勤奋座右铭英语,座右铭,1、人勤地生宝,人懒地生草。Man is diligent in making treasures, but he is lazy in making grass.2、世上无难事,只怕有心人。Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.3、梦
英文短句子励志,励志的句子,1、“标配人生”需要不断努力奋斗。"Standard life" requires constant efforts.2、是狼就要练好牙,是羊就要练好腿。A wolf must practice his teeth, a sheep must practi
英文短句子励志,励志的句子,1、“标配人生”需要不断努力奋斗。"Standard life" requires constant efforts.2、是狼就要练好牙,是羊就要练好腿。A wolf must practice his teeth, a sheep must practi
高考祝福语英文版,经典短信,1、读万卷书,行万里路。Read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles.2、非学无以广才,非志无以成学。There is no widespread talent without learning, and no ambition with
2019高考顺利英文祝福语,经典短信,1、笔记要便于看,要经常看,这是又一本教材。Notes should be easy to read and often read. This is another textbook.2、今朝我以校为荣,明日校以我为耀。Today I am proud of my school, and tomor
同学录祝福语英语,经典短信,1、对于攀登者来说,失掉往昔的足迹并不可惜,迷失了继续前时的方向却很危险。For climbers, it's not a pity to lose track of the past. It's dangerous to lose track of the past.2、没有一种不
小学毕业英语祝福语,经典短信,1、不要惧怕,中学正是你们实现自我管理,自我提升的关键阶段。Don't be afraid. Middle school is the key stage for you to achieve self-management and self-improvement.2、鸟贵有翼,人贵有志。
与成功有关的名言英文,英语名言,1、成功是陡峭的阶梯,两手插在裤袋里爬不上去。Success is a steep staircase. You can't climb it with your hands in your pockets.2、每一个成功者都有一个开始。勇于开始,才能找到成功的路。Every success
关于成功名言英文,英语名言,1、经验告诉我们:成功和能力的关系少,和热心的关系大。Experience tells us that success has little to do with ability, but much to do with enthusiasm.2、只要站起来的次数比倒下去的次数多一次,那就是成功。A
学生祝福语英语,经典短信,1、信心来自实力,实力来自于勤奋,摒弃侥幸心理,厚积分秒之功,去书写属于你自己的美好未来。Confidence comes from strength, strength comes from diligence, abandon the lucky mentality, thick points
英语宝宝祝福语,经典短信,1、品德比分数更重要,让孩子明白人品比任何都重要。Character is more important than score. Let children understand that character is more important than anything else.2、只要能收获甜蜜
拉拉队英文口号大全,口号大全,1、比出风采,超越自我。Surpass yourself and compare yourself with others.2、成就梦想,挑战自我。Achieve dreams and challenge yourself.3、与时俱进,奋力拼搏,**协力,争创一流。Keep pace with t
加油霸气英文口号,口号大全,1、把握一个今天,胜似两个明天。Grasp one today, more than two tomorrows.2、百日积淀,百日辉煌。A hundred days of accumulation, a hundred days glory.3、不努力,就别妄想成功。If you don'
简单英语口号大全,口号大全,1、要争就能赢,要拼才能赢。To win, to win, to win.2、短暂辛苦,终身幸福。Short - time hard, lifelong happiness.3、团结进取,追求卓越。Unity and progress, the pursuit of excellence.4、人人心
关于英语比赛口号大全,口号大全,1、挥动**,放飞梦想。Waving passion, flying dreams.2、奋勇拼搏,永创辉煌。Fight bravely and create brilliance forever.3、千里之行,始于足下。A journey of a thousand miles begins wit
比赛英语口号大全,口号大全,1、团结,拼搏奋斗。Unite, struggle hard.2、努力拼搏,永夺第一。Work hard and take the first place.3、劳动光荣,创造伟大。The glory of labor, the creation of greatness.4、猛虎出山,锐不可当。Th
班级口号英文霸气,口号大全,1、积极进取,努力拼搏。Make positive progress and strive hard.2、敢于进取,敢于翻新。Dare to make progress and dare to refurbish.3、用线条跟颜色,绘人生最辉煌。With lines and colors, life
班级英文口号青春霸气,口号大全,1、自重自信,自强不息。Self confidence, self-improvement.2、学海无涯勤可渡,书山万仞志能攀。There is no time to learn the sea.3、体验成长过程,享受生命快乐。Experience the process of growth and
班级英文口号青春霸气,口号大全,1、自重自信,自强不息。Self confidence, self-improvement.2、学海无涯勤可渡,书山万仞志能攀。There is no time to learn the sea.3、体验成长过程,享受生命快乐。Experience the process of growth and
班级英文口号押韵,口号大全,1、非学无以成才,非志无以成学。It is not to be learned without learning.2、勇敢挑战,世界总会妥协。Brave challenges, the world will compromise.3、人的一生是漫长的,但关键的几步。A man's life