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  • [句子]兴趣爱好的英语句子

    兴趣爱好的英语句子,经典句子,1、我爱书,它给了我快乐,给了我许多知识,让我忘记烦恼。I love books, they give me happiness, give me a lot of knowledge, let me forget my troubles.2、兴趣,在人生中似暗香浮过,在童年中似水流年。Intere

  • [句子]描写爱好的英语句子

    描写爱好的英语句子,经典句子,1、我为书而醉,醉在那书卷的馨香里;书如酒般让人沉醉,而我愿意一生守望。I was drunk and drunk in the book, the book of fragrance; books such as wine makes people drunk, and I'd like

  • [句子]关于爱好的英语句子

    关于爱好的英语句子,经典句子,1、爱为学问之始。Love is the beginning of learning.2、穿衣戴帽,各有所好。Dressing up, everyone has his hobby.3、望经拜道,各有一好。Looking through the worship, each has a good.4、

  • [名言]艺术名言英语

    艺术名言英语,英语名言,1、艺术是活的科学。Art is the science of living.2、治疗苦恼的灵丹。Treatment of magic.3、诗歌是艺术的女王。Poetry is the art of the queen.4、艺术乃德行的宝库。Art is the treasure house of
