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  • [句子]怪兽大学经典句子英文

    怪兽大学经典句子英文,经典句子,1、怪兽大学站!有下车的吗?The monster university station!Have to get off?2、我要成为惊吓专员。I want to be scared commissioner.3、“欢迎来上惊吓入门课程”“吓人根本不用学,放胆去吓

  • [句子]英语自我介绍的句子

    英语自我介绍的句子,经典句子,1、I hope we can be good friends!我希望我们能成为好朋友。2、Since my graduation from the school two years ago, I have been employed in teh Green Hotel as a cashier.

  • [短信]高考祝福语英文怎么说

    高考祝福语英文怎么说,经典短信,1、灰心生失望,失望生动摇,动摇生失败。Frustration breeds disappointment, disappointment shakes vividly, and shaking breeds failure.2、每天告诉自己一次:我真的很不错。Tell yourself once

  • [句子]高考英语必背句子300句

    高考英语必背句子300句,经典句子,1、这的确是个很好的机会让人们看到他们。This is surely a good chance for people to see them.2、我非常感兴趣。I am interested in it.3、我们可以乘坐101线或地铁2号线可以到达那里。We can get there by ta

  • [句子]中考英语常用句子

    中考英语常用句子,经典句子,1、我经常花许多时间在词典查单词。 I often spend lots of time in looking up words in the dictionary.2、我看见他闯入了。 I saw him break in.3、我喜欢用水装满这个瓶子。 I like filling the

  • [句子]一般将来时的句子

    一般将来时的句子,经典句子,1、她打算这天下午去看望王先生。She is going to see Mr。 Wang this afternoon。2、这封信明天将寄出去。The letter will be sent tomorrow。3、这天下午我们打算开班会。We are going to have a class me

  • [短信]百年校庆祝福语英语

    百年校庆祝福语英语,经典短信,1、展望美好未来,再创世纪辉煌。Looking forward to a bright future and creating a new century of brilliance.2、百载难逢同窗友,岁月依然再庆功。Once in a hundred years, my classmates a

  • [句子]初一英语句子

    初一英语句子,经典句子,1、他是干什么的?What does he do?2、让我们定在九点半吧!Let's make it 9:30.3、让他们在这儿呆着。Let them stay here.4、在洗完盘子后,他继续阅读。After washing the dishes, he went on reading.

  • [句子]初一英语的句子

    初一英语的句子,经典句子,1、完成作业后我开始看电视。After finishing my homework, I began to watch TV.2、让他不要站在雨中。Let him not stand in the rain.3、能有梦想是通往成功路上的第一步。Dreaming is the first step o

  • [句子]初中英语的句子

    初中英语的句子,经典句子,1、我现在必须要回家了。I have to go home now.2、刚才,我看见你捡起了一个苹果。Just now, I saw you pick up an apple.3、智者千虑,必有一失。A wise man who cares for everything must lose some

  • [句子]关于大学的英文句子

    关于大学的英文句子,经典句子,1、大学,我终于要给你告别了,我告别了睡懒觉,告别了逃课,告别了那拖鞋行万里的夏天。College, I finally want to say goodbye to you. I said goodbye to sleeping late, truancy and the summer when

  • [短信]升学祝福语英语

    升学祝福语英语,经典短信,1、知识是一匹无私的骏马,谁能驾驭它,它就属于谁。Knowledge is a selfless horse, and whoever can control it will belong to it.2、愿成功的你在大学再创辉煌,成就的你在前方再创功名,美好圆满的昨天再展新的明天。Wish you

  • [短信]考试祝福语英语

    考试祝福语英语,经典短信,1、练习就是中考,中考就是练习。Practice is the middle school entrance examination, the middle school entrance examination is the practice.2、没有平日的失败,就没有最终的成功,重要的是分析失败

  • [短信]中考英文祝福语

    中考英文祝福语,经典短信,1、自信,是无尽智慧的凝聚。平淡,是成功路上的驿站。Self confidence is the condensation of endless wisdom. Insipid, it is the post office on the road to success.2、宁可战死,不可吓死。今朝不

  • [句子]班级口号英语

    班级口号英语,口号大全,1、耕耘今天,收获明天。Till today, harvest tomorrow.2、博学笃行,自强不息。The study is great and strong.3、运动场上,**飞扬。On the playground, passion flies.4、强班强校,校荣我荣。Strong sch

  • [句子]学校英语标语

    学校英语标语,学校标语,1、学问愈深,未知愈重。The deeper the learning, the more the unknown.2、因材施教,发展特长。Teach students in accordance with their aptitude and develop their specialty.3、团

  • [短信]英语小学毕业祝福语

    英语小学毕业祝福语,经典短信,1、不求他日再相逢,只求彼此不相忘。Don't ask for another day to meet, just don't forget each other.2、分开,不会删除曾经的喜怒哀乐。Separate, will not delete the joy, anger an

  • [语录]毕业季唯美语录英文

    毕业季唯美语录英文,经典语录,1、拍毕业照三秒的时间却定格着三年的离别。Graduation photo shoot three seconds but fixed three years apart.2、浮云一别后,流水十年间。欢笑情如旧,萧疏鬓已斑。The clouds parted, water ten years. Lo

  • [句子]毕业英文句子

    毕业英文句子,经典句子,1、六年了!疯子们,再见。For six years. Crazy, bye bye.2、年少时的我们、已经长大夏末的回忆。When we were young, we had grown up memories of the late summer.3、这个年龄的我们总是莫名感动莫名悲伤。This

  • [句子]标语的英语

    标语的英语,综合标语,1、滴水如油,贵在节约。Water is like oil.2、地球是我家,绿化靠大家。The earth is my home.3、自强不息,厚德载物。Unremitting self-improvement, social commitment.4、结果不好,就是不好。The result is
