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  • [句子]勤奋座右铭英语

    勤奋座右铭英语,座右铭,1、人勤地生宝,人懒地生草。Man is diligent in making treasures, but he is lazy in making grass.2、世上无难事,只怕有心人。Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.3、梦

  • [句子]关于行为的英语谚语

    关于行为的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、行成于思而毁于随,业精于勤荒于嬉。Behavior is destroyed by thought, and industry is good at idleness and playfulness.2、勤以为民,廉以养德,淡以明志,静以修身。Diligence for the people,

  • [句子]谦虚英文座右铭

    谦虚英文座右铭,座右铭,1、做人不能太骄傲,要谦虚。Don't be too proud to be a man. Be modest.2、世上无难事,只怕有心人。Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.3、谦虚是最高的克己功夫。Modesty is t

  • [句子]小学英语座右铭

    小学英语座右铭,座右铭,1、读书百遍,其义自见。Reading a hundred times is self-evident.2、造烛求明,读书求理。Make candles for illumination, read for reason.3、小不忍,则乱大谋。If you can't bear it, yo

  • [句子]关于享受生活英文谚语精选

    关于享受生活英文谚语精选,谚语大全,1、常常晒太阳,身体健如钢。He often basks in the sun and is as strong as steel.2、运动好比灵芝草,何必苦把仙方找。Exercise is like Ganoderma lucidum. Why bother finding the fairy p

  • [句子]英文谚语优秀

    英文谚语优秀,谚语大全,1、茶饭要清淡,心情要宽坦。Tea and rice should be light and relaxed.2、先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。To worry before the common people worries; to enjoy only after the people can

  • [句子]小学表示健康的英语谚语

    小学表示健康的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、常常晒太阳,身体健如钢。He often basks in the sun and is as strong as steel.2、体弱病欺人,体强人欺病。Weakness deceives, strength deceives.3、饮了空腹茶,疾病身上爬。Drinking fasting te

  • [句子]自信英语谚语

    自信英语谚语,谚语大全,1、决心就是力量,信心就是成功。Resolution is strength, confidence is success.2、勇敢乃是自信与害怕中间之道。Courage is the middle ground between confidence and fear.3、自信与自靠是坚强的柱石。S

  • [句子]关于自信的英文谚语

    关于自信的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、信心来自谨慎。Confidence comes from prudence.2、恃人不如自恃也。It is better to rely on others than on oneself.3、信心能撑破口袋。Confidence can break your pocket.4、自信与自靠是坚强

  • [句子]关于自信的英语谚语

    关于自信的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、信心与能力通常是齐头并进的。Confidence and ability usually go hand in hand.2、信心来自谨慎。Confidence comes from prudence.3、恢弘志士之气,不宜妄自菲薄。It is not advisable to belittle

  • [句子]关于自信的英语谚语

    关于自信的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、信心与能力通常是齐头并进的。Confidence and ability usually go hand in hand.2、信心来自谨慎。Confidence comes from prudence.3、恢弘志士之气,不宜妄自菲薄。It is not advisable to belittle

  • [句子]有关勇敢自信的英文谚语

    有关勇敢自信的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、自信能促进成功。Self-confidence promotes success.2、信心来自谨慎。Confidence comes from prudence.3、信心能撑破口袋。Confidence can break your pocket.4、知人者智,自知者明。He who knows

  • [句子]有关勇敢自信的英文谚语

    有关勇敢自信的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、自信能促进成功。Self-confidence promotes success.2、信心来自谨慎。Confidence comes from prudence.3、信心能撑破口袋。Confidence can break your pocket.4、知人者智,自知者明。He who knows

  • [句子]关于信心的英语谚语

    关于信心的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、相信自己行,是一种信念。Believing in yourself is a belief.2、天生我材必有用。Natural talent is useful.3、信心是命运的主宰。Confidence is the master of fate.4、自信与自靠是坚强的柱石。Self-conf

  • [句子]关于信心的英语谚语

    关于信心的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、相信自己行,是一种信念。Believing in yourself is a belief.2、天生我材必有用。Natural talent is useful.3、信心是命运的主宰。Confidence is the master of fate.4、自信与自靠是坚强的柱石。Self-conf

  • [句子]关于虚心的英文谚语

    关于虚心的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、缺少谦虚就是缺少见识。Lack of modesty means lack of insight.2、强辩者饰非,谦恭者无争。He who argues strongly, but he who is modest, does not contend.3、让名者名归之,让利者利归之。Let th

  • [句子]鼓励人自信的英文谚语

    鼓励人自信的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、人必须有自信,这是成功的秘密。People must have self-confidence, which is the secret of success.2、自信是成功的第一秘诀。Self-confidence is the first secret of success.3、信心能撑破口

  • [句子]鼓励人自信的英文谚语

    鼓励人自信的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、人必须有自信,这是成功的秘密。People must have self-confidence, which is the secret of success.2、自信是成功的第一秘诀。Self-confidence is the first secret of success.3、信心能撑破口

  • [句子]英语保持身体健康的谚语

    英语保持身体健康的谚语,谚语大全,1、若要身体壮,饭菜嚼成浆。If you want to be strong, chew the food into pulp.2、宁可锅中存放,不让肚子饱胀。It's better to store it in a pot than to have a full stomach.3、娱乐有

  • [句子]有关善良的英语谚语

    有关善良的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、善念是因,善行是果。Good thoughts are causes, good deeds are results.2、做一个善良的人,为人类去谋幸福。Be a kind person and seek happiness for mankind.3、养心莫善于寡欲。Be good at no
