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  3. soul专题
  • [句子]洛丽塔经典句子中英文

    洛丽塔经典句子中英文,经典句子,1、看不见你时,你分外美丽。When you can't see you, you are beautiful.2、我爱你,我是个怪物,但我爱你。I love you, I am a monster, but I love you.3、我的心因为爱情的痛楚要胀裂开来。My heart is

  • [句子]简爱经典句子中英

    简爱经典句子中英,经典句子,1、悔恨是生活的毒药。Regret is the poison of life.2、你是凡人,所以难免出错。You are human, so it is inevitable to make mistakes.3、至少赐予我一种新的苦役吧。At least give me a new task.4

  • [名言]关于旅行的英语名言

    关于旅行的英语名言,英语名言,1、旅行教给人们宽容之美德。Travel teaches people tolerant of virtue.2、人生是通往死亡的一次旅行。Life is a journey to the death.3、要想结为夫妻,先去旅行一次。If you want to get married, first

  • [名言]高尔基的名言英文

    高尔基的名言英文,英语名言,1、只有人的劳动才是神圣的。Only man's labor is holy.2、走你的路吧,摔倒了不要怨别人!Go your way, don't blame others fell down!3、灵魂,是一口气,是上帝的呼吸。The soul, is a sigh of reli

  • [句子]赞美老师的英语句子

    赞美老师的英语句子,经典句子,1、老师是我们的再生父母!爹娘生养我们,老师教育了我们!The teacher is our Zaishengfumu! We have parents, the teacher taught us!2、踏遍心田的每一角,踩透心灵的每一寸,满是对您的敬意。Traveled every corner,

  • [名言]梭罗名言英语

    梭罗名言英语,英语名言,1、不要雇一个为钱而替你工作的人。Don't hire a man for money work for you。2、富裕是全然体验生活的能力。Rich is the ability to experience life altogether。3、多余的财富只能买来多余的东西。Superfl

  • [名言]黑格尔名言英文

    黑格尔名言英文,英语名言,1、Absolute light, as absolute darkness。绝对的光明,如同绝对的黑暗。2、A deep soul, even if the pain is beauty。一个深刻的灵魂,即使痛苦,也是美的。3、Yun great Thinking who will line gr
