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  • [短信]离职祝福语英语

    离职祝福语英语,经典短信,1、越是想得近,越觉离得远。你身在异乡,惟有明月与我长相伴。何年何日,我俩再团圆?The closer you think, the farther away you feel. When you are in a strange land, you only have bright moon wi

  • [短信]告别祝福语英语

    告别祝福语英语,经典短信,1、愿你一路平安,奔向旅程那头,把快乐幸福拥有!珍重,朋友!I wish you a safe journey to the end of the journey, to have happiness and happiness! Take care, friend!2、人生就是一段旅程,虽然我们都

  • [短信]分别祝福语英语

    分别祝福语英语,经典短信,1、告别是最难受的时刻,祝你旅途愉快,盼望不久的将来你能再回来。Farewell is the most uncomfortable moment. I wish you a pleasant journey and look forward to your coming back in the n

  • [短信]英语祝福语毕业

    英语祝福语毕业,经典短信,1、相聚总是短暂,分别却是久长,愿我们的心儿能紧紧相随,永不分离。The gathering is always short, but the difference is long. May our hearts be closely followed and never separated.2、你

  • [短信]英文离别祝福语

    英文离别祝福语,经典短信,1、一声汽笛,跌落在旷野,无限惆怅的孤独,在别离时刻,一齐从心头滋生。A whistle, falling in the wilderness, boundless melancholy solitude, at the time of separation, from one's hear

  • [句子]表达不舍的句子英语

    表达不舍的句子英语,经典句子,1、人生有初见,相识,就一定会有离别。可是,这样的离别,还是出乎了我们所有人的意料。Life is first sight, acquaintance, there must be parting. However, such a departure, or contrary to all of u

  • [短信]小学毕业祝福语英文

    小学毕业祝福语英文,经典短信,1、毕业了,留恋的话不说,说就说愿你如意。Graduated, nostalgic words do not say, say you wish.2、毕业还未来到,我已开始留恋着一切。Graduation has not yet arrived, I have begun to miss every

  • [名言]离别英文名言

    离别英文名言,英语名言,1、盼暂别后再见,分离时有甜蜜想念。Looking forward to temporarily don't goodbye, after separation of sweet miss.2、山和山无法相会,我与你总会重逢。The mountains and can't meet,

  • [名言]关于离别的名言英文

    关于离别的名言英文,英语名言,1、默行离别路,静听一首歌。Line's parting road, listen to a song.2、人在曲终散,爱在离别时。When people in the song, love is in part.3、我不习惯离别,也不喜欢离别。I'm not used to lea
