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  • [句子]谚语名言大全英文

    谚语名言大全英文,谚语大全,1、机不可失,时不再来。Opportunity is not lost, time never comes again.2、大王好贱,小鬼难求。Kings are cheap, but little devils are hard to find.3、善恶不同途,冰炭不同炉。Good and evi

  • [短信]祝福语520英语

    祝福语520英语,情人节短信,1、亲爱的,我爱你,相信我会给你幸福的结局!Dear, I love you, I believe I will give you a happy ending!2、亲爱的我爱你,一生一世只爱你。Dear I love you, I love you all my life.3、一句我爱你,爱你到天

  • [句子]表达爱意的英文谚语

    表达爱意的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、爱情是一种永久的信仰。Love is a permanent faith.2、恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。In love folly is always sweet.3、培育爱情必须用和声细语。To cultivate love, we must use harmony and whis

  • [句子]50条英语谚语

    50条英语谚语,谚语大全,1、舍不得吃,却被狗叼。Not willing to eat, but the dog.2、别人烤火我修塘,别人车水我歇凉。I build a pond when others are burning fire, and I rest when others are driving water.3、

  • [短信]祝福语英文新婚快乐

    祝福语英文新婚快乐,结婚短信,1、愿以后的每个日子都像今日这般喜悦、幸福!May every day in the future be as happy and happy as it is today!2、珍惜这爱情,如珍惜宝藏,感受每一刻美妙时光。Cherish this love, such as treasure, fe

  • [短信]新婚祝福语英语版

    新婚祝福语英语版,结婚短信,1、祝愿新婚幸福,真心相爱到永远!Wish the newlyweds happiness, sincere love forever!2、愿以后的每个日子都像今日这般喜悦、幸福!May every day in the future be as happy and happy as it is t

  • [短信]泼水节祝福语英语

    泼水节祝福语英语,经典短信,1、泼你逍遥水,祝你生活无忧乐陶陶。Sprinkle your free water and wish you a happy life.2、汇集四海的祝福水,在泼水节这一天泼出幸福美好的明天。Bring together the blessed water from all over the wo

  • [短信]英文祝福语短语

    英文祝福语短语,经典短信,1、愿你用青春的网捕捉生命的星解,让灿烂的青春绽放出绚丽多彩的光。May you use the youth net to capture the star solution of life, and let the brilliant youth bloom bright and colorful

  • [短信]英语简单祝福语

    英语简单祝福语,经典短信,1、走在沙漠上的人,希望有甘甜的泉水;在逆境中拼搏的人,渴望有诚挚的友谊。Those who walk in the desert hope for sweet springs; those who struggle in adversity long for sincere friendship.

  • [短信]英文婚礼祝福语

    英文婚礼祝福语,结婚短信,1、祝我最亲爱的朋友,从今后,爱河永浴!To my dearest friend, from now on, love will always bathe!2、恭喜你们步入爱的殿堂,祝百年好合!Congratulations on entering the hall of love.3、祝两个幸福的

  • [短信]英文祝福语婚礼

    英文祝福语婚礼,结婚短信,1、愿你们用心捍卫爱情,月亮为你们见证。May you defend your love with your heart, and the moon will witness for you.2、祝两个幸福的人儿,来日美梦都成现实。I wish you two happy people, tomor

  • [句子]英文广告标语

    英文广告标语,广告标语,1、多一些润滑,少一些摩擦。——统一润滑油More lubrication, less friction.2、听世界,打天下。——海尔手机Listen to the world, fight the world.3、科技创造自由。—&mda

  • [语录]爱情寄语英语

    爱情寄语英语,爱情语录,1、茫茫人海中,遇见你是我的幸运,爱上你是上天的安排,如果能娶你,陪你走完一生,将是我的幸福!In the boundless huge crowd, meets you is my lucky, falls in love with you is the heaven arrangement, i

  • [句子]描写咖啡的英文句子

    描写咖啡的英文句子,经典句子,1、咖啡就是人生,苦与甜都包含其中。Coffee is life, bitter and sweet are included.2、那个午后,那杯咖啡,让我明白了:我们谁都不是谁的谁,你在等待咖啡里要加糖的人,我在期盼有谁来分享咖啡单纯的苦涩。That afternoon, the cup of c

  • [格言]英语友情格言

    英语友情格言,英语格言,1、友谊永远是一个甜柔的责任。Friendship is always a sweet responsibility.2、临时结交的人,不能算是朋友。To make people temporarily, not a friend.3、主人和奴仆之间不可能有友谊。There can be no fr

  • [诗句]描写爱情的英语诗句

    描写爱情的英语诗句,抒情诗句,1、月亮代表我的心!The moon represents my heart!2、因为你,我懂得了爱。Because of you, I know how to love.3、爱比大衣更能驱走严寒。Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak.4、距离使两颗

  • [说说]端午节英语祝福短信

    端午节英语祝福短信,端午节短信,1、端午节,赛龙舟,争先恐后,好热闹!一齐来过个开心的端午节吧!The Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat racing, scrambling, good lively! Together to have a happy Dragon Boat Festival!2

  • [短信]端午节英语祝福短信

    端午节英语祝福短信,端午节短信,1、端午节,赛龙舟,争先恐后,好热闹!一齐来过个开心的端午节吧!The Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat racing, scrambling, good lively! Together to have a happy Dragon Boat Festival!2

  • [短信]结婚祝福语英语

    结婚祝福语英语,结婚短信,1、恭喜你们步入爱的殿堂。祝百年好合!Congratulations to you into the palace of love. Wish good luck one hundred!2、好事连连,好梦圆圆合家欢乐,双燕齐飞。Good health, good dream round famil

  • [短信]生日祝福语英文

    生日祝福语英文,生日短信,1、当奉献成为一种需要爱,便是那无所谓的事情,在你的生日,接受我遥远而深深的祝福!When dedication becomes a need love, is that it doesn't matter, in your birthday, accept my distant and d
