描写星空的英文句子,好词好句,1、天上的星星像小孩子的眼睛一样亮晶晶。The stars in the sky are as bright as children's eyes.2、疏星闭上疲倦欲睡的眼睛,退隐消失了。Shuxing closed his tired and sleepy eyes and disappe
关于环境的英语句子,经典句子,1、小草儿也傲立起头,冒出针尖似的小脑袋,在春雨的润泽下,透着心爱的绿,重生的绿。The grass is only beginning, out of the needle like a small head, in the rain moist, a lovely green, green.2、
关于环境的句子英语,经典句子,1、秋末的黄昏来得总是很快,还没等山野上被日光蒸发起的水气消散。太阳就落进了西山。At dusk is always very quickly, before the hills by solar evaporation of moisture dissipation. The sun fell i
雪英文语录,经典语录,1、下雪了,一片片雪花从天上飘落下来,不一会儿,地上树上房顶上都变成白色的了。It snowed, and flakes of snow fell from the sky. Soon, the roofs of trees on the ground turned white.2、雪花从天而降,有
描写雨天的英文句子,好词好句,1、下雨天,真好,还大千世界一个宁静,不用感慨老天爷的不公。It's nice to have a rainy day. It's peaceful in the world. Don't lament the injustice of the old man.2、雨水打在窗
冬天的句子英语,经典句子,1、洁白的雪,我爱你,我爱你的纯洁。你把大地装饰得一片银白,你把大地打扮得多么美丽。White snow, I love you, I love your purity. You decorate the earth with silver, how beautiful you dress it.2
关于环保的标语英文,环保标语,1、草木绿,花儿笑,空气清新环境好。Grass green, flowers laugh, fresh air, good environment.2、我们是幼苗,我们都需要呵护。We are seedlings, we all need to take care of.3、节约能源,人人有责!Sa
表白英文短句,表白的句子,1、在我心中任何时刻都只有想你!爱你!In my heart, I only miss you at any time! Love you!2、和你在一起只是我不想给任何人机会。Being with you is just that I don't want to give anyone a
有关动物的英语名言,英语名言,1、关注候鸟,保护环境。Pay attention to migratory birds and protect the environment.2、同一片天空,同一个家园。The same sky, the same home.3、同一个蓝天下,和谐相处,保护动物,人人有责。It is every
保护环境英语名言警句,英语名言,1、我们的地球,需要每个人的保护。Our earth needs everyone's protection.2、弯下腰,捡一捡,举手之劳,做个有心人。Stooped to pick up a pick, Jushouzhilao, do people.3、森林是氧气的制造工厂。The fo
描写星星的英语句子,好词好句,1、东方已经浮上鱼肚色的白云,几颗疏散的星儿,还在天空中挤眉弄眼地闪动。The east has the stomach, the color of white clouds floating, the evacuation of several star, also make faces to f
描写大海的英文句子,经典句子,1、那碧绿的海面,像丝绸一样柔和,微荡着涟猗。从高处看,烟波浩渺,一望无际;而有时,海水就在你的脚边,轻轻絮语。The green sea, such as soft as silk, micro swing ripple. See from above, the endless; and some
描写海洋的英文句子,经典句子,1、大海拥有的,不仅仅是一种色彩,它所拥有的是一种精神,是生命。所以,我面对的是大海博大的胸怀。The sea has, not just a color, it is a kind of spirit, is the life. So, I face is the sea broad mind.2
描述夏天的英语句子,经典句子,1、太阳像个老大老大的火球,光线灼人,公路被烈日烤得发烫,脚踏下去一步一串白烟。The sun is like a big big fireball, scorching light, the road was roasted hot sun, go on foot a bunch of white
qq个性签名英文霸气,超拽个性签名,1、自己选的路,跪着也要走完。Their choice of road, kneeling also to go out.2、这个社会,只能靠我们自己。This society, can only rely on our own.3、禽兽,放开那女孩,让我来!Beast, let go of the
离别伤感的句子英文,伤感的句子,1、挥别的是手臂,更近的是心灵。Say goodbye to the arm, the more recent is the soul.2、我的青春,画上很完美的句号!My youth, draw a perfect full stop!3、在若干后,将会沉淀成最美的回忆。In a number o
英语作文中常用到的名人名言,英语名言,1、机会是时间之流中最好的一霎那。——贺威尔The best of our opportunities is the stream of time.2、如果不想在世界上虚度一生,那就要学习一辈子。——高尔基If you don't want t
关于雨的唯美英文句子,唯美的句子,1、雨,像天庭飘下来的千万条银丝。Rain, like 10 million Silver Heaven floating down.2、窗外的天气就像是你多变的表情。The weather outside the window is like your changeable expression.
关于雪的英文名言,英语名言,1、雪花,你温柔地伤着我。Snow, you hurt me softly.2、纷飞漫天的雪花,是寂寥。Fly all over the sky snow, is lonely.3、雪花无声,是我最深沉的爱。Snowflakes are silent, is my most deep love.4、
关于保护大自然的英语名言,英语名言,1、保护环境,就是爱惜生命。Protect the environment, is to cherish life.2、那里有绿色,哪里就有生命。There are green, where there is life.3、提高环境意识,保护美好家园。Raise the environmental