语

    开业祝福语英语,经典短信,1、盼望着,盼望着,开业的鞭炮响了,亲朋的笑声更亮了,心豁亮了,梦靠近了,无论走到何时何地,我都支持你,加油!Looking forward to, looking forward to, the opening of the firecrackers, family and friends lau

  • [签名]qq个性签名英文搞笑

    qq个性签名英文搞笑,搞笑个性签名,1、种草不让人去躺,不如改种仙人掌!Grass people not to lie, as Gaizhong cactus!2、其实大家交白卷都是年级第一,为什么非要自相残杀呢。In fact we are handing the first grade, why kill it.3、不看你终身遗憾

  • [句子]萌萌哒的英文句子

    萌萌哒的英文句子,经典句子,1、随风飘摇红尘一笑,只为醉逍遥。Fluttering red smile, only for the drunk.2、幸福不是得你所想,而是想你所得。Happiness is not about what you think, but what you get.3、今朝有酒今朝醉,一路坎坷不后退。

  • [名言]马云的名言英文

    马云的名言英文,英语名言,1、公关是个副产品,由于你解决了以后会逐渐传出去,这才是最好的公关。PR is a by-product, because you will be able to gradually spread out later, this is the best public relations.2、其实很多

  • [语录]马云创业语录英文

    马云创业语录英文,经典语录,1、战略不能落实到结果和目标上面,都是空话。Strategy can not be implemented to the results and goals above, are empty.2、关注对手是战略中很重要的一部分,但这并不意味着你会赢。Focus on the opponent is

  • [语录]马云创业语录英语

    马云创业语录英语,经典语录,1、很多人失败的原因不是钱太少,而是钱太多。Many people fail because they are not too little money, but too much money.2、发令枪一响,你是没时间看你的对手是怎么跑的。只有明天是我们的竞争对手。At the gun, you

  • [句子]用英语骂人的经典句子

    用英语骂人的经典句子,经典句子,1、唱歌走调,不如狗叫。Sing out of tune, called than dogs.2、远看是美景,近看想报警。Far see is beauty, looking nearly want to call the police.3、班长班长,你的嘴巴好长。Monitor of the cl
