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  • [句子]正能量谚语的英文

    正能量谚语的英文,谚语大全,1、有志者立长志,无志者常立志。Those who have ambition always make up their minds, but those who have no ambition always make up their minds.2、灯不亮,要人拨;事不明,要人说。If the

  • [句子]努力的英文谚语

    努力的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、坚忍是成功的诀窍。Perseverance is the key to success.2、成功的奥秘在于目标的坚定。The secret of success lies in the firm aim.3、不要企图永远活下去,你不会成功的。Don't try to live forev

  • [句子]中考有用的谚语英语

    中考有用的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、老马识路数,老人通世故。Old horses know the way, old people know the world.2、七八个星天外,两三点雨山前。Seven or eight stars, two or three rainy mountains.3、有势不可使尽,有福不可享尽。Th

  • [句子]关于实践的谚语英语

    关于实践的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、既来会场,莫要闭嘴。Don't shut up when you come to the meeting.2、吃的是毒草,长的是翎羽。They eat poisonous weeds and grow feathers.3、擒龙要下海,打虎要上山。Catching dragons is

  • [句子]实践的英文谚语

    实践的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、见识见识,不见不识。Wisdom is not ignorance.2、柴薪锋利之时,方知斧头利否。When the firewood is sharp, one knows whether the axe is right or not.3、不干,不可能知晓,干了,不可能不会。If you d
