四年级英语句子,经典句子,1、她那一头剪短了的头发乱蓬蓬的,像个孵蛋的母鸡尾巴。Her cropped hair was messy, like the tail of a hen hatching eggs.2、从远处看,一株株桃树活像一把把张开的大花伞。From a distance, a peach tree look
三年级句子英语句子,经典句子,1、空中没有一片云,没有一点风,头顶上一轮烈日,所有的树木都没精打采地、懒洋洋地站在那里。There was no cloud in the air, no wind, a hot sun overhead, and all the trees stood there listlessly and
三年级英语的句子,经典句子,1、大树中间有一个花坛,里面的花很美,颜色各异,粉得似霞,红得似火,五彩缤纷。There is a flower bed in the middle of the tree. The flowers in it are very beautiful, with different colors. T
三年级句子英语,经典句子,1、小草儿悄悄地绿了整个山野,给故乡编织妆扮着春天的衣裳。Little grass quietly green the whole mountain and dress the hometown with spring clothes.2、他好像看见米沙拉动拴着气球的绳子,几个同学站在四周,叽叽喳喳
英语三年级句子,经典句子,1、细雨像微尘般地飘着,湖边的杨柳像新浴出来的少女的头发,滴着晶莹的水珠。The drizzle is floating like dust, the willows by the lake are like the hair of a newly bathed girl, dripping wit
精美英语句子,经典句子,1、岸边的华灯倒映在湖中,好像颗颗宝石缀在湖面之上。The lanterns on the shore are reflected in the lake like jewels.2、势不可使尽,福不可享尽,便宜不可占尽,聪明不可用尽。You can't use all the potent
英文短句子,经典句子,1、春天的景色真美啊!空气真清新,我爱这里的春天。What a beautiful scenery in spring! The air is so fresh. I love the spring here.2、早晨,太阳像个刚出门的新媳妇,羞答答地露出半个脸来。In the morning, t
五年级的英语句子,经典句子,1、蓝蓝的湖水和蓝蓝的天连在了一起,分不清哪是湖水,哪是天。The blue lake water and the blue sky are connected. It's hard to tell which is the lake water and which is the day.2
英语句子五年级,经典句子,1、她一头乌黑闪亮的秀发自然地披落下来,像黑色的锦缎一样光滑柔软。Her black and shiny hair fell naturally, smooth and soft like black brocade.2、一个孩子跑到妈妈跟前,接过妈妈手里沉甸甸的水桶,提着走了。A child ra
英语五年级上册句子,经典句子,1、梦像一条小鱼,在水里游来游去,想捉他,他已经跑了。Dream is like a little fish, swimming around in the water, trying to catch him, he has run.2、一束束灯光照着她,长长的城墙和美丽的角楼倒映在河面上,银光闪
英语五年级上册句子,经典句子,1、梦像一条小鱼,在水里游来游去,想捉他,他已经跑了。Dream is like a little fish, swimming around in the water, trying to catch him, he has run.2、一束束灯光照着她,长长的城墙和美丽的角楼倒映在河面上,银光闪
表达自己生日的说说英语句子,经典句子,1、愿我比别人更不怕一个人独处,愿日后想起时我会被自己感动。May I be more afraid of being alone than others, and may I be moved when I think of it in the future.2、恍然奔三了,每天看见放学的学生,好
冬天英语句子,经典句子,1、雪飘漫天,冰封万里,凛冽的寒风呼啸南北,枝头一只乌鸦蜷缩着脑袋,瑟瑟发抖。Snow is blowing all over the sky, ice is covered for thousands of miles, the cold wind is blowing north and sou
泰戈尔爱情名言英文,英语名言,1、我的忧思缠绕着我,问我他自己的名字。My worries haunted me and asked me his own name.2、仅仅站在那儿望着大海,你根本没法横渡它。Just standing there and looking at the sea, you can't cr
与天气相关的谚语英文,谚语大全,1、昼雾阴,夜雾晴。The day is foggy and the night is foggy and clear.2、雷打夏,无水来洗耙。Thunderstorm in summer, no water to wash rake.3、南风头,北风尾。Southern limelight, no
和天气有关的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、星星眨眼,大雨不远。Stars blink, heavy rain is not far.2、久雨西风晴,久晴西风雨。Long rains and clear westerlies, long sunny westerlies and rain.3、一日东风,三日雨。One day East w
排比句英语,排比句,1、音乐是一杯清茶,润人心脾;音乐是一片秋叶,撩人乡思;音乐是一缕阳光,暖人灵魂。Music is a cup of tea, moistening the heart and spleen; music is an autumn leaf, stirring homesickness; music
跟鹰有关的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、老鹰爪子大,不一定捉住苍蝇。The eagle's claws are big, so it doesn't necessarily catch flies.2、革枯鹰眼疾,雪尽马蹄轻。Leather withered eagle eye disease, snow as lig
英语关于孩子的谚语,谚语大全,1、智慧属于成人,单纯属于儿童。Wisdom belongs to adults, but only to children.2、扎脚的蒺藜,初生是软的。Tribulus terrestris is soft at birth.3、儿童放学归来早,忙趁东风放纸鸢。Children come home
助人的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、不怕巨浪高,只怕桨不齐。Not afraid of high waves, but afraid of uneven paddles.2、助人是人格升华的标志。Helping people is the symbol of personality sublimation.3、我越多地帮助他人成功