关于价值的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、人生是否有价值,关键要看活着人还是自己。Whether life is valuable or not depends on the living person or himself.2、一分价钱一分货,十分价钱买不错。One price, one goods, a very good pric
价值的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、人生的价值是由自己决定的。The value of life is determined by oneself.2、最本质的人性价值就是人的独立性。The most essential value of human nature is human independence.3、人生只有一生一死,
英语哲理名言名句大全,英语名言,1、真正的失败不是你没有做成事,而是你甘心于失败。The real failure is not that you have not done anything, but that you have been willing to fail.2、人的天职在于勇于探索真理。A man's du
达尔文名言英文,英语名言,1、完成工作的方法,是爱惜每一分钟。The way to finish work is to cherish every minute.2、我相信我没偷过半小时的懒。I believe I didn't steal half an hour's laziness.3、我在科学方面所做
达尔文英文名言,英语名言,1、我不能忍受游手好闲,因此,我以为只要我能够做,我就会继续做下去。I can't bear to idle around, so I thought that as long as I could do it, I would continue to do it.2、发现每一个新的群体在形
爱因斯坦英语励志名言,英语名言,1、科学研究好象钻木板,有人喜欢钻薄的;而我喜欢钻厚的。Scientific research seems to drill the board, some people like to drill thin; and I like to drill thick.2、世间最美好的东西,莫过于几个有头
爱因斯坦英文名言,英语名言,1、想象力比知识更为重要。Imagination is more important than knowledge.2、一个人最完美和最强烈的情感来自面对不解之谜。One of the most perfect and most intense emotion from the face of my
励志名言英语翻译,英语名言,1、工作中,你要把每一件小事都和远大的固定的目标结合起来。In work, you take each little thing and big fixed target together.2、幸福存在于一个人真正的工作中。Happiness exists in a man the real wor
英语哲理名人名言,英语名言,1、人生如同道路。最近的捷径通常是最坏的路。——培根Life is like a road. Recent shortcut is usually the worst road.2、我们若已接受最坏的,就再没有什么损失。——卡耐基If we have
英文名人格言,英语格言,1、忍耐和时间,往往比力量和愤怒更有效。——拉封丹Patience and time, tend to be more effective than strength and anger.2、旅行对我来说,是恢复青春活力的源泉。——安徒生Travel
每天一句励志语英语,励志语录,1、成功者绝不放弃。Winners never give up.2、低头是一种能力,它不是自卑,也不是怯弱,它是清醒中的嬗变。The bow is a kind of ability, it is not inferior, not timid, it is clear in the evoluti
经典英语英文名人名言,英语名言,1、一个人的价值在于他的才华,而不在他的衣饰。——雨果A person's value lies in his talent, not in his clothing.2、只有崎岖而未经修凿的道路才是天才的道路。——布莱克Only road i
英语名言警句50句,英语名言,1、如果没有你,即使看最美丽的风景,都没有意义。Without you, even to see the most beautiful scenery, all have no meaning.2、天天晨练不仅为了健身,也为了体现生命的倔强。Morning exercise every day to
英语励志的句子,励志的句子,1、天下无难事,只怕有心人。Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.2、雄心壮志是茫茫黑夜中的北斗星。Ambition is the Big Dipper in the night.3、失败缘于忽视细处,成功始于重视小事。Failure
中考英语作文名言,英语名言,1、青年时种下什么,老年时就收获什么。Youth is a kind of what, what you gain when old.2、对人来说,不幸要比幸福多两倍。For people, unfortunately two times more than happiness.3、生命多少用时间计
英语引用名言,英语名言,1、没有大胆的猜测就作不出伟大的发现。──牛顿Without bold speculation has made a great discovery.2、一切真正的和伟大的东西,都是纯朴而谦逊的。——别林斯基All real and great things, are sim
英语名人名言名句,英语名言,1、人生最大的快乐不在于占有什么,而在于追求什么的过程中。——班庭Life's greatest happiness is not what you possess, but in the process of the pursuit of what.2、习惯不是最好
英语名人名言简短的,英语名言,1、自己脑子里只装满了自己,这种人正是那种最空虚的人。——莱惠托夫His mind full of their own, this kind of person is the most void.2、意志目标不在自然中存在,而在生命中蕴藏。——武者小路
目标的英语名言,英语名言,1、梦想是人生活的目标。Dream is the goal of life.2、信心,是命运的主宰。Confidence is the master of the fate.3、没有目标,哪来的劲头。No target, which come of.4、目标要明确,信念要坚定。Goals must
目标的英语名言,英语名言,1、梦想是人生活的目标。Dream is the goal of life.2、信心,是命运的主宰。Confidence is the master of the fate.3、没有目标,哪来的劲头。No target, which come of.4、目标要明确,信念要坚定。Goals must