关于鞋的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、鞋子在哪儿硌脚,只有自己才知道。Where are the shoes scratching? Only you know.2、同样一只鞋,并不是所有的人穿了都会合脚。The same shoe, not all people wear will fit.3、鞋匠做出好鞋子,是因为他别无所长。T
兴趣的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、成功的秘诀在于兴趣。The secret of success is interest.2、物聚于所好。Matter gathers where it pleases.3、穿衣戴帽,各有所好。Wear clothes and hats, each has its own preferences.
关于衣服的英语谚语,谚语大全,1、养蚕的裤子破,游手佬穿绫罗。Silkworm trousers are worn out. Rangers wear silks.2、削尖脑袋戴斗笠,砍掉脚趾穿绣鞋。Sharpen your head and wear a hat. Cut off your toes and wear embr
关于衣着的谚语英语,谚语大全,1、爱饭有饭,惜衣有衣。Love food and eat, but care for clothes and clothes.2、衣贵洁,不贵华。Clothes are noble and clean, but not luxurious.3、卖主怪脚,买主怪鞋。The seller has st
关于衣着的谚语英文,谚语大全,1、爱衣常暖,爱食常饱。Love clothes always warm, love food always full.2、好帮好底做好鞋,好爹好娘养好孩。Good help, good shoes, good father and good mother raise good children.3
关于猴的英文谚语,谚语大全,1、猴子手里掉不出干枣。A monkey can't get a dried date out of his hand.2、猴子吃辣椒,抓耳挠腮。Monkeys eat chili peppers and scratch their ears and cheeks.3、猴子拧麻花,蛮拧。Mo
英语谚语日常,谚语大全,1、霜打无根草,风冻无衣人。Frost beats rootless grass and wind freezes clothesless people.2、吃面带鼓皮,老少有福气。It's lucky to eat noodles with drum skin.3、暴食暴饮容易病,定时定量